View Full Version : HA over ALS

01-05-18, 06:15
My fear of ALS started around last week, when I searched up what it was (after the death of Stephen Hawkings). I saw that one of the symptoms was slurred speech, and that scared me because I mispronounced a word or two in the same day. That fear immediately went away in the few days after because I realized I could pronounce everything normally and easily. I didn't have a single symptom but that slurred speech one, and yet I feared I either had it and it still didn't get its affect, or I would get it in the future. I realized that dreading over something I don't have a symptom over is stupid, and so I tried to relax. I just have one problem. About 3 months ago, I wore these really uncomfortable shoes and walked out for around 7 hours in that day. I could feel intense pain on of my toes, but I had to resist it. Once I got home, I took my shoes off and immediately saw that the color of the skin under the toenail was very purple/blue. Now that it's been 3 months, the color is returning to normal, but it still is a tiny bit darker in terms of color than the rest of my toenails. I can move my toes around, but I'm scared they're weakening. I can walk on tippy toes very easily, but when I try balancing myself with my tippie toes on one foot, I can do it for about 3-5 seconds, but no longer. I start to lose my balance and have difficulty making it last for a bit. When I balance myself on my normal foot though, I have no difficulty whatsoever. Btw, my feet and toes don't have atrophy on them, and they are perfectly symmetrical. I'm a teenager who attends high school, and so I don't think this is something I should worry about, but I feel like I need a bit more reassurance before I can move on with my life. Thank you!

01-05-18, 07:44
You would have slurred before and never thought about it.
You know why your toe is a funny colour.
You don't have ALS, you're super sensitive to your body and that's all.

02-05-18, 18:10
Teenagers don't get ALS, let alone Bulbar ALS.