View Full Version : Help Please!!!!!!

18-07-07, 13:29
Hi,can someone please tell me if Im agoraphobic.
I always thought agoraphobics had a fear of the outside,but reading up on it here this is not the case.
I am able to walk to the local village which is 10 minutes away.Couldnt do this last summer on my own.But apart from that I cant go anywhere on my own.I have to be with my partner or parents.
I can go to the super market and walk around on my own,but my partner is always near by.
I cannot use any sort of public transport at all.I rely on my family to take me everywhere.Is this agoraphobia??????
Is it part of anxiety and panic help please!!!!!:shrug:

18-07-07, 14:13
Hi Ellen

Most of the symptoms you mention i have suffered with also, although only a proffesional can diagnose Agorophobia as alot of people who suffer with anxiety/panic can also have such problems. Many people who suffer with Agorophobia are able to go outdoors although some can be housebound (i was housebound for 2 years).
Most Agorophobics have problems venturing far from there safe place( there home)and in many cases will only do so with a family member or trusted person.

I am curious though Ellen what your GP as said about all this?????As he/ she said what your problem is and have you been offered any kind of therapy to help?

Im pleased to hear you do get out and about and reading from your previous posts you have been making some great progress.:yesyes:

I would go back and discuss this with your GP, after all i think once we have a diagnosis for a illness we can work on recovering from it.

I have to say also Ellen been Agorphobic isnt all doom and gloom alot of people do make a 100% recovery and i myself am just about there!

Hugs :hugs: :hugs:


18-07-07, 16:48
Thanks Andrea,I have had counselling for my anxiety.My gp diagnosed anxiety and depression.I had counselling last year and about 10 years ago.I was helped alot the first time with my social phobia,but over the years with the anxiety things have gone back instead of forward.I never actually explained this time to the counsellor about not going out on my own,I had other issues with family problems ect.I have just realised how much I put on people and that I go no where alone.About 5 years ago I used to work in care home,and do an evening job.I still have my evening job.I couldnt face going out there now and getting another job in the day time it scares me to death.
I have got better since last summer,and since finding this site.
Im so pleased for you, you have done really well.:hugs:

18-07-07, 16:56
Hi Ellen

Thanks for your kind words :)

I would have a word with the gp about your sittuation, CBT and Occupational therapy as helped me overcome my fears, im sure that kind of therapy can help you too hun.:)


18-07-07, 19:18

Why not try the No Panic telephone recovery course for starters. You don't even have to go anywhere to do it so that is even better?

Just a thought.

26-07-07, 16:15
Hi Ellen.
I relate to your post so much. I struggled badly last year in going out. I used to make myself walk to the local shop every day ( 5 min walk and it felt like a huge hike) cos' I scared if I stopped going out I'd never start again.

I couldn't go in a car without major trauma before the journey. My therapist did say that I could develop agrophobia because I was scared to go out in case I had an attack, needed the loo urgently, got depersonalisation etc... So we formatted a plan of little and gradually building up.

It was really hard. I used to sit crying and shaking in the car but had to keep myself trying. It took blinkin' ages for it to get slightly better. And still pretty rubbish but I can get to work and some other journeys to take my little boy out.

Will let you know if it has been a success if I manage a 3 hour journey in the care for our Summer hols.