View Full Version : coworker has a staph infection on finger, touched my phone/hand

01-05-18, 18:17
my coworker said she got a finger infection in the nail salon, its minor staph and she took medicine for it. before she told me that, she touched my phone and we were working on documents together. how worried should I be? im freaking out that i'll die of some staph infection

01-05-18, 18:51
Should you ever really be worried about anything? I mean, does worry ever actually help a situation?

You're overreacting massively. You might get a minor infection, but you almost certainly won't. I hate to break it to you, but you're surrounded by potential sources of infection all the time, day to day. You just happen to know about this specific one. If you have a healthy immune system, nothing bad is going to happen to you over this incident.