View Full Version : Worried About Blood Clot in my Leg?

19-04-18, 16:52
I don't know how to describe these symptoms but I'll try my best. Okay, for the last week I've had a weird back sensation, upper between my shoulder blades, and radiating from my left back ribs. Sometimes I get little sharp pains in one particular post just under the shoulder blade part that sticks out, and sometimes I get other little pinches under my left arms and in my left elbow. It's not as bad when sitting down, though I can feel like it s going to 'pop', its a feeling like something is going to 'pop' out of place or something. When I stand, or go for a walk, I start getting a little nervous because it feels like the left back ribs are popping in and out of place, and my spine does feel funny, which is probably why my tummy get tight and tight.

I went to my doctor yesterday, she did a couple of arm exercises for me to move around, took my blood pressure, and listened to my heart and back with the stethoscopes, and she said my chest was perfectly clear, blood pressure a little high but I get that a lot when going to doctors as I suffer with health anxiety anyway.

I've also been getting an off-balance feeling, like I'm on a boat. That is the only way I can describe it, the only thing that is helping ease it is holding my nose and popping my ears.

She said I was ridiculously healthy, and wasn't going to reassure me anymore, and told my mum to do the same, that this is all anxiety and I should start taking the beta-blockers to help me (non addictive ones).

I don't know whether it is my poster from bad sitting and hunching over looking at a computer all the time, or not sitting properly, sometimes when I press a little into my back shoulder and ribs on the left, it feels sore, or tender, or like your running your finger over something rubbery and gives you that funny sensation.

Anyway, I'm getting really upset about this and its distressing me. I'm 30 year old female, Hypothyroid, and have suffered with a bit of acid reflux these past few month, as I've been severely stressed and tense, overwhelmed with a lot of things. I know my chest is clear and everything but it doesn't stop me worrying what this could be. I was started to think about MS, or an Enlarged spleen, ulcer, something loose or dislodged, other things I don't know. My doctor did mention something about Fibromyalgia, not sure if she meant the stress can bring it on or could develop it, I don't remember.

It also feels like my back is crunching sometimes when I walk. So now I'm feeling scared to walk too much because of these symptoms and sensations, as it makes me feel funny, and off balance, and then I get scared, so everything gets tighter and harder.

What is it? I am so confused and distraught by this?

19-04-18, 17:04
Did you mention to the doctor that you’re frequently seeking reassurance on a health anxiety website as well? To me that would fall into a similar category as medical reassurance or reassurance from your mom. What will it take to accept the fact that you’re “ridiculously healthy” (quoted by a trained medical professional) and tackle your anxiety?

20-04-18, 18:26
Did you mention to the doctor that you’re frequently seeking reassurance on a health anxiety website as well? To me that would fall into a similar category as medical reassurance or reassurance from your mom. What will it take to accept the fact that you’re “ridiculously healthy” (quoted by a trained medical professional) and tackle your anxiety?

Hi, sorry for late reply, yeah I told my doctor, she already had an idea anyway. I'm not saying it is a life and death thing I'm experiencing, but I am still having these symptoms. Whether its an inner ear infection, or fluid, or an inflammed spleen to do with my left ribs and shoulder blade, and my dizzy spells. This has only flared up in the last 6 days, but I had the back discomfort for a while longer, the dizziness has started the last few days though. She mentioned something about Fibromyalgia but I can't remember what she said. Thanks for replying though.

---------- Post added at 18:26 ---------- Previous post was at 18:25 ----------

I'm curious as to why you deleted your previous multi page thread? It really showed your pattern of thinking and anxiety :shrug:

Positive thoughts

Hi, sorry for late reply, I got rid of them in haste, I was feeling a lot of things and was going to get rid of my account but had already deleted my threads by then. Thanks for replying.

20-04-18, 18:30
Sounds like bad posture. That can cause dizziness especially if you're sitting down a lot

20-04-18, 18:35
Update: I'm still getting that discomfort in my back, can feel it in my spine too. It's not pain, more like a pressure or knotting, but it feels funny when I move around, walk etc. It travels from my left back shoulder blade to my left ribs under my chest in the front, where it feels like its pressing. I try to sit straight, sometimes I get little sharp pains with some movement, and I can feel it n my back when I take a deep inhale. I'm not saying it's life threatening, but I am worried about things like an enlarged spleen, inflammed spleen, something dislodged. I'm not running around panicking, but I feel it and its there, and it unsettles me. The dizziness has only happened the last 4 days, which has me very distressed the most, because it literally feels like I'm swaying on a boat or something, that I have to sit or lay down for it to stop for a while. I thought it may be inner ear infection, fluid, vertigo but I also worry about more serious stuff.

I get scared, I feel isolated, these symptoms are occurring but I'm not saying its life serious, but I worry that it might be, because of how it makes me feel and just need advice.

---------- Post added at 18:35 ---------- Previous post was at 18:33 ----------

Sounds like bad posture. That can cause dizziness especially if you're sitting down a lot

Hi, can dizziness be caused by bad pasture? I do hunch a lot, as I'm looking down at a computer screen all day, or laying down in the evening, so I'm not sure if that may cause it? The dizziness only started like 4 days or so ago, so that caused me to get unsettled by it, as it feels like I'm swaying when I am standing or walking. Thanks for your reply.

20-04-18, 18:55
Yes it does for me. I find if I sit too long my neck muscles get achy and this can make me feel unsteady when I get up and walk around.

20-04-18, 19:02
Yes it does for me. I find if I sit too long my neck muscles get achy and this can make me feel unsteady when I get up and walk around.

Yeah, I guess I'm worried because it's last for a few days now, which can be unsettling and stops me from doing my normal things like walk the dogs, especially the back, makes me feel wobbly back and dizzy.

20-04-18, 19:08
Try to keep it up though. The more you do your normal things, the better you'll feel.

20-04-18, 21:51
Try to keep it up though. The more you do your normal things, the better you'll feel.

Yeah, I'm going to try use a hot water bottle, its not a pain, its more of an ache and weird funny sensation is how I can best describe it. Thank you.

---------- Post added at 21:51 ---------- Previous post was at 19:57 ----------

Update: The heat is helping, but my mind is still on what it is. I'm doing the best I can to relax, to take it easy, and not over think, as I sometimes think if it might be my spleen because its on the left? Then I scared myself when I read about ruptured or burst spleens being, that scared me. Sometimes, I get little pinching pains across my upper chest, like its pulling, the bone between the breasts, and just below my collar bones. It is just makin me feel wobbly, and off. That is the best way I can describe it, like something is going to pop, or I have to crack or 'pop' my shoulder to get a second of relief, well, feels like that.

21-04-18, 18:31
I'm having that funny feeling, but its more so in my side left ribs now than my shoulder blade. Don't know how to describe it, like funny pressure, like that sensation you get in your side from leaning over too much on that side. That is the best explanation. I also seen the news about Avicii, that young man who died at 28, he had acute pancreatitis, gallbladder stone and appendix. I kept worrying this might be my spleen or appendix or something burst, I don't know. I just worry terribly about it. It's not like a pain, more of a discomfort, I don't know.

Only one dizzy spell today, but the left front ribs and left back shoulder blade are what is the big worry for me right now.

21-04-18, 20:25

Carrying on this thread documenting every niggle and worry isn't healthy for you. As I saw on the multi page thread you deleted, it's just keeping you in a cycle of anxiety and distress. Perhaps taking a break from the forum and finding some things to distract you would be in order. Spring is here and getting outside, taking a walk or doing some other things may help your state of mind. It's just sad to see you in this constant state of worry :weep:

Is there anyplace you can contact in your area for help with your anxiety?

Positive thoughts

Hi, I know, sometimes it does help to talk about it though. I started my CBT Therapy this week, so I have regular weekly appointments now, so see how that goes. Thanks, I know you mean well, I'm just struggling at the moment, but doing my best.

22-04-18, 19:47
I'm having a bad time right at this moment, my left ribs under my chest are feeling tight and tender, like a pressure, and I'm having this pulling sensation in the bottom of my stomach, I don't know of its connected. This is so distressing, what is it? I feel the aching discomfort in my back left should as well.

23-04-18, 21:35
Stress, anxiety and hyper-focusing on every niggle. Simple as that.

Positive thoughts

Sorry for late reply, I'm doing my best to manage at the moment. I've been taking it slower, and not allowing outside things to stress me, it's not easy, and it still creeps in sometimes during the day, if I get a niggle or a funny feeling, but I'm doing my best to slow down and rationalize. This is very hard for me, but I'm trying. Thank you.

01-05-18, 15:10
I'm freaking out, this has only happened today, I've noticed a sloshing sound in my stomach, when I move, it is like the sloshing of water in a bath tub? This is really upsetting me? I read people online saying that theirs sounded like gastroparesis?

I've also been getting a tight pulling pain in my left leg, just near the underneath of my knee, so I have been panicking about blood clots as well.

02-05-18, 00:16
I'm freaking out a bit today, I've had this little pinching pain in my left calf, just below the underneath of the knee. It's happening more when I walk around, sometimes it feels like a pulling pain. It's not happening when I'm laying down or sitting, only when I get up to move about on it, like in the fatty part of your calf? It's making me very panicky and scared. That is the leg, just behind that knee where I have some small little varcose veins, like only two small ones had for years. I'm panicking this is a blood clot?

I've had a horrible fear of blood clots for years and pulmonary embolisms. I'm 30, so this has been years, I also suffer terribly with health anxiety. I'm not an active person, and most of my day is spent sitting, beside walking my dogs or doing a couple little things around my house because I work at my computer.

It's starting to scare me now. I can't see any swelling, my calves look the same size, but both my feet are cold, but I do have Hypothyroidism (medicated).

I have an oximeter, and it read 97-98% SPo2, and my heart rate is between the 80-90's, 90's if I'm moving around a bit, but usually it is between 70'-80's.

I've had a lot of chocolate today, so feeling very jittery and anxious from the sugar.

---------- Post added 02-05-18 at 00:16 ---------- Previous post was 01-05-18 at 20:44 ----------

My heart rate jumped a bit earlier, about an hour ago, it jumped to 122, then came rapidly back down to low 100's, and back down in the 90's. I'm starting to get scared about the blood clot thing, I still have a pinching cramp in the left calf, just below the knee. Sometimes, when I touch it, it does feel a little sore. I'm worrying the raised heart rate could be related to it? I'm feeling terrified that it is a blood clot.

02-05-18, 02:45
Same boat. Let’s run and get through this together. My left foot is swollen. I think it’s going up my calf. I’m afraid too. It’s a strong fear of mine along with PEs. I had a positive D diner in 2010 on BC I’m no on it anymore but since then I fear it. I have varicose veins since pregnancy so I worry about blood clots more now. Same age too.

My aunt is an RN and suggested doin the food flex test. Point out, point toes to your head, then point to right and left. Feel for heat and watch for redness. That’s what is getting me through right now.

02-05-18, 13:42
I'm getting slight cramping/pinching today, not as bad as yesterday, I can walk around all right, just every so often I get the pinching/cramp/ like a pulling pain.

Today, I've been feeling a little tight chested, especially in my back, on my left side where I was getting the aching before. Not sure if that is related to the leg? I am feeling scared about a blood clot becoming lose, and travelling up to my chest or brain and it becoming a Pulmonary Embolism?

Is the tight chest and back aching related to it? I'm very distraught at the moment, and the cramp/pinching in my leg set it all of. I dd the oximeter again today, sometimes the readings seem to go all over the place. Earlier SPo2 went down to 94 and then jumped up again, then down again, now it seems stable again between 96-99. My heart rate jumps a little as well, was in the low 100's, but I was moving around, and now I'm sat back down, it is back in the 80-90's, mainly 80's.

Blood clots and PE petrify me, this is why.

02-05-18, 16:52
To both of the other posters here.....

Running medical tests on yourself at home is a horrendous idea. Without medical training, you A) Don't know how to perform the tests properly and B) Have absolutely no clue how to interpret the results/what can drive the results you're getting.

Most likely you will "interpret" the results as proof that you have the conditions you fear via confirmation bias and continue the cycle of debilitating health anxiety.

02-05-18, 20:48
To both of the other posters here.....

Running medical tests on yourself at home is a horrendous idea. Without medical training, you A) Don't know how to perform the tests properly and B) Have absolutely no clue how to interpret the results/what can drive the results you're getting.

Most likely you will "interpret" the results as proof that you have the conditions you fear via confirmation bias and continue the cycle of debilitating health anxiety.

I'm stopping now, because it is actually making me more anxious about everything. Thank you for reply.

---------- Post added at 20:48 ---------- Previous post was at 20:44 ----------

Update: My heart rate is a little up tonight, I don't know if it is from my food today (nothing spicy, just a vegetable pizza and chocolate for afters), but yeah, it's in the 90's up to 110, between that. It's causing me to feel anxious and worried.

I'm not having the leg cramping or pinching anymore but still a small spot on my calf that feel tender when I touch t, so now I'm freaking out more that maybe their was a blood clot that has traveled up to my chest or something?

Obviously, after reading about Pulmonary Embolisms, and fast heart rate, rapid heart beat, I'm not stuck on that thinking. My left back ribs are all sore and achy too. What is wrong with me?

02-05-18, 23:04
Let's think about the likeliest explanation for your symptoms. You've got pain in your left leg in a specific area. First thing that comes to mind is muscular pain. You've probably been fiddling with it, which will only serve to make the pain stick around longer. It feels like a pulling pain when you move around, which also sounds muscular. And it doesn't hurt when you aren't exerting it, which also points to simple muscle pain.

As to why you might have muscle pain: muscle pain happens all the time. Sometimes you made a bad movement and didn't even notice it, but it hurt one of your muscles.

My money's on you being totally okay!

03-05-18, 15:11
Let's think about the likeliest explanation for your symptoms. You've got pain in your left leg in a specific area. First thing that comes to mind is muscular pain. You've probably been fiddling with it, which will only serve to make the pain stick around longer. It feels like a pulling pain when you move around, which also sounds muscular. And it doesn't hurt when you aren't exerting it, which also points to simple muscle pain.

As to why you might have muscle pain: muscle pain happens all the time. Sometimes you made a bad movement and didn't even notice it, but it hurt one of your muscles.

My money's on you being totally okay!

Hi, thanks for reply, yeah I just have a terrible fear of blood clots and then when I get chest pains or pinching pains, then I think it's turned into a Pulmonary Embolism, another big fear I have.

---------- Post added at 15:11 ---------- Previous post was at 15:06 ----------

Update: I've been very whoozy headed today, off-balance, which has set my entire day off. It happened when I was getting dressed and heading out to do the grocery shopping. It was like that until I got home now, and has eased off since being able to sit down and rest. Very frightening feeling. My back is also playing at me again, my upper back feels super tight and tender, especially the left shoulder blade, cracking and popping. Of course, I also feel a little breathless, which because I've been worried about my leg pain, which isn't as bad today, made me think it could be a Pulmonary Embolism or something? Such distressing symptoms and sensations. This is why I do feel like their is something serious going on? Scares me.

03-05-18, 15:20
If you had a Pulmonary Embolism you would know it. It sounds muscular to me.

A little story for you. I've just finished a 2 week course of a very strong antibiotic for an infection in my finger. The whole time i was taking them i had pains in my calfs. I looked at the possible side effects and it was listed. I finished them Tuesday and it's gone.

Take Care:)

03-05-18, 21:50
If you had a Pulmonary Embolism you would know it. It sounds muscular to me.

A little story for you. I've just finished a 2 week course of a very strong antibiotic for an infection in my finger. The whole time i was taking them i had pains in my calfs. I looked at the possible side effects and it was listed. I finished them Tuesday and it's gone.

Take Care:)

Hi, oh wow, an infection in your finger? It must have been a bad infection for a 2 week course of antibiotics. Glad your on the mend though! Thanks for your reply, sorry, it is just something that always scares me a lot.

03-05-18, 22:18
Hi, oh wow, an infection in your finger? It must have been a bad infection for a 2 week course of antibiotics. Glad your on the mend though! Thanks for your reply, sorry, it is just something that always scares me a lot.

Thats ok. I hope your feeling a little bit better.

Honestly if you had a Pulmonary Embolism you'd be in the back of an ambulance.

04-05-18, 01:19
Thats ok. I hope your feeling a little bit better.

Honestly if you had a Pulmonary Embolism you'd be in the back of an ambulance.

I know and thank you. I think because sometimes I read this stuff and it says things like "silent killer", " I had no symptoms", or "my symptoms were nothing alarming so blah blah", and that then freaks me out because I see some symptoms that sound like mine, and it triggers the anxiety and sensations and then I get worse.

I appreciate you replying though, I know I sound like a mad woman, but it's how my mind work with the health anxiety and depression.:)

---------- Post added at 01:19 ---------- Previous post was at 01:17 ----------

Update: Still feeling a little tight chested tonight, and it is making me feel a little breathless. My back has been at me too, mainly the left shoulder blade part, which a hot water bottle helped ease. The back of my nose/throat always feels stuffy or something, it doesn't help with the breathlessness, makes me very panicky, which is why I've been panicking about Pulmonary Embolisms, as of course I looked up symptoms and that is one thing that came up and set me off and has me distressed and anxious.

04-05-18, 19:28
It may be reflux/indigestion because of all your panic attacks and constant anxiety. Believe me, this is the symptom I get the most. I don’t get heartburn, but I can get achy/dull aches and sometimes sharp pains in both my back and under ribs. Also, anxiety induced IBS can cause these things as well. It’s the hardest thing to try and tell yourself that’s all it is, but if a doctor says you’re ok, you have to try and believe them!

Try drinking herbal teas like peppermint and ginger that help with digestion and eat easy digestible foods like chicken and rice. Or ask your doctor about it and they may prescribe antacids.

And the leg may be all from the stress. You’re tensing up and you don’t realize. Again, I’ve been there. I’m going through a new set of symptoms myself but I just try and stay as positive and focused as I can. Find the holes in your anxiety induced logic. And then laugh at yourself! It’ll be ok.

04-05-18, 19:36
Had a bad episode today while walking the dogs. I don't know what it is with my back, but it feels like it seizes up at the top, and my spine at the bottom, feels like I get this wobbly jerk. It doesn't happen often, and it only happened today while I was walking the dog, and my dog pulls on the lead so it makes it worse. This scares me because I think theirs something serious? I don't know, I'm in a terrible mental state at the moment. My breathing was a bit off today, it feels congested at the back of my nose, though my nose isn't stuffed or anything, and down the back of my throat? Sitting all day probably isn't helping, but I am at home all day so I can't change that, and I get extremely agitated when I go out because I'm scared something terrible is going to happen.

I don't know, I worry about cancers and stuff like that, and when my breathing feels breathless, I get worse. And I feel so jaded and tired lately as well?

05-05-18, 18:42
When I was first diagnosed with anxiety and panic attacks my whole body hurt, my chest felt tight, I had stabbing pain under my left breast and down my left side, my back was tight and tender, I felt like I was having a heart attack and scared to death, as soon as I was diagnosed and started going to therapy all of that stopped, when I get really anxious my body tightens up and then I feel the pain days later, exactly what you are describing.

05-05-18, 22:42
When I was first diagnosed with anxiety and panic attacks my whole body hurt, my chest felt tight, I had stabbing pain under my left breast and down my left side, my back was tight and tender, I felt like I was having a heart attack and scared to death, as soon as I was diagnosed and started going to therapy all of that stopped, when I get really anxious my body tightens up and then I feel the pain days later, exactly what you are describing.

Hi, sorry you were going through that but glad therapy is helping. Thanks for your reply, I've still a long way to go before my thinking and behaviour gets better but I'm trying every day.

06-05-18, 03:18
I'm having that weird feeling in my left rib side again. I was just laying in bed, getting ready to go asleep, and it started to niggle, and I got up in a panic. It's niggling in my back left ribs as well, I can only describe it as a tender pressure, not painful, just a weird sensation. I'm shaking now, I've gotten such a fright, really has me panicking now.

What is this???

06-05-18, 16:10
It may be reflux/indigestion because of all your panic attacks and constant anxiety. Believe me, this is the symptom I get the most. I don’t get heartburn, but I can get achy/dull aches and sometimes sharp pains in both my back and under ribs. Also, anxiety induced IBS can cause these things as well. It’s the hardest thing to try and tell yourself that’s all it is, but if a doctor says you’re ok, you have to try and believe them!

Try drinking herbal teas like peppermint and ginger that help with digestion and eat easy digestible foods like chicken and rice. Or ask your doctor about it and they may prescribe antacids.

And the leg may be all from the stress. You’re tensing up and you don’t realize. Again, I’ve been there. I’m going through a new set of symptoms myself but I just try and stay as positive and focused as I can. Find the holes in your anxiety induced logic. And then laugh at yourself! It’ll be ok.

Sorry for not seeing your reply! Yeah? Very similar to what I'm getting, my left side ribs on the back, just coming round the side, feels tender to the touch and can feel the achy-ness of it, lots of clicking when I run a little pressure on it with my fingers. I find it hard to explain. I've also gotten little sharp pains or pinches in the top of my chest just below the collarbones, right in the middle. Sometimes when I'm laying back, I can feel a little pressure on the left side of my ribs in the back, I was starting to think it was my spleen, appendicitis, ruptures or something?

Thank you for replying though.

06-05-18, 23:58
I'm only getting mild relief when I belch, as it feels the air is stuck and belching releases it? Is it anyway that the left rib pressure and tenderness also in the back is related to yhis? I'm freaking out now about going to bed and having that same thing I had last night, really distressing. I posted about it last night.

07-05-18, 16:42
I don't know why, but I watched a video of a girl explaining what it felt like when she died and then came back. Probably the worst thing I've done in a long time, especially with how I've been feeling. Warning to anyone, not to do this, I shouldn't with how I am. I know, I was stupid.

08-05-18, 00:23
Feeling a little breathless tonight, and having little pains just between my breast, comes and goes. Also my left back ribs feel right and tender, especially when I run my fingers over them, andbit's my shoulder blade that is still aching and paining too . I've also got little bumpy rash on back of my neck? It's itchy too. I don't know, I'm just feeling very scared at the moment, just scared there's something serious going on with all these sensations.

What is wrong with all these sensations?

08-05-18, 21:21
Sometimes, I get this little flutter in my chest, or heart, it catches me off guard and makes me catch my breath. I've had this in the past as well, it happens every now and then, but does anyone know what it is? It just feels like a little shock/fluttery sensation is best I can describe it. Obviously when I look online, it just says atrial fibrilation or something. This is not a new thing, it's happened before in the past, and since then, I've had 2 ECG's, both came back normal as far as I can tell.

Today, my side hasn't been as bad, my shoulder blade still feels tender and aching, but I get this chest fullness a short while after I eat, sometimes it helps when I belch it feels like a big ball of air stuck in my upper chest when I'm sat in a certain way or my back is leaning back. I think I've spoke of this before, I just don't know what it is?

I always think the worst, and don't help by reading or watching things that make me think worse than before.

anx mum
08-05-18, 21:47
I'm exactly the same hun been like this for now six weeks. Been in hospital ten days no one has given me a diagnoise? My anxiety is back too which isn't helping.

08-05-18, 22:26
I'm exactly the same hun been like this for now six weeks. Been in hospital ten days no one has given me a diagnoise? My anxiety is back too which isn't helping.

Sorry to hear that, I hope you get answers. I've had that flutter for a really long time, longer than a couple of years, but it only happens every so often, so not sure. The hospital will pick up something if it's there.

anx mum
09-05-18, 09:38
Thanks for replying this is hell back to Drs today they don't even know what it is. Cant physically take no more its been 6 weeks and before that two years of constant headaches. My anxiety is through the roof I'm tired of this now:weep:. Hope your feeling abit better today?

09-05-18, 14:39
Thanks for replying this is hell back to Drs today they don't even know what it is. Cant physically take no more its been 6 weeks and before that two years of constant headaches. My anxiety is through the roof I'm tired of this now:weep:. Hope your feeling abit better today?

I know, I'm not too bad, my left side ribs on the back are a little bothersome today, like a pressure/tenderness? Sometimes I get a little pinching sharpness in my chest, just above my breasts, not often, but sometimes. All I think about is some type of cancer, or something deadly serious.

The headaches you get might be a form of migraine, possibly because of the stress and anxiety you are going through.

---------- Post added at 14:39 ---------- Previous post was at 13:25 ----------

Why am I getting this feeling in the back of my ribs on the left side?

When I press into my skin around that area, it's tender, aches, and is only on that side. The same side as my cracking/popping shoulder blade, and mostly the same side I get a little sharp pinching in my chest, between my breasts. So, I just don't know what to think, what is causing it? Sometimes when I'm walking, my back starts to feel funny, like my back feels like it's stiffened up and wobbly. That is the best description I can gve of how it feels when I'm walking. When I'm sitting, it just feels like a tight/tender pressure in my back left ribs. So I'm very distressed by this.

These are the things I worry about:
Infection/Ulcers/Burst Ulcers

09-05-18, 14:40
Why am I getting this feeling in the back of my ribs on the left side?

When I press into my skin around that area, it's tender, aches, and is only on that side. The same side as my cracking/popping shoulder blade, and mostly the same side I get a little sharp pinching in my chest, between my breasts. So, I just don't know what to think, what is causing it? Sometimes when I'm walking, my back starts to feel funny, like my back feels like it's stiffened up and wobbly. That is the best description I can gve of how it feels when I'm walking. When I'm sitting, it just feels like a tight/tender pressure in my back left ribs. I also, when I take a deep breath in, feel a 'catch' in that area too, what is that? So I'm very distressed by this.

These are the things I worry about:
Infection/Ulcers/Burst Ulcers

09-05-18, 20:53
Why have I had this for so long? This is going on now for a couple of months? The acid reflux/indigestion since December? I'm so drained, it' exhausting being worried 24/7. Especially because it's going on for so long. I know I had the bacterial/flu infection back at the end of February/March, but this whole back thing started a while after that, now it's on and off throughout my day. I know I sit almost all the day, and then reclining in the evening, with my only exercise going for a stroll with my dogs.

I just am so distressed, and last time I was at my doctor's was about 2 weeks ago, and she turned around and said she wasn't going to reassure me anymore, and was just cold with me. I'm upset and alone, and feel frightened. I worry that these symptoms I'm having are something serious and I don't know what to do, I'm just scared.

---------- Post added at 20:53 ---------- Previous post was at 20:23 ----------

This is a 3d rendering to give an idea whereabouts on my back I'm talking about and my symptoms.

http://i36.photobucket.com/albums/e50/mischamoonlight87/back%202_zpshg5up1ja.jpg (http://s36.photobucket.com/user/mischamoonlight87/media/back%202_zpshg5up1ja.jpg.html)

09-05-18, 20:54
This is a 3d rendering to give an idea on my back whereabouts my symptoms are.

http://i36.photobucket.com/albums/e50/mischamoonlight87/back%202_zpshg5up1ja.jpg (http://s36.photobucket.com/user/mischamoonlight87/media/back%202_zpshg5up1ja.jpg.html)

10-05-18, 03:12
[QUOTE=Fishmanpa;1791449]If there was something wrong, your doctor would have addressed it. She sees what I see and we all see.... Someone that has severe anxiety. What are you doing to treat that Mischa?

It's just my back bothering me though, more so that it has gone on for so long, and the weird sensations it's presenting. Other than that, I can usually manage all right, and not feel so panicky and scared.

10-05-18, 18:15
Respectfully Mischa, your threads are a daily chronicle of every ache, pain, niggle and fear. Your post history affirms it. Doctors, as far as what you post aren't concerned it's a physical issue. That leaves one thing.

I ask again... reading back, you said you started CBT. Does your therapist know of your participation here?

Positive thoughts

It's only because this back feeling has been going on for a good few weeks now, that it has started to really frighten me. That's why I keep worrying what t is, whether it's to do with the infection I had, or if it's muscular, and my thoughts always go to worse things like Cancer and tumors etc. It is a very real thing, and along with the anxiety I already have, makes it worse to not think of those things. Like today, I drove to the bank, then walked my dogs, got some groceries and came home, I had little niggles pulling in my back left ribs, and when I got home it got a little worse, it comes and goes through the day. I wouldn't call it a pain, more of a twisting, ache or weird funny bone sensation, but in your back ribs. I definitely have a sore shoulder blade, and that pops and cracks anyway, and burns a little on the inside.

I am seeing a therapist but I have to wait for them to arrange an appointment, my first one was an assessment session, then I have to wait to hear when they will have an available weekly schedule for me.

10-05-18, 18:36
It's only because this back feeling has been going on for a good few weeks now, that it has started to really frighten me. That's why I keep worrying what t is, whether it's to do with the infection I had, or if it's muscular, and my thoughts always go to worse things like Cancer and tumors etc. It is a very real thing, and along with the anxiety I already have, makes it worse to not think of those things. Like today, I drove to the bank, then walked my dogs, got some groceries and came home, I had little niggles pulling in my back left ribs, and when I got home it got a little worse, it comes and goes through the day. I wouldn't call it a pain, more of a twisting, ache or weird funny bone sensation, but in your back ribs. I definitely have a sore shoulder blade, and that pops and cracks anyway, and burns a little on the inside.

I am seeing a therapist but I have to wait for them to arrange an appointment, my first one was an assessment session, then I have to wait to hear when they will have an available weekly schedule for me.

My non-professional medical opinion....this sounds exactly like classic anxiety muscle tension. The more you dwell on it, the more you notice it. The more you notice it, the more you worry. Rinse and repeat. It's a vicious cycle.

I bet that if you spent a day doing something fun, not sitting at home Googling, you would hardly notice it.

10-05-18, 21:38
Can I ask if anyone else gets this? I was laying in bed just there, watching tv, feeling completely relaxed, then all of a sudden, I felt like a contraction or a flutter, like a jumping in my heart, made me lose my breath for a second, or try to breath properly? I'm not good at explaining things. After, my heart was racing, it only lasted a few seconds, but it was really scary, what is it?

I've had that feeling a couple times this week when I was completely relaxed, and catches me off guard, and I panic, because my heart starts racing afterwards. What is it?

I looked it up and Atrial Flutter came up, which was a little worrying.

10-05-18, 22:28
Anxiety pure and simple. The same diagnosis your doctor made. At some point you have to accept that a) things happen....aches, pains, sensations, whatever without a serious cause. And b) anxiety causes all sorts of the above on its own.

Googling symptoms and spewing them here, day after day, week after week is doing nothing to treat what ails you. It merely keeps the thoughts, fears, and sensations in the front of your mind, keeping you engaged in an endless cycle of anxiety.
I know from experience.

The best thing for you would be to put the computer away, get off Google, stay away from here, and find something to occupy your time.
I don’t mean to be harsh, but it’s reality.

10-05-18, 22:56
Anxiety pure and simple. The same diagnosis your doctor made. At some point you have to accept that a) things happen....aches, pains, sensations, whatever without a serious cause. And b) anxiety causes all sorts of the above on its own.

Googling symptoms and spewing them here, day after day, week after week is doing nothing to treat what ails you. It merely keeps the thoughts, fears, and sensations in the front of your mind, keeping you engaged in an endless cycle of anxiety.
I know from experience.

The best thing for you would be to put the computer away, get off Google, stay away from here, and find something to occupy your time.
I don’t mean to be harsh, but it’s reality.

I know you're not being harsh, I really do appreciate when someone just messages back, regardless if their being blunt or not. I'm going to turn the computer off for the night at least, let my brain rest for the evening. It's going to take a lot of time to work right again, especially because it's a daily thing I'm struggling with. Thank you, you weren't harsh, only honest.

11-05-18, 01:49
My non-professional medical opinion....this sounds exactly like classic anxiety muscle tension. The more you dwell on it, the more you notice it. The more you notice it, the more you worry. Rinse and repeat. It's a vicious cycle.

I bet that if you spent a day doing something fun, not sitting at home Googling, you would hardly notice it.

I was doing fine for a few hours there and then I started getting little sharp pains in my chest, which has left me once again scared but crying now as well. I only seen this reply after checking my phone. Thank you, I'm just feeling a little uneasy tonight now with this sharp pains, of course, after my earlier fright, this has only exacerbated it now.

---------- Post added at 01:49 ---------- Previous post was at 01:31 ----------

I've been having a bad night, was okay for a little while, then I started getting sharp little pains, mainly between my breast area, sometimes slightly above. Other little pinches or sharp pains, but it has me freaking out quite badly, I also had a chest tightness, so I've been thinking it's something else like Pulmonary Embolism, Some sort of problem with my heart. When I checked my Oximeter, even after my bad sensation with the sharp pains, it read my heart rate in the 70's and 80's, kept going up and down between the them. And my SPo2 level has been between 97-99, sometimes 96, flicks back and forth, so does my heart rate.

I've been crying the past hour with fear. I know I suffer with anxiety, I know not all my symptoms are imaginary, I do feel them very much so, I know because I panic, it exacerbates it also. I feel mad, or I'm going mad.

11-05-18, 18:32
Update: Seen my doctor today, and told him about my shoulder, back left ribs, the sharp pains in the middle of my chest, the heart flutters I was having.

He examined my chest and back with a stethoscope, made me do some movements with my arms and such, showed him the spots where it was bothering me the most, told him of the flutters I had, 3 this week, and the palpitations that follow.

He explained that some flutters is normal, and nothing concerning. He also said the shoulder and ribs can be to do with the scapula, muscles, strain, pulling and tension. He asked if I was coughing, had any coughing, I don't.

He also, because he understands me, he is also sending me for a 24 hour heart monitor, maybe 72 hour. I might not get an appointment for a couple months or so, so just have to take it day by day.

He said my heart sounded fine. My mum was there, and she explained that she has an extra heartbeat, so not sure if it runs in the family?

So, it's just very scary when this thing happens, and I explained that I didn't want him or any other doctor just putting it down to anxiety, because that is a real fear, that the doctors will miss something because they think it is just my anxiety. That scares me reckless.

I forgot to mention about my constant belching and it feeling trapped in my chest, so just have try regulate my breathing, or it's the acid reflux. I'm feeling really tired, exhausted actually/

12-05-18, 02:22
So that's great news from a physical standpoint! He ordered the monitor for your reassurance and the fact it's not for a couple months affirms the non-urgency. What's happening are normal aches and pains exasperated by anxiety. So while I don't doubt you're having aches and pains, they're not sinister. Treat the reason behind them (anxiety) and you treat the symptoms.

Positive thoughts

Yeah, I'll still struggle with the health anxiety but it eases some of the tension it causes. Thank you though 🙂

13-05-18, 01:57
I'm panicking really badly tonight. This evening, on my right hand, I got a little painful lump between my knuckle of my middle finger. Then it went away, and now there is a little reddish bruise there. What I'm freaking about it about my arm, I'm getting a little pulling pain when I stretch my arm out or put it up straight.

Because I'm in a really terrible place right now, I'm getting scared about it being a blood clot in my arm? Was the little lump that was in my finger a clot that dispersed? Is it in my arm now or is there one already in my arm? And the upper part of my arm is kinda blotchy reddish. It flares up then cools down again? It's not hot.

I'm so sorry, I'm having a really bad anxiety attack right now, and freaking out. I'm shaking, I don't know what is wrong with me anymore.[COLOR="blue"]

13-05-18, 12:31
Okay, last week, I noticed a pale yellowy ochre blotch on my inner right forearm, it was also on my left hand, on the palm in a long blotch, and a very small blotch on my right elbow. I scrubbed them, they didn't disappear, after a couple of days, they eventually went.

Then, today, I woke up and seen one on my left arm, where my wrist is on the upside. It's pale, not full blown yellow, slightly reddish but very very pale.

I'm 30 years old, female, Hypothyroidism but am on medication, Eltroxin 50mg, and I only had a blood test for my thyroid in April which came back normal.

I don't drink, never smoked, I am very inactive, as most of my day and night is spent sitting down, only exercise I get is walking the dogs, or a few little bits around the house, that's it. I am also a little overweight, by about 10lbs.

I'm worried this is something starting to appear, perhaps my liver or kidneys? Intestines? I have a horrific fear of cancer, and that is something that scares me a lot, so naturally I worry that could be something as well.

I kept looking over my diet too, seeing anything, I know I eat too much chocolate and biscuits, so I worried about sugar intake too, I don't, hardly ever drink anything but water, that is all I drink, never drink sodas or lemonade. A glass possibly here or there, like once a month if that

I do suffer with really bad anxiety, and have been stressed for quite some time now.

I also worried if it was something to do with my skin as well, obviously a fear of skin cancers or lymphomas, but I don't go out much, and I'm mostly covered up head to toe, I've also started putting sun cream on as the weather gets warmer. I worried about that because of different symptoms that show up, like indigestion or heartburn, as I sometimes get with lots of belching. My stools seem fine, if a little loose at the moment. I drink lots of water, at least 2-3 750ml bottles.

So many things making me feel very worried and scared.

I have a slight rash on my neck, which my doctor seen, said it could be eczema, which I had when I was younger behind my knees. I'm seeing my female doctor next Friday about my missing periods for the last 3 months, so will show and mention about these pale yellow blotches that show up and disappear last week or so.

I've also been feeking quite panicky about my slow heart rate last couple of days about that. I checked on our Oximeter, my oxygen level seems to stay around 97-99, sometimes drops to 95-96, but goes up and down.

My heart rate, last couple of days has been between 65-and 70's, usually when I'm sitting down or laying down, when I'm up and about, it raises a little, but not massively. Is this the thyroid? I'm medicated, so it shouldnt be right?

Sorry if this was long, I ramble but want to explain everything I can as best as I can.

13-05-18, 13:31

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.

Also please do not post for re assurance then delete your threads. It is not fair on people trying to help you and stops them from seeing the full story of your anxiety.


13-05-18, 13:37

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.

Also please do not post for re assurance then delete your threads. It is not fair on people trying to help you and stops them from seeing the full story of your anxiety.


Hi, no worries at all! Probably makes more sense to do it that way anyway.

13-05-18, 23:03
You were just at the doctor. There's nothing physically wrong with you that's not being treated or would pose any threat.


I know, everything keeps going up and down, comes and goes, it's exhausting. I've to see my female doctor this Friday about lady stuff, so I will mention what is happening, and with the anxiety and everything else that is causing me distress. Sorry, my thoughts can be uncontrollable.

---------- Post added at 22:51 ---------- Previous post was at 22:27 ----------

I need some help with this. I drink a lot of water, and lately, I've noticed I'm not having a need to pee as much, which has me a bit worried. What could be causing this?

I only drink water, and I drink a lot each day. When I do pee, it's very light colour, and clear at night, and long pees too when I go, I'm just not going as much as I did.

I'm not dehydrated, because I'm obviously drinking lots of water, what is it?

---------- Post added at 23:03 ---------- Previous post was at 22:51 ----------

Please, I feel like I'm going mad, I'm crying uncontrollably and I can't talk to anyone about it.

I know I shouldn't have, but I Googled about decreased urination, and all that came up was kidney disease and kidney failure. It also mentioned symptoms of no periods, and that is causing me to be really scared, as I've had no periods for 3 months now. I'm going crazy, I feel like I'm losing my mind with all this.

13-05-18, 23:16
Please help! I feel like I'm going crazy. Last few days I've noticed I've not been peeing as often as I do, even though I'm drinking as normal, and I drink lots of water, and only water.

I Googled (I know), all that came up was Kidney Disease and Kidney Failure. Symptoms like no periods showed up on it as well, and I haven't had a period in 3 months, so now I'm bawling crying, and panicking about it.

Please, I feel like I'm going crazy. What's going on?

14-05-18, 00:25

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.

14-05-18, 01:54

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.

Hi, no not at all, I understand, I just wasn't sure where to put about my urine problem, so I made a new thread. Sorry if I caused any confusion.

---------- Post added at 01:54 ---------- Previous post was at 00:48 ----------

Please, I feel like I'm going mad, I'm crying uncontrollably and I can't talk to anyone about it.

I know I shouldn't have, but I Googled about decreased urination, and all that came up was kidney disease and kidney failure. It also mentioned symptoms of no periods, and that is causing me to be really scared, as I've had no periods for 3 months now. I'm going crazy, I feel like I'm losing my mind with all this.

My urine doesn't smell from what I can tell, it's light, to almost clear, becomes more clear at night. I only drink water, I drink about a litre or a little more everyday, now Ive become aware that I'm not going as much as I did to even just last week.

14-05-18, 10:30
This is still worrying me because as I read more about Kidney disease and Kidney failure, it says one of the causes is high blood pressure. I know that my family suffers with high blood pressure and I get it sometimes, probably my blood pressure goes up with my anxiety and now it says that is one of the causes of kidney damage.

So, I'm feeling quite worried about this. And with the no periods for the last 3 months, then the not peeing as often, that a I'm noticing, it's frightening.

15-05-18, 00:46
Getting these darts on the left side of my head, and my ear feels full or a pressure in it? My left eye also feels sore behind the lid. Heart has been racing a bit today, little faster than normal. Don't know if that feels tender or tingly or both on that side where my jaw meets my ear. Just the darts in my head on that side are making me anxious.

---------- Post added at 21:24 ---------- Previous post was at 17:31 ----------

Does anyone ever have this? I was miles away watching a video online, and it suddenly felt like my heart had stopped, then when I noticed it, it started beating really fast? I don't know whether it did stop for a moment or if it clenched? It's really unsettled me.

I also ate about an hour ago, so my chest is feeling a bit tight or pressure. I don't usually eat so late at night, like I had my dinner at 7:30pm, then a bar at 8:20pm. I feel full of air, like I always want to belch?

I feel worried now about my heart that it stopped or missed a beat or something electrical went awry? What was it?

---------- Post added 15-05-18 at 00:46 ---------- Previous post was 14-05-18 at 21:24 ----------

I'm still getting that catch in my chest, like my heart stops for a moment, it's unsettling me. What is it?

15-05-18, 15:44
A diary of every hyper-focused harmless and benign sensation and niggle you feel?


I don't know. Like last couple of days, I've had a tightness in my upper chest, and moments where I can feel my chest trying to grasp for breath, or catch my breath, not sure how to describe it. I just feel like my heart is going to stop or something, or it's struggling, even though it's beating normally, or it may be irregular, I don't know. Then, I think, well maybe it's a Pulmonary Embolism, or something that I can't figure out and I'm scared.

Maybe the breathless or short of breath sensation is caused by the acid reflux, I don't know, I had a bit of hot acid come up my throat today, so had to take some Gaviscon to just help.

I'm honestly just distraught, and I'm seeing my doctor Friday but feeling like this all week, or it getting worse scares me. Sorry, I am just feeling very distraught and fidgety, and stressed over this.

15-05-18, 16:19
Hi Mischa, can I ask you something?

What benefit to you feel you get from posting to this forum? From my observation, it seems that no matter what sort of feedback or reassurance you get from other posters, you're right back here, often times within hours posting about the EXACT same symptoms and fears time and time again.

Don't you eventually have to ask yourself "what's the point of posting here" if it obviously doesn't make you feel any better? Maybe its worth trying something different.

15-05-18, 18:45
Update: Okay, I was feeling really bad a couple hours ago, so thankfully, the top doctor at my center seen me. He examined my chest and back with a stethoscope, placed an Oximeter on my finger, he said my lungs were clear and fine, chest sounded clear. He also did an ECG on me as well, which came out normal, I suppose if it were a Pulmonary Embolism, something would have shown or something, that I was scared about.

He explained what was happening and how the anxiety was like a muscle in my mind, it was being fed and getting stronger, while the rest of my brain was overpowered by this stronger muscle. It made sense. I was prescribed Beta blockers (Propanolol 80mg) a while ago, but never started them, he said I should started them, that it doesn't effect the brain, only stops the adrenaline etc.

Everyone on here has been like a friend to me, and I honestly really am grateful to have had people listen to me. If I feel anything, this is a place I go to, because it helps me when I'm alone, or scared. Thank you.

16-05-18, 15:02
Can I ask something? I posted about the peeing less even though I've been drinking just as much as always, now, I'm going to my female doctor Friday about having no periods for nearly 3 months. I'm going to ask about the peeing problem too.

But, because of how I am, I've worried about Kidney Disease and Kidney Failure, as it mentioned stuff like back pain (I have a aching back left shoulder and left ribs), then the missing periods was something that popped up on a website about Kidneys. I can pee, just not going as often as I do, but the pee is pale yellow to clear, mostly clear as I drink a lot of water, when I don't it goes dark yellow.

Also, today, while walking the dogs and getting some groceries, I was really short of breath, I don't know if it's coming from my nose, as my nose often feels slightly full, even though I can breath through it fine, or if it is related to something else in my body, even my shoulder blade?

My main problems at the moment:
Short of breath or chest tightness making me feel breathless.
Not peeing as much, but drinking the same.
Back left shoulder blade and back left ribs, aching and tender (flared up last couple of days too).
No periods for nearly 3 months.

I know I'm always on here, but like I said, it helps in some way, even a little to rearrange my thoughts at least. I know I seen my doctor yesterday, who checked my chest and back with a stethoscope, had an Oximeter on my finger, my lungs and chest were clear he said, and did an ECG as well, which was normal he said also. There is just little thing like at this moment, because I haven't been peeing as often last few days to a week, the worry gets to me, and it's worse case scenario, like Kidney Failure/Sudden Death, etc.

Or with my upper back left shoulder blade and ribs, it's pancreas related, or a rupture. So I come here to ask advice or to hear from others, I don't mean to be irritating or irrational as I know I can be, it just helps for me to put my thoughts out there, and maybe someone can help me with them. I hope that makes sense. These are my worries.

16-05-18, 16:11
I've responded to these threads a lot, so I'll clear up some things and leave you alone.....

"So I come here to ask advice or to hear from others, I don't mean to be irritating or irrational as I know I can be, it just helps for me to put my thoughts out there, and maybe someone can help me with them"

Just to be clear, when I suggested taking a break from here, its not because anything you do is irritating to me or anybody else. It's a choice for folks to read/respond to your posts, including me, so that doesn't matter. My point was you have to think about you, and what's best in the long term.

As an outside observer, it seems like you have an obsession/addiction to talking about your sensations/feelings/"symptoms"/fears/etc, as a lot of people on here do. And the more you post on here, the more you feed that addiction and keep those negative thoughts in the forefront of your mind. The only way to overcome hypochondria is to get beyond those thoughts, and keep them at bay. So while posting on a place like this might provide temporary relief (usually just a few hours at most), it's just perpetuating an endless cycle of anxiety that will continue to worsen in the long run until you address the core issues.

16-05-18, 16:17
I've responded to these threads a lot, so I'll clear up some things and leave you alone.....

"So I come here to ask advice or to hear from others, I don't mean to be irritating or irrational as I know I can be, it just helps for me to put my thoughts out there, and maybe someone can help me with them"

Just to be clear, when I suggested taking a break from here, its not because anything you do is irritating to me or anybody else. It's a choice for folks to read/respond to your posts, including me, so that doesn't matter. My point was you have to think about you, and what's best in the long term.

As an outside observer, it seems like you have an obsession/addiction to talking about your sensations/feelings/"symptoms"/fears/etc, as a lot of people on here do. And the more you post on here, the more you feed that addiction and keep those negative thoughts in the forefront of your mind. The only way to overcome hypochondria is to get beyond those thoughts, and keep them at bay. So while posting on a place like this might provide temporary relief (usually just a few hours at most), it's just perpetuating an endless cycle of anxiety that will continue to worsen in the long run until you address the core issues.

Hi, sorry, I didn't see your message above from the other day, sorry about that. I understand what you're saying, even though I'm not 100% getting everything in my head, I still do get what you're saying. I know I have a compulsive disorder for obsessing over my health. Their are reasons for it, I know that much, I just haven't got many ways to cope at the moment with it. I get distressed very easily, and it's hard for me to concentrate on being rational. I am trying, when I'm not on here, and going about my daily life, I am working 1000% just to stop feeling like that, so I post here, and I know it can look like the ramblings of a mad woman, and it feels it sometimes, but that alone helps me focus what I'm feeling in terms of symptoms, and how anxious they make me.

Thanks though, I don't take any offense to anything you've said btw, I appreciate it more.

17-05-18, 10:58
The upper left side of my back has flared up again, the shoulder blade and the ribs on that side of my back, their tender and feel pressure on them, it's been the last 3 days it's started up. This is what got me worried about my kidneys beside the peeing less I noticed, or something to do with my Pancreas or something else. Is it muscular or is it one of the things I should worry about?

17-05-18, 17:14
I'm having a bit of a funny turn, first my left arm felt heavy and weak and now it's my right leg that has gone weak and heavy. My left shoulder blade and left back ribs are very tender and pressure aching on them too. I'm feeling very scared right now? What is causing this? I'm worried it's an emergency.

17-05-18, 17:30
Did you start the beta blocker?


Hi, no haven't taken them yet. I just got a sudden onset of weakness in my left arm, then it went to my right leg. My back left shoulder blade and back left ribs are also in a tender, pressure for the past 3 days, but this has just happened in the last half hour with the arm and the leg.

---------- Post added at 17:30 ---------- Previous post was at 17:22 ----------

When I press deep into my ribs in my back on the left, it feels very tender to the touch, like touching a funny bone, best way I can describe it. my arm still feels a bit heavy, but not as much my leg still feels weak though.

It isn't helping my panic, it's making me worse. my thoughts are racing with nerve problems, internal bleeding, brain problems, spinal cancer, cancer of the spine or something. It feels very weird, and distressing. It's calmed down but it's still niggling away at me, I can feel the tingling/hot sensation in my shoulder blade, near the bast of my neck on the left, I can feel the weird pressure/tender sensation in the back of my left ribs. feels very tender when I press deeply into my right hip cheek.

17-05-18, 19:43
:weep: Ok... The HA pattern is so painfully obvious. Answer the question and another laundry list of symptoms.

I truly hope you get the help you need to overcome your illness.

Good luck and as always...

Positive thoughts

I'm seeing my doctor tomorrow anyway, hopefully she can help me. I feel like I'm mad, I say it all the time, but I'm sorry for vomiting all my thoughts and what I'm feeling, I never have anywhere else to turn too.

---------- Post added at 19:38 ---------- Previous post was at 17:52 ----------

Is my leg weakness/heaviness - Guillain-Barré syndrome? Please, this is terrifying.

18-05-18, 00:13
When someone is pointing a gun at their head and continually pulling the trigger, there's not much anyone can do about it :shrug:

You have meds that will help but refuse to take them. You continually feed your anxiety by Googling and posting a diary of every pain and niggle.

Your doctor explained it perfectly... "He explained what was happening and how the anxiety was like a muscle in my mind, it was being fed and getting stronger, while the rest of my brain was overpowered by this stronger muscle. It made sense. "

These are just words on a screen. Ultimately, it's up to you. They say the definition of crazy is doing the same things over and over and expecting a different outcome. Keep doing the same things and you'll continue to make yourself crazy... simple as that. What are you going to do Mischa? I guess the next response(s) will answer the question.


I can't tell if it is just anxiety or if their is an underlining cause for my symptoms. Like right now, I'm still getting that dead weight feeling in my leg, it's disturbing me, I have never been this frightened and scared, and just bursting out crying without warning. You see, these symptoms makes me fear the worst, like the heavy/weak leg? Why am I feeling it in only one leg if it's anxiety? Wouldn't it be in both? Then theirs my periods, which I haven't had for almost 3 months? Is that a sign of Ovarian cancer? Why do I think that? Because I had a scan that said it was indicative of PCOS, but now I'm having other symptoms like missing periods, and indigestion/or acid reflux, back stuff etc.

Then I got such a fright with my leg tonight, that I'm literally frightened to get out of my bed now. Guillain-Barré syndrome or some form of motor neuron disease? Even now, I'm still feeling agitated and terrified, why?

Because what if the anxiety and agitation I'm feeling is a warning sign of something underlining? This is what is causing me so much fear and outbursts of panic, because I can feel all this, yet I don't know what's going on.

I'm so sorry, I'm in literal hell with all this and I am isolated with it all.

---------- Post added 18-05-18 at 00:13 ---------- Previous post was 17-05-18 at 23:29 ----------

I see you deleted all your messages to me, I'm sorry I've angered you so much you've stopped replying, I didn't mean too. Maybe that is my sign to leave here for good. Sorry everyone, I'm just very scared of these very real symptoms, and needed to talk to someone, as I can't normally.

18-05-18, 15:34
I'm not going to go on and on, because I think I've annoyed people so much they are angry at me now.

I went to my doctor this morning, she did a few movement exercises with me, and the tapping thing on the knees? Looks like a little hammer. Anyway, I had given her a piece of paper of all the symptoms I was having, and what I was afraid of, and stuff, she said the leg thing I had yesterday sounded like a pinched nerve from the way I was sitting all the time all day, and bad posture.

Someone had said to me I should have asked for an MRI, so obviously I became worried that I didn't ask my doctor for one because of all this that has happened. I've been to the doctors 3 times this week, more than I've ever been before. I also received my appointment for my heart monitor which is in the beginning of June.

Anyway, I just wanted to share this, as I still have a lot of worries about a lot of things, but I don't think anyone wants to hear about it anymore, so I'm sorry about that to anyone I've upset or angered.

I also took my first Beta Blocker (propranolol 80mg) today, which seemed to calm me down quite a bit, but I'm still getting aches and niggles here and there. It also feels very weird to be honest, like slow, well my heart rate doesn't seem really slow, in the low 70's, my SPo2 is going between 95-98, mostly 96 or 97.

So, my thoughts have been a little erratic and distressing lately. What didn't help me today is someone in the midst of a conversation, mentioning that I should get an MRI scan for my back, you know because of the shoulder blade and ribs aching and tender pressure? And also for my leg, and then they started going on about Spinal Cancer and Bone Cancer and well, you can imagine what that did to me! So, I'm still worrying quite a bit, any sensation I feel, I am still getting a bit jittered but I'll try not bother everyone on here about it as much, I only post here because it is the only place I have to talk about my fears and how I'm feeling.

Anyway, that is what I wanted to update on today.

18-05-18, 19:59
I only took one Beta-Blocker (Propranolol 80mg), I asked my doctor today and she said it's fine to stop if you don't want to continue to take them? I don't like how it makes my heart rate slow, or slightly light headed. Feel a little breathless, or like a little short of breath, my heart rate is in the 60's at the moment, I'm resting on my bed by the way.

Now, I've been out, and it's been quite warm today and sunny, so bit of a headache.

If I don't feel like taking it tomorrow, will it cause any ill effects? I literally have only taken one? I don't like how it makes me feel.

19-05-18, 03:35
I'm getting a little scared right now, I can't sleep, my heart rate is in the 50's, I only took ONE Propranolol this morning, doctors said it was fine, 80mg!!!

Very scary seeing my heart rate go so low, and afraid to go asleep now.

My aches and pains and weird sensations in my body are unsettling me, I had lightheadedness all day today from taking them, and just don't want to take anymore after today.

I'm scared about my heart rate falling so low???

19-05-18, 15:36
Update: I know no one is listening, but at least I can a record of my symptoms.

On my 2nd day of Half Beta-Prograne 80mg Prolonged Release Capsules (Propranolol Hydrochloride), and I have been feeling lightheaded all day since taking them this morning at 10am. My pulse (I'm sitting at my desk so not active at the moment), is in the low 60's. I'm also getting a lot of gurgling in my stomach.

My Shoulder/Ribs aching and tenderness is very mild today, not as bothersome. I still have the rash on the back of my neck, my legs feel very achy and tender today, possibly due to the severe anxiety attack I had just 48 hours ago, but I'm not sure, but do feel a little drained and tender.

So, that is most of what I'm feeling at the moment, other than a few little aches and pains in my body, not sure if it's other stuff, medication or anxiety but that is what is happening. Probably just me here. Anyway, no doctors on at the weekend to discuss my medication dose, so will have to wait until Monday to find out, or even a chemist/Pharmacist.

20-05-18, 01:20
I posted about my right leg feeling heavy or weak? Tonight, I'm having a heavy sensation in my left leg! It's radiated over? My upper left ribs in the back are quite achy tonight, they feel tender when I press into my muscle in that area. It makes me feel like I'm walking funny or feels funny when I walk.

What do you think may be causing this? My doctor when I seen her Friday about my right leg, said it sounded like a pinched nerve from sitting all the time in my room. it's not last long, a few minutes, maybe 10, and then it goes. Happened twice today, so not sure what is causing it, would it be a pinched nerve?

Obviously with how I am, and my severe anxiety, I always think of things like Spinal Cancer, tumours on my spine or ribs or something etc. Herniated discs, MS or something like that.

No one may answer this, but I just want to ask anyway, it helps when I'm having these symptoms to write it down.

---------- Post added 20-05-18 at 01:20 ---------- Previous post was 19-05-18 at 21:49 ----------

Can someone help me with this? I keep getting really unsettling sensations. Sometimes, my right or left toes get a real numb feeling, their cold as well a lot. I also get aches and pains in my arms sometimes too, and then the heavy weakness I get, sometimes it goes from my right leg to my left.

Is it the Propranolol or is there something else going on? PLEASE, what on earth is going ON???

20-05-18, 17:54
I still have a bit of wobbly feeling in my legs, their still quite achy, especially the right one. Also, I've noticed that where I was getting the aching/tingling sensation in my left shoulder blade, I now am getting it in my right shoulder blade? The right arm also feels quite heavy like a fall asleep on your arm kind of way, but not so much that I can't move it or use it.

I know no one wants to talk to me on here, which is okay, I can use it to keep a record, but it would be nice for some advice sometimes, even just to help in a small way.

Anyway, took my 3rd Propranolol today, had some lightheadedness throughout the day, so might ring my doctors tomorrow to ask about stopping and see how I am, but want to check before I do. Anyway, that is most of my symptoms today.

20-05-18, 18:22
Hi, just in case anyone was wondering on this thread. I've been having a weird weakness, that started in my right leg, felt heavy and weak, I thought it was something like Guillain Burre Syndrome or something. Last 3 days, it's been on and off, it also seems that my upper shoulder blades and shoulders feel heavy and weak too, not just my left.

Anyway, I seen my doctor Tuesday for my shortness of breath, he checked me over, oximeter, and an ECG, all was normal.

Then, again, I went Friday to doctors, as the day before is when I got that sudden weakness and heaviness in my leg, and had a massive breakdown because of it. My doctor examined me, did the knee tapping thing, knee sprung right out.

She said it could be a pinched nerve from sitting all day and night.

Anyway, I've been on Propranolol (Beta Blockers) 80mg for the past 3 days, and well, it is giving me light headedness and didn't feel great the first day I took it.

Anyway, today, I've been having a heaviness in my shoulders and shoulder blades, and that left feeling of heaviness or weakness, not so much that I can't walk, but just wobbly.

I'm worried about stroke, heart attack (even though I had an ECG Friday), and other stuff, like cancers, something wrong with my spine maybe? I'm really concerned and quite stressed by it, please, any advice?

20-05-18, 18:47

I don't think it is that no-one wants to talk to you but I just don't know what to say to be honest.

You have so many issues going on that you really need to discuss everything with a doctor and take whatever advice they can give.

Sorry I can't help more.

20-05-18, 19:53
Yes, get help with your HA. You've been to the drs several times, and its always nothing. Every time you're coming up with new things. Guillain-Barré not a chance, my friends daughter has it, and you don't present with any of the major symptoms. You've moved on from a blood clot, through to strokes, Guillain-Barré, cancers, kidney failure, pulmonary embolism, spleen, appendicitis ,infections etc etc. Do you think that the doctor isn't trained to spot any of these? Sorry to sound harsh, but all of your issues can be attributed to one thing, anxiety. Posting on a public forum won't help as you need to adress the real issue before it consumes you any further!

20-05-18, 21:45
Yes, get help with your HA. You've been to the drs several times, and its always nothing. Every time you're coming up with new things. Guillain-Barré not a chance, my friends daughter has it, and you don't present with any of the major symptoms. You've moved on from a blood clot, through to strokes, Guillain-Barré, cancers, kidney failure, pulmonary embolism, spleen, appendicitis ,infections etc etc. Do you think that the doctor isn't trained to spot any of these? Sorry to sound harsh, but all of your issues can be attributed to one thing, anxiety. Posting on a public forum won't help as you need to adress the real issue before it consumes you any further!

Hi Wilky, Not at all! I don't mind you speaking openly to me, honestly! I know, I was just at the CareDoc (Out of hours doctors center here in Ireland), he examined my chest, eyes, throat, pulse, checked me over etc, yeah, I thought it was a a stroke or heart attack or my spine or something because of the weakness and heaviness because I'd read it online, and it consumed my thoughts to the point where I burst out crying in panic that I was going to die. Sorry, I'm just incredibly vulnerable at the moment with everything that any little niggle or pain is sending me into a absolute breakdown panic. I'm on beta blockers at the moment, but not sure if their working properly, or if the thyroid medication is interacting with them. Only thing I'm getting with them is light headedness, but my severe nervousness and compulsive thinking is probably not helping that. I also get bouts of choking on air, like not being able to swallow (even though I'm not eating or drinking anything at the time), sometimes that can make me aware of my swallowing, and swallowing food and drink, which can then cause me to nearly choke on even air!

Thank you, honestly, I really respect when someone can just talk to me openly and explain things, regardless of how I am.

20-05-18, 21:54

I don't think it is that no-one wants to talk to you but I just don't know what to say to be honest.

You have so many issues going on that you really need to discuss everything with a doctor and take whatever advice they can give.

Sorry I can't help more.

Hi! I was just around at CareDoc (Out of hours doctor in a center, thankfully it is just down the road). The doctor examined my chest, back and front, checked my throat, eyes, pulse, then examined my body, my legs, stomach, arms, back etc. I told him I was on the Beta Blockers, and had Hypothyroid, explained everything, as I thought I was having a heart attack, or something to do with my spine; something because I got just a horrendous episode earlier today, that I burst into tears in absolute petrified fear. Anyway, not a heart attack!

Anyway, all I'm getting at the moment is light headedness/spinning, which I've had since starting the beta blockers, but it does say it's one of the side effects, but it could also be making it worse is my extreme nervousness and compulsive thinking as well and that feeling of choking on air, even though I can eat and drink.

Thanks for replying, it means a lot to hear from someone, doesn't matter what it is, just to talk to someone is a great help to me.

21-05-18, 15:33
I'm just wondering about side effects with Propranolol? Now, I went to see the out of hours doctor yesterday about my weak and heavy legs and arms, the shoulder blade, and feeling like I was having a heart attack. I showed him the medication I was on as well my Eltroxin for my thyroid.

I asked a pharmacist today if I could stop taking them, she said I would need to ask my doctor before hand, or ask for a lower dose, but she said they were a good medicine.

Anyway, I just feel a little short of breath, not so much that I can't walk or do normal things, I just feel a little tight around my chest and throat. I'm also getting little pinching pains in my legs and arms, burning in my left shoulder blade, sharp little pains in my upper stomach too, not lasting very long, seconds and then it goes away for a while, usually when I'm up moving about it starts. And light headed mess too.

I know at the moment, I'm hyper aware of every sensation in my body.

Would the medication be doing that?

---------- Post added at 15:33 ---------- Previous post was at 13:52 ----------

I can also feel a pulling sensation in my thumbs, don't know if it is related, it goes from left to right, right to left, weird sensation. I was worrying about blood clots again with the sharp pains here and there, then neurological problems with the weakness and heavy feelings.

Update: I didn't look up anything on Google yesterday, but today I did, and it was to do with my right shoulder and arm feeling rubbery/weak, and of course this is what came up: ALS AND MS.

21-05-18, 22:14
Was fine for a few hours, only a few little pinching pains here and there, chest, arms, legs, some in my tummy, but not much. Then, my leg started to feel funny again, and a little how do you describe this? Rubbery or like heavy feeling in it). I feel out of sorts, surreal? Not sure how to describe that, I was starting to think it was ALS or MS, because I was having a lot of episodes of choking on nothing but air, like when you gulp? Sometimes when I'm eating or drinking, while swallowing, whether I'm aware of it, it sometimes catches but I'm able to swallow the food and drink again, like I can eat and drink without any hassle, only these bouts happen.

Anyway, not as bad today, but had a couple of little episodes, which frightened me again, started thinking their may be something going on. I don't know, I just like to ask on here and put my thoughts down somewhere.

---------- Post added at 22:14 ---------- Previous post was at 21:29 ----------

Is it normal for your heart rate to start to go back up after you've been on Propranolol for a few days, I'm on day 4 and on 80mg?

My heart rate is back up in the 70's, higher 60's, at night it goes back down again. My SPo2 is between 96-98, according to my home Oximeter.

21-05-18, 22:14
Is it normal for your heart rate to start to go back up after you've been on Propranolol for a few days, I'm on day 4 and on 80mg?

My heart rate is back up in the 70's, higher 60's, at night it goes back down again. My SPo2 is between 96-98, according to my home Oximeter.

22-05-18, 14:07
I've had this same fear. I've only just got rid of it! I can get puffy feet when sitting at my computer desk and depending on the length of time I sit at the desk I can get a little pitting edema. But, if I sit on the sofa, or cross legged, I don't get that problem. Only on my computer chair.

So the chances are it's from too much sitting yes. I notice keeping active all day really helps but if you work at a computer like me that's really hard to do.

It's May now, I first noticed my issues 2 years ago, and the beginning of this year the fear of having a DVT, or a heart problem, really threw me off completely. Sent me into a downward spiral. Truth is the past year I have worked heavy on the computer to get various projects completed.

These are the little warning signs that are telling us to get active more :D

22-05-18, 20:27
I've had this same fear. I've only just got rid of it! I can get puffy feet when sitting at my computer desk and depending on the length of time I sit at the desk I can get a little pitting edema. But, if I sit on the sofa, or cross legged, I don't get that problem. Only on my computer chair.

So the chances are it's from too much sitting yes. I notice keeping active all day really helps but if you work at a computer like me that's really hard to do.

It's May now, I first noticed my issues 2 years ago, and the beginning of this year the fear of having a DVT, or a heart problem, really threw me off completely. Sent me into a downward spiral. Truth is the past year I have worked heavy on the computer to get various projects completed.

These are the little warning signs that are telling us to get active more :D

Yeah, sorry to hear you're going through that. My day is spent, half sitting down, at my desk, then the other half, lounging on sofa, and then bed in the evening. Beside walking my dogs, that is my only exercise besides going up and down the stairs for things throughout the day. Yeah, hasn't been as bad today, I've had major aches and pains in my shoulder blades and shoulders, thighs feel a little weak.

I'm also on the Beta Blocker (Propranolol 80mg) the past 4 days, which have helped with some things, but I'm not sure if it is the beta blocker or something else making me feel a little light headed/off balance? I get little pinches here and there around my body, mainly my legs, arms, stomach and chest.

My whole head is in constant thoughts of, cancers, ALS or some neurological problem, something wrong with my brain and so on and they are thoughts in my brain every second of every moment of my day, it can be draining.

I'm also not sure if it's my anxiety, but sometimes I feel like I'm choking or unable to gulp...does that make sense? Like if I just gulp naturally, sometimes it just catches, or if I'm eating or drinking water, it catches, not often but sometimes it occurs and makes me panic, which then makes me worse. Of course, my first thoughts it, it's something wrong with me, something serious is going on inside my body.

Hopefully, you are feeling a little better, and things are a little easier, and not putting yourself under too much pressure. Thank you for replying.

---------- Post added at 20:27 ---------- Previous post was at 17:31 ----------

Had a little turn there, felt a bit weak on my legs, my knees actually as well. Now my right leg feels achy, especially at the buttocks. My doctor on Friday said it could be a pinched nerve because of sitting all day, and bad posture, but I am constantly worried about it being something to do with my spine, especially because my shoulders are achy, sometimes my right arm goes a little weak and heavy too (but not to the point where I can't lift it). Then, of course, I read about ALS and other neurological things, and spinal cancer, or a brain tumour or something that could be causing it, on the spine? I'm 30, so I'm worried about all this.

What would cause this?

22-05-18, 20:28
Any advice? I know I can't just stop taking them.

I'm on my 5th day of Propranolol 80mg, and I still feel sort of dizzy, or light headed, and kinda slow and spaced, like in a feel out of place way.

My heart rate throughout the day is between the low 60s to low 70s, sometimes higher if I'm up and moving about.

At night, in bed, it drops between 50-60s. I'm just feeling a little out of it, but my legs and arms aren't AS weak and heavy as they felt a couple days ago, but sometimes it comes on without warning, and I always get panicked that it's going to get bad again. My shoulders are extremely aching when I move or stretch them at the moment, maybe from the severe stress I've had lately, but I can hear popping and clicking and stuff in the upper part of my back and shoulder blades.

I also get really loud stomach gurgling a couple hours after eating, like I can feel the gurgling. I also seem to be...ahem...passing gas a lot as well? little pinching pains in legs, arms, stomach, chest every so often. I just feel disconnected was the word I was looking for.

Is that the medication? I'm on Eltroxin 50mg as well for my Hypothyroid, I take that first in the morning, then wait 2 hours and take the Propranolol.

---------- Post added at 20:28 ---------- Previous post was at 17:51 ----------

Had a little turn there, felt a bit weak on my legs, my knees actually as well. Now my right leg feels achy, especially at the buttocks. My doctor on Friday said it could be a pinched nerve because of sitting all day, and bad posture, but I am constantly worried about it being something to do with my spine, especially because my shoulders are achy, sometimes my right arm goes a little weak and heavy too (but not to the point where I can't lift it). Then, of course, I read about ALS and other neurological things, and spinal cancer, or a brain tumour or something that could be causing it, on the spine? I'm 30, so I'm worried about all this.

What would cause this?

23-05-18, 15:12
I don't know whether it's the Propranolol or not, but I feel so out of it, like spaced out or disconnected from everything? It's like being vertigo-disconnected/spaced out is the best way of describing this? I'm on 80mg. Anyway, yeah, still having snapping sensations in some parts of my body, my right side of my neck seemingly. What would cause this?

Look, I've been worrying about a lot, I'm starting to have really bad thoughts again. Like blood cancer and other cancers.

The rash on my neck hasn't gone, it is itchy. I still get a little weak legged, weak arm, I also, not sure if it's due to the weather being warmer, but I feel a bit sicky, sometimes just crampy in my stomach. It doesn't happen often now, just past couple days.

What is it? Any advice would be helpful?

23-05-18, 15:49
I don't know whether it's the Propranolol or not, but I feel so out of it, like spaced out or disconnected from everything? It's like being vertigo-disconnected/spaced out is the best way of describing this? I'm on 80mg. Anyway, yeah, still having snapping sensations in some parts of my body, my right side of my neck seemingly. What would cause this?

Look, I've been worrying about a lot, I'm starting to have really bad thoughts again. Like blood cancer and other cancers.

The rash on my neck hasn't gone, it is itchy. I still get a little weak legged, weak arm, I also, not sure if it's due to the weather being warmer, but I feel a bit sicky, sometimes just crampy in my stomach. It doesn't happen often now, just past couple days.

What is it? Any advice would be helpful?

23-05-18, 20:40
I tried, I really tried today. My whole back felt like it was unbalanced, I felt tight and seized up in my back, it is so frightening because I don't know what is causing this. I was only walking my dog, and my back got worse and worse. It's not painful, just feels like a pressure making me feel unbalanced and panicky. My shoulders feel tense, back of my thighs feel tight, weak and are tingling, legs just feel so wobbly or rubbery.

I'm exhausted and scared about this. My cervical spine perhaps? Something with my spine? A nerve? disk? Something else?

23-05-18, 20:55
Yes, anxiety!

23-05-18, 21:11

Have you had any therapy for your anxiety, or tried taking an antidepressant? It might really help you with your health anxiety.

When's the last time you've had your blood checked for your thyroid levels? I think you said you have hypothyroidism? If it's been a few months since it's been checked, I'd be tempted to have that done. Sometimes, if the dosage is too high for hypothyroidism medication it can cause increased anxiety.

When my mind starts going in loops and my anxiety kicks in, I find it helpful to go for really long walks. I do really poorly when I don't leave my house much. I'm naturally introverted and a real homebody, so that means I sometimes have to push myself to get and go for a walk, to the store, etc. I'm not sure what your job situation is, but if you work from home or are unemployed, maybe you could consider doing some very part time volunteer work just to get you out of the house a bit, and your mind occupied. An animal shelter, perhaps a senior citizen center or nursing home would be good places to look for volunteer work. I also find reading a good way to distract my mind when it starts overanalyzing things.

23-05-18, 22:14

Have you had any therapy for your anxiety, or tried taking an antidepressant? It might really help you with your health anxiety.

When's the last time you've had your blood checked for your thyroid levels? I think you said you have hypothyroidism? If it's been a few months since it's been checked, I'd be tempted to have that done. Sometimes, if the dosage is too high for hypothyroidism medication it can cause increased anxiety.

When my mind starts going in loops and my anxiety kicks in, I find it helpful to go for really long walks. I do really poorly when I don't leave my house much. I'm naturally introverted and a real homebody, so that means I sometimes have to push myself to get and go for a walk, to the store, etc. I'm not sure what your job situation is, but if you work from home or are unemployed, maybe you could consider doing some very part time volunteer work just to get you out of the house a bit, and your mind occupied. An animal shelter, perhaps a senior citizen center or nursing home would be good places to look for volunteer work. I also find reading a good way to distract my mind when it starts overanalyzing things.

Hi, yeah, I had my bloods done for my thyroid on 24th April, they were normal. I'm currently on Propranolol 80mg since Friday. At the moment, because of my back, and making my legs feel like rubber, the most I can do is walk my dogs, but when I do, I start getting spasms in my lower back/hips, and then my legs feel weak or wobbly. It's also my upper back, in the shoulder blades and shoulders, they feel like their tight, clicking and popping, then I get pinching pains in my arms too, and tingling burning sensation in my thighs. So it's very distressful and it's stopping me from going out now, because I'm frightened, even to the shops, which was fine for me normally.

I'm going the doctor tomorrow, I know their going to hate me because I was there Friday (twice last week), but their has been things going on.

Today, whether due to the heat, I got slight diarrhea/very loose stools that smelled, even though I'm drinking loads of water, still getting loud gurgling noises in my stomach. I'm also bursting out crying, not all the time, but when I get built up. Like right now, laying in bed on my left side, I can feel the bottom of my back feel warm and tender, like a deep aching, and in my hips too, like the sides in the buttocks.

Only thing that my mind goes to first is, some sort of cancer, like spinal, bone, blood etc. Or something equally as terrifying. Thanks for replying, it really is nice to hear from others, even though my head finds it hard to focus on much at the moment.

24-05-18, 04:06
I'm having a really bad night with my thoughts. I keep worrying about what's wrong with me, and thinking of terrifying things like cancers, spinal, blood, etc etc. I feel like I'm losing my mind. This back thing.[COLOR="blue"]

24-05-18, 23:30
Update: seen my doctor today, explained about my leg weakness, feeling heavy, aches and pains from it, the feeling in my arm and shoulders too. He took my blood pressure which was 140/90, and physically examined my legs.

I though because of my worries of all that stuff I'd explained, and explained to him as well that I was scared it was one of those things, that he may offer a MRI or some sort of scan, full blood count, but he didn't. I said about my cancer fears and the fear of my back pain and aches and pains being those fears, and he said no, it's not.

He said about starting anti-depressant, and to give the beta blockers another couple of weeks to settle into my system before going down to a lower dose. Anyway, I'm just upset by this and everything, like today, my stomach has been hurting, sharp pains in my upper left stomach, and loud loud gurgling noises as well.

I'm feeling very low right now, everything feels out of focus, surreal, I am disconnected and living in constant fear. I don't know what to do anymore?

I don't know.

24-05-18, 23:30
Update: seen my doctor today, explained about my leg weakness, feeling heavy, aches and pains from it, the feeling in my arm and shoulders too. He took my blood pressure which was 140/90, and physically examined my legs.

I though because of my worries of all that stuff I'd explained, and explained to him as well that I was scared it was one of those things, that he may offer a MRI or some sort of scan, full blood count, but he didn't. I said about my cancer fears and the fear of my back pain and aches and pains being those fears, and he said no, it's not.

He said about starting anti-depressant, and to give the beta blockers another couple of weeks to settle into my system before going down to a lower dose. Anyway, I'm just upset by this and everything, like today, my stomach has been hurting, sharp pains in my upper left stomach, and loud loud gurgling noises as well.

I'm feeling very low right now, everything feels out of focus, surreal, I am disconnected and living in constant fear. I don't know what to do anymore?

I don't know.

25-05-18, 08:28
I've been having some stomach pains lately, mainly in my upper abdomen, not all the time, and day before yesterday I had diarrhea, then yesterday it was slightly back to solid but not much. This morning, I weighed myself and was down a couple pounds from last week, I haven't been trying to loose weight, which is starting to concern me, as I will immediately start to worry about cancers and stuff.

I don't know, I can't relax anymore, I'm always afraid.

25-05-18, 14:05
Your stomach/digestive system works hand in hand with your mental state. The stomach is called your second brain. My GI system is the first place I start feeling my high anxiety. Then, it takes weeks to get back to normal. Diarrhea, gurging stomach, appetite loss, weight loss, the whole 9 yards. You need to relax and let your systems heal. The only way to do this is to take care of your anxiety with therapy, meds, whatever you need. I have my hiccups, but overall I am trying to focus on letting the doctors worry about my health. I have been thoroughly checked and it sounds like you have too. You need to let you mind and body heal.

25-05-18, 14:25
Your stomach/digestive system works hand in hand with your mental state. The stomach is called your second brain. My GI system is the first place I start feeling my high anxiety. Then, it takes weeks to get back to normal. Diarrhea, gurging stomach, appetite loss, weight loss, the whole 9 yards. You need to relax and let your systems heal. The only way to do this is to take care of your anxiety with therapy, meds, whatever you need. I have my hiccups, but overall I am trying to focus on letting the doctors worry about my health. I have been thoroughly checked and it sounds like you have too. You need to let you mind and body heal.

I know, first time I've had diarrhea (or just loose stools) in aong time, since last year probably. I'm still eating normally, so don't know about that. I get a lot of flatulence lol! And I belch quite a bit too,. I'm continuing to take my beta blockers, they seem to help in a some way it's not even been a week yet, doctor said see after a couple a weeks how I'm still on them.

I was able to walk the dogs today, felt a little wobbly and off balance but managed to do it for a couple hours, kinda tired now.

Thank you, it's nice to hear from people and talk about it all.

26-05-18, 17:44
I'm still having a bit of a hard time at the moment. I was fine yesterday for a long time, as I was out most of the day, lots or chores needed doing and it was very warm, and I only had about 4 hours sleep, which probably didn't help me feel tired later that evening along with the heat.

My back and shoulder pain has subsided quite considerably, but it has flared up today somewhat, with pulling pains in my arms and legs, and my left hip feeling sore and aching today, legs feel a little wobbly, and warm on my buttocks part and bottom of my back, so don't know if that is a nerve or something else? I still feel out of it, which could be the beta blockers, but they are keeping me calm at the moment, which can only be a good thing right?

My doctor wants me to stay on them, so I'm going to keep taking them. I'm just still feeling incredibly tense about things, anxious about worries, watching my weight and stuff cause I start panicking and thinking about cancers, which I freak out about. I'm still feeling panicky inside about stuff. Aches and pains, changes in anything, not had any bowel movement today, as I had diarrhea 2 days ago, and yesterday was just loose, so still watching things and anything.

26-05-18, 17:44
I'm still having a bit of a hard time at the moment. I was fine yesterday for a long time, as I was out most of the day, lots or chores needed doing and it was very warm, and I only had about 4 hours sleep, which probably didn't help me feel tired later that evening along with the heat.

My back and shoulder pain has subsided quite considerably, but it has flared up today somewhat, with pulling pains in my arms and legs, and my left hip feeling sore and aching today, legs feel a little wobbly, and warm on my buttocks part and bottom of my back, so don't know if that is a nerve or something else? I still feel out of it, which could be the beta blockers, but they are keeping me calm at the moment, which can only be a good thing right?

My doctor wants me to stay on them, so I'm going to keep taking them. I'm just still feeling incredibly tense about things, anxious about worries, watching my weight and stuff cause I start panicking and thinking about cancers, which I freak out about. I'm still feeling panicky inside about stuff. Aches and pains, changes in anything, not had any bowel movement today, as I had diarrhea 2 days ago, and yesterday was just loose, so still watching things and anything.

27-05-18, 21:34
Update: I'm feeling out of sorts, or spaced out, and feeling tired too, but I've not been sleeping properly lately; not sure if it's the humidity we're having at the moment, the lack of proper sleep, and the constant worrying.

Besides that, my toilet has returned to normal and solid. My weight, I'm still watching, as that really scares me the thought of losing weight without trying, cause that set my mind racing with the worst possible things. At the moment, it's staying the same, as my eating is the same too, so going up and down a couple pounds, so I've been anxious about that as well.

My back pain is minimal now, I'm still getting aches and pains in my arms and legs, and sometimes my legs start to feel a little weak again, the heat is not helping me, so yeah. I don't know, I think I'm just still feeling really anxious inside about everything in my body, and worrying about cancers and stuff, so my mind can't relax and always thinking about this kind of stuff and what's going on with my body.

27-05-18, 21:35
Update: I'm feeling out of sorts, or spaced out, and feeling tired too, but I've not been sleeping properly lately; not sure if it's the humidity we're having at the moment, the lack of proper sleep, and the constant worrying.

Besides that, my toilet has returned to normal and solid. My weight, I'm still watching, as that really scares me the thought of losing weight without trying, cause that set my mind racing with the worst possible things. At the moment, it's staying the same, as my eating is the same too, so going up and down a couple pounds, so I've been anxious about that as well.

My back pain is minimal now, I'm still getting aches and pains in my arms and legs, and sometimes my legs start to feel a little weak again, the heat is not helping me, so yeah. I don't know, I think I'm just still feeling really anxious inside about everything in my body, and worrying about cancers and stuff, so my mind can't relax and always thinking about this kind of stuff and what's going on with my body.

29-05-18, 00:10
I think starting an antidepressant would be a really great idea, and it sounds like the beta blocker is helping calm you down:-).

Just keep reminding yourself....this is all health anxiety.

29-05-18, 10:43
My weight is worrying me. A few days ago I was 6lbs, then I was 8lbs for about 4 days, now I'm back down to 7lbs (obviously not lbs just haven't put full weight just the lbs part).

Is that normal? Should I be worried? I keep thinking about horrible things, weight loss etc, like cancers etc. I really worry.

29-05-18, 10:46
I think starting an antidepressant would be a really great idea, and it sounds like the beta blocker is helping calm you down:-).

Just keep reminding yourself....this is all health anxiety.

I know you're probably right, but I'm always worrying, and at the moment, I'm worried about my weight, one minute it's down by a couple pounds, then up again but not it's gone down again and I'm not even trying to lose weight.

Thanks though!

---------- Post added at 10:46 ---------- Previous post was at 10:45 ----------

My weight is worrying me. A few days ago I was 6lbs, then I was 8lbs for about 4 days, now I'm back down to 7lbs (obviously not lbs just haven't put full weight just the lbs part).

Is that normal? Should I be worried? I keep thinking about horrible things, weight loss etc, like cancers etc. I really worry.

30-05-18, 19:03
Last few days I've been feeling really tight in my upper stomach after eating, just right in the middle below the breasts, it feels tight. My toilet has been a little off, yesterday I was normal, but today it was very soft again. I have also been feeling super drained or tired past few days, not sure if it's a combination of the humidity and the propranolol or if there is something serious going on?

30-05-18, 19:04
Last few days I've been feeling really tight in my upper stomach after eating, just right in the middle below the breasts, it feels tight. My toilet has been a little off, yesterday I was normal, but today it was very soft again. I have also been feeling super drained or tired past few days, not sure if it's a combination of the humidity and the propranolol or if there is something serious going on?

31-05-18, 03:06
I am really struggling to fall asleep properly lately. I was never a a person who went to bed early or fell asleep early, but at the moment it's much more difficult. I don't know if it's the Propranolol? Or something else?

I'm finding I want to sleep, but as soon as I try close my eyes, try sleep, I jolt back up in a panic, I don't know why!?

It is exhausting to constantly be going through that, it makes me think the worst.

31-05-18, 03:07
I am really struggling to fall asleep properly lately. I was never a a person who went to bed early or fell asleep early, but at the moment it's much more difficult. I don't know if it's the Propranolol? Or something else?

I'm finding I want to sleep, but as soon as I try close my eyes, try sleep, I jolt back up in a panic, I don't know why!?

It is exhausting to constantly be going through that, it makes me think the worst.

31-05-18, 09:03

You have two threads running at the moment which you are posting the same updates onto.

It might make sense to pick one thread and just update there.


31-05-18, 11:04

You have two threads running at the moment which you are posting the same updates onto.

It might make sense to pick one thread and just update there.


Hi, the reason was only if people were following any updates, and didn't follow the other one. Thanks for replying.

01-06-18, 00:38
Does anyone know what might be causing sharp stinging pains in my stomach? It's mainly on my right side below my ribs, it's really distressing me out. Is that where the colon is? Is it my colon? I'm really freaking out now.

Is it an ulcer? Something more serious? It's lasting a few seconds and then going, I didn't have it earlier today, it's only come on this evening, and I can also feel it in the right side of my neck, but mainly my stomach?

It's not constant, it seems to come and go, and lasts a few seconds, but it's like a sharp pinch or stinging pain, best way I can describe it. What is it???

---------- Post added 01-06-18 at 00:38 ---------- Previous post was 31-05-18 at 20:47 ----------

I've been having breathless episodes tonight. I'm not sure if it's to do with the stomach pains I said earlier, or what. The humidity here in Ireland is suffocating, especially for a country like ours, so it's making me feel worse.

I also got a funny turn earlier while laying down, my legs felt like they turned into a dead weight, I panicked and jumped up, they then felt tingly.

What is going on?

I'm worried about ulcers, and cancers and all that scary stuff.

01-06-18, 00:38
Does anyone know what might be causing sharp stinging pains in my stomach? It's mainly on my right side below my ribs, it's really distressing me out. Is that where the colon is? Is it my colon? I'm really freaking out now.

Is it an ulcer? Something more serious? It's lasting a few seconds and then going, I didn't have it earlier today, it's only come on this evening, and I can also feel it in the right side of my neck, but mainly my stomach?

It's not constant, it seems to come and go, and lasts a few seconds, but it's like a sharp pinch or stinging pain, best way I can describe it. What is it???

I've been having breathless episodes tonight. I'm not sure if it's to do with the stomach pains I said earlier, or what. The humidity here in Ireland is suffocating, especially for a country like ours, so it's making me feel worse.

I also got a funny turn earlier while laying down, my legs felt like they turned into a dead weight, I panicked and jumped up, they then felt tingly.

What is going on?

I'm worried about ulcers, and cancers and all that scary stuff.

01-06-18, 02:24

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.

01-06-18, 02:26
You really need to get some help with all of this to be honest

04-06-18, 02:02
My gums seem to be really pale, I only noticed today. It's like a pale transparent coating on them making them looking pale. I'm very worried, what is it?

I can't see anything in my mouth, no sores but I'm worried now.

07-06-18, 12:08
Woke up this morning, with my left thigh and hip, also inner thigh area with a really deep aching, it's also in my lower back on that side too. It's really stressing me out, I made an appointment to see a doctor this afternoon.

What could be causing it?

I have a horrendous fear about blood clots and pulmonary embolisms.

07-06-18, 15:17
I couldn't get an appointment until Monday with a doctor, things like this are very distressing for me. We have caredocs here in Ireland as well (emergency out of hours doctor) and that center is down the road from my house in an emergency.

At the moment, the aching is primarily in my lower back, on the left side, it's radiatinbg into my buttocks and hip area. It isn't aching as bad in my leg, but can still feel it slightly, I used a hot water bottle. It didn't help much but it eased a little but it's still niggling away.

I keep panicking that it could be a blood clot/DVT and turn into a pulmonary embolism, it terrifies me. I know. I'm sorry for being this way, but I only ask for advice or help.

07-06-18, 17:20
Hey, I read some of your thread. Going through a blood clot fear currently too and now I think my throats going to close because it feels tight...the wonderful world of health anxiety!

So, you mentioned you were Hypothyroid...doesn't that cause muscle aches and pains? My friend is hypo/hashimotos and get a lot of random pains, missed periods and racing heart that are just a result of the thyroid stuff. Are you taking any meds for your thyroid?

Also, acid reflux can cause pains in the back and along the spine. I have it and have had unbelievable pains in shoulder-blades, shoulder, chest and side which I was convinced was something mortally wrong. Just turned out to be irritation from acid, or muscle tension responding to the fact I was having some reflux into my oesophagus.

Another cause for pains along the back, side, arms etc can simply be from bad posture or just being anxious which is causing muscle tension. It's crazy what pains and sensations this can cause. My hip and rib felt like it was on fire for a week once...thought it was my pancreas...nope, I was just having a stressful week with a client and it caused all my muscles to over tense.

I know reassurance in a thread comment can only help so much, and the only real 'cure' is
accepting that anxiety is causing so much of these issues, especially after your GP has checked through lots of things.

07-06-18, 17:43
Hey, I read some of your thread. Going through a blood clot fear currently too and now I think my throats going to close because it feels tight...the wonderful world of health anxiety!

So, you mentioned you were Hypothyroid...doesn't that cause muscle aches and pains? My friend is hypo/hashimotos and get a lot of random pains, missed periods and racing heart that are just a result of the thyroid stuff. Are you taking any meds for your thyroid?

Also, acid reflux can cause pains in the back and along the spine. I have it and have had unbelievable pains in shoulder-blades, shoulder, chest and side which I was convinced was something mortally wrong. Just turned out to be irritation from acid, or muscle tension responding to the fact I was having some reflux into my oesophagus.

Another cause for pains along the back, side, arms etc can simply be from bad posture or just being anxious which is causing muscle tension. It's crazy what pains and sensations this can cause. My hip and rib felt like it was on fire for a week once...thought it was my pancreas...nope, I was just having a stressful week with a client and it caused all my muscles to over tense.

I know reassurance in a thread comment can only help so much, and the only real 'cure' is
accepting that anxiety is causing so much of these issues, especially after your GP has checked through lots of things.

Hi, thanks for replying. I've been on Eltroxin 50mg for a year, had a blood test in April that said it was normal. I'm also on Propranolol 80mg, for the anxiety.

I'm sitting almost the whole day, beside walking my dogs, that's it.

I have a horrendous fear of blood clots/dvt Pulmonary Embolism or cancers, so I'm panicky and anxious about my leg.

At the moment, it eased from earlier today, it was worse, but it's still quite achy in the left thigh and the left buttock/hip area. I tried a hot water bottle and gel, it didn't do much, seemed to help a little but I think the heat didn't help as it's very humid here at the moment so the air is stuffy.

I've had bouts of crying today too with panic and anxiety, thinking the worst, and now my chest feels a little constrained and breathless.

I'm just so scared, and just thinking the worst.

07-06-18, 18:22
Even though the pain has eased a little since earlier today, I've become a bit tight chested and breathless, so I'm worried it's a blood clot that's travelled from my thigh into my chest now, this is so distressing,

What is wrong with me? I'm bawling crying, just bouts of crying, and feeling panicky.

07-06-18, 19:50
Even though the pain has eased a little since earlier today, I've become a bit tight chested and breathless, so I'm worried it's a blood clot that's travelled from my thigh into my chest now, this is so distressing,

What is wrong with me? I'm bawling crying, just bouts of crying, and feeling panicky.

If you had a blood clot that had travelled to your lungs, you'd know about it. You would barely be able to breath and you certainly wouldn't be able to cry. From what I've read the pain is intense and undeniable. Try to do some breathing exercises, it will pass.

07-06-18, 20:00
If you had a blood clot that had travelled to your lungs, you'd know about it. You would barely be able to breath and you certainly wouldn't be able to cry. From what I've read the pain is intense and undeniable. Try to do some breathing exercises, it will pass.

Sorry if I sound hysterical, it's something I've always had a huge fear of anything like that. My mum says that to me too, as she had a blood clot in her leg, and she said it blew up twice the size and was red etc. It's my fear of it though, and because I've read all about it online, and things like you'll never feel it, silent killer, cramps, all those symptoms, it really scared me about any pains in my legs or anything.

It's a horrible place to be, constantly frightened and worried it's going to be something terrifyingly serious.

Thank you though, it really helps hearing from others, even if I repeat myself or go over things sometimes, it's my OCD that makes it hard.

It's still aching a little, but has eased since earlier today, less intense, mainly in my lower left back and groin on the left side, but mild at the moment. I still feel a little breathless.

07-06-18, 20:06
What help are you getting for your mental health though?

07-06-18, 21:52
What help are you getting for your mental health though?

I'm currently waiting for my cbt sessions, and i'm on propranolol 80mg to help some of the stuff i struggle with.

Thanks for reply.

08-06-18, 12:03
I'm getting severe period pains, asked my pharmacist if it's okay to take Solpadeine with my Propranolol 80mg, he said yeah it was fine, so it should be okay to take them right? I always get nervous taking medicines.

09-06-18, 23:29
I'm feeling really whoozy headed tonight, i'm just wondering, would it be the heat and humidity? it's very warm and clammy over here in Ireland at the moment, a bit of a heatwave. Would this be causing the symptoms? I'm also getting aches and pains, like little pinching pains as well?

Would the humidity and heat cause that?

i'm drinking lots of water, but I'm also sweating, I feel tired too, like I just want to lay down in bed, achy and drained.

What is causing this?

10-06-18, 02:24
Keep getting pains when trying to fall asleep, why? I'm getting all these different little pains, some in my chest, or arms, then some feel like a snapping pain, moderate pain in my stomach area. Then it feels like my body becomes heavy or floppy, which jolts me awake again.

This is very distressing, what is causing this?

10-06-18, 15:24
Health anxiety is causing it :-).

I really, really hope you get some help for your anxiety, Mischamoonlight :-). I think it would make such a difference in your life.

Have you discussed with your doctor again about going on an antidepressant?

10-06-18, 15:24
Health anxiety is causing it :-).

I really, really hope you get some help for your anxiety, Mischamoonlight :-). I think it would make such a difference in your life.

Have you discussed with your doctor again about going on an antidepressant?

10-06-18, 21:26
Health anxiety is causing it :-).

I really, really hope you get some help for your anxiety, Mischamoonlight :-). I think it would make such a difference in your life.

Have you discussed with your doctor again about going on an antidepressant?

They spoke to me about starting on them, but I felt a bit scared to be on more medication. I'm already on Beta Blockers for my anxiety, Eltroxin for my Hypothyroid (which is necessary though). It is such a struggle, sorry if I sound hysterical, it sometimes gets really bad, if I get aches and pains in my body, I get really scared.

Thanks for replying.

11-06-18, 10:43
Woke up this morning, still feeling slightly breathless and tight chest. My nose also feels congested at the back even though I can breath through it. The left side of my back is aching again, so I'm starting to feel panicked about my breathing and if there's something wrong?

I worry it's my lungs, or my heart, or what is causing it? I thought it may have been the humidity, but I don't know now, I'm so distressed by this?

11-06-18, 18:53
My shortness of breath (or not feeling like I can't take a full breath in) is mild at the moment, but it's just disconcerting and makes me feel agitated and stressed by it. I'm also getting a bit of discomfort in my upper stomach after I finish eat, it quickly goes away, but it just feels a bit discomfort just as I finish eating. It could be a build of inhaling air or eating too fast (I don't eat terribly fast), but obviously I worry about these things. I've also been getting that aching pain in my left side on my back, the ribs and shoulder blade, even though I've got a new Orthapaedic bed? I'm sitting all day, so I'm very inactive and my only exercise is walking my dogs.

What could be causing these sensations?

I'm seeing my doctor on Wednesday by the way.

11-06-18, 19:00
I think a lot of your problems could be caused by being inactive. Why are you not moving about more and getting out?

12-06-18, 08:14
I think a lot of your problems could be caused by being inactive. Why are you not moving about more and getting out?

Probably, but I really can't change it a lot as I work from my computer, so I'm at home, working at my desk for most of the day. I walk my dogs, and do a few chores, but that's it.

12-06-18, 08:20
Still feeling moderately short of breath and feels slightly tight chested, but mostly tight around my throat. My back left ribs and shoulder are tender again, not sure why, even though I bought a new orthopedic mattress. I'm seeing my doctor tomorrow but I'm feeling a bit panicky about it.

I started panicking what could it be, like a pulmonary embolism, that terrifies me, or it being something wrong with my lungs or heart?

So distressing.

12-06-18, 12:51
I'm having toilet trouble, it seems to be quite soft, and getting very loud gurgling noises in my stomach. Right at this moment, I'm feeling very short of breath, it doesn't help that my nose feels stuffy or congested, but not like a cold or anything, just full at the back. And my left back ribs feel tender and achy like they did before, so I have that too.

I'm panicking really bad right now, frightened of what's going on. I felt okay walking the dogs earlier, but since the last hour, I've felt really breathless and panicky and I'm alone.

I know I have an appointment tomorrow with my doctor, but it's so distressing right now, feeling scared something is seriously wrong.

12-06-18, 12:59
If it was something serious then it wouldn't stop when you took the dogs for a walk would it?

You can go out after work though surely and get some exercise?

12-06-18, 13:18
If it was something serious then it wouldn't stop when you took the dogs for a walk would it?

You can go out after work though surely and get some exercise?

It just lessens when I was walking, I can still feel it slightly. I usually walk the dogs first thing in the morning and after I finish for the evening, so I get a little movement after work, this breathing has just been since Friday, sometimes it's more flared, especially more noticeable when I'm alone in the house, which makes me really panicky.

What happens is, it feels like a tightness not allowing me to feel fully satisfied breathing in, or when I take a deep inhale, I feel a little catch, not painful or anything, just like a catch. I'm also noticing a lot that I'm getting that acid/burning feeling coming up my throat, so don't know there.

Thanks for replying, it helps talking.

12-06-18, 19:55
So I would say that your breathing is causing the aches in your chest/ribs/back.
If I have a particularly bad anxiety day it affects my breathing, and I do that shallow breathing that it sounds like you’re doing. Often the next day I get aches from the bad breathing techniques.
Do you find yourself gasping sometimes?

And are you still pregnant or have I got you confused with someone else?

Do you know how to breathe properly? Belly breathing? Google it. Do it properly every time you feel yourself tending up and getting stressed.

Have you ever breathed into a paper bag? Try doing it 10 times. Google the method.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

12-06-18, 20:23
So I would say that your breathing is causing the aches in your chest/ribs/back.
If I have a particularly bad anxiety day it affects my breathing, and I do that shallow breathing that it sounds like you’re doing. Often the next day I get aches from the bad breathing techniques.
Do you find yourself gasping sometimes?

And are you still pregnant or have I got you confused with someone else?

Do you know how to breathe properly? Belly breathing? Google it. Do it properly every time you feel yourself tending up and getting stressed.

Have you ever breathed into a paper bag? Try doing it 10 times. Google the method.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I think you've gotten me mixed up with someone else :D I've never been pregnant.

Yeah, I'll try the breathing technique, it usually feels like a gasp when I try to deep inhale, kinda catches.

Thanks for reply.

12-06-18, 21:56

So I think you might be chest breathing and hyperventilating. You would really benefit from learning to belly breathe. It’s hard at first, can even make you feel dizzy, but it’ll work.
That’s why I say about breathing into a paper bag, it’s worth a try.

Breathing is always the first physical symptom I notice with my anxiety. It’s crazy how it can then affect so much.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

13-06-18, 02:36

So I think you might be chest breathing and hyperventilating. You would really benefit from learning to belly breathe. It’s hard at first, can even make you feel dizzy, but it’ll work.
That’s why I say about breathing into a paper bag, it’s worth a try.

Breathing is always the first physical symptom I notice with my anxiety. It’s crazy how it can then affect so much.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

It's ok! And thank you again!

13-06-18, 02:46
I'm short of breath tonight, which I can't sleep with the worry. Aches and pains, my back left ribs and shoulder blade are tender and aching too. My stomach is gurgling loudly, even though I'm not hungry.

I measured my sp02 which is jumping between 95-98%, but seems to be staying on the low side tonight. My heart rate (I'm on propranolol 80m remember) is between 60-70s.

I keep panicking about pulmonary embolisms, and it being something with my stomach, bowels, intestines, something burst.

I don't know, I'm just very distressed and scared.

13-06-18, 16:08
So how did it go at the docs?

14-06-18, 16:01
Sorry for late reply, been a rather hard couple of days.

Went doctors yesterday morning, she checked my chest and back, done the oximeter, everything was fine with my chest she said and my oxygen levels. I explained about my toilet troubles, she said that can be a cause of the periods, or and to let it run its course.

I still feeling breathless today, still have loose stools, very soft. Tired, worn out and just generally tired of it all.

Everyone's fighting with me, the doctors just tell me to go to the therapist (which I was doing, and can't afford private), still having symptoms. What am I to do?

I'm in a very bad place today mentally, my body is aching. I'm just very down today.

Thanks for checking how my appointment went, nice to know someone cares even a little.

14-06-18, 17:28
I do worry and care about you (and others do too) but not sure what else to suggest other than some self-help things like learning how to do abdominal breathing and some relaxation.

Maybe a bit of a walk outside in the sun may help as well - get some Vitamin D in you. I know you walk the dogs but some chill time on your own.

14-06-18, 21:11
I do worry and care about you (and others do too) but not sure what else to suggest other than some self-help things like learning how to do abdominal breathing and some relaxation.

Maybe a bit of a walk outside in the sun may help as well - get some Vitamin D in you. I know you walk the dogs but some chill time on your own.

Thank you, I mean that. Yeah, I'm going to try some breathing (proper) exercises, maybe try eating better too and not so fast. I'll try go for a walk without the dogs sometime, when I feel okay enough to do it, as I get panicky walking on my own, but I'll try start small.

Thanks again, just been a bad couple days, made me have really bad thoughts and get really down, so trying to repair again.

15-06-18, 16:28
Has your doctor suggested going on an antidepressant again?

I know many people are against taking them, and I understand their point of view, but I do think it can definitely help, especially when the anxiety and/or depression, OCD, or whatever is taking over a person's life.

Do you feel the therapy is helping you at all?

15-06-18, 16:39
Has your doctor suggested going on an antidepressant again?

I know many people are against taking them, and I understand their point of view, but I do think it can definitely help, especially when the anxiety and/or depression, OCD, or whatever is taking over a person's life.

Do you feel the therapy is helping you at all?

Hi, yeah I start my therapy in a few weeks for 6 sessions. If I'm still having episodes, I'm going to think about going on them and come off the Beta Blockers, and see if they help.

Thanks for replying, good to talk to people.

15-06-18, 16:50
Well, the day started okay, then I got a a funny chest sensation, where my heart was thudding through my upper chest, then I got a weird all over sensation that made me feel like my body was tensing up and I was going to stop breathing or something. It had to happen when I was driving. I then got a pain in my left arm and chest, which then panicked me even more, because I started thinking it was a Pulmonary Embolism. I had been feeling short of breath earlier as well, but was managing it as best I could but then that happened and now I feel scared again.

I know I was only at the doctors Wednesday, and she checked my chest, and back with the stethoscope, and checked my oxygen level with the oximeter but I kept feeling short of breath afterwards, and today too. Sometimes I don't know if it's coming from the back of my nose, because that always feels congested or full or something (I can breath and inhale through my nose) but it just feels full behind it. Or if it's my chest, maybe my lungs or something. It's so distressing.

Having aches and pains in all different parts of my body too, especially my back left ribs and shoulder blade, their really tender and aching like before. So, I'm tired now and worried again.

16-06-18, 20:52
I'm still having shortness of breath, and I'm not anxious and it's still happening, why??

The fullness behind my nose is the main cause of it, makes me feel it in the back of my throat, and sometimes I get small pinching pains in my chest, maybe from tightness or what, and the left side of my back is aching, not to mention the deep aches I get every now and then in an arm or a leg.

I find it impossible to go asleep, it is about 4am before I do, tossing and turning, or I literally jolt from my sleep because I get that falling sensation in my chest, that sets me into a panic. Everything is so hard, it's exhausting.

I get stinging pains in my stomach sometimes, minor/mild, usually on left side at the moment. I don't know what to do, I don't know, I'm tired, distressed, and then I start to get panicky because I become afraid that it is all to do with something like cancer, or a pulmonary embolism, or something serious going on I don't understand.

17-06-18, 13:50
I'm a little worried about my symptoms. Last week or so, I'd been getting little stinging pains in my upper stomach, not severe, very mild, and obviously the last week I've felt a little short of breath too, not sure if it's coming from the back of my nose or not, but it just feels. I also have a whistling sound when I take a deep breath in, happens when I exhale. I've had that for a very long time, it's not a new symptom, but I'm wondering because I can hear it more is it related to these other symptoms? My muscles, especially in my legs and arms are aching, deep aches.

I Googled obviously, and ulcers came up, then gastric, intestinal, stomach cancers came up to, so you know, I have no put myself into a distressing panic.

I'm still taking my Propranolol 80mg for a month now. I'm just worried and fretting about this, and I'm feeling a little lightheaded at the moment.

What is it?

18-06-18, 02:40
I just took my temp and it's between 96.8-97.0 or so, which now along with the pains I'm getting in different parts of my body, especially the aching in the left side of my back near the shoulder blade, short of breath that comes and goes, I'm panicking now it's Pneumonia, or some serious infection or illness??

Im really scared, this has set my panic off badly.

18-06-18, 02:59
I'm afraid that bad bacterial infection I had a few months back has caused something terrible, like Pneumonia, Sepsis, or some other serious thing in my body.

I don't know what to do, I'm so panicked about this now. The body aches, the upper left back aches, the shortness of breath (mild and not as often now), the abdominal stinging pains that come and go (mild also!) but I'm freaking out now on what all this could be? And now my temperature??

18-06-18, 23:44
I'm still having those stinging pains, mostly in my upper tummy, just beneath my breast bone. It's mild, but noticeable, they come and go every so often throughout the day, but I'm worrying maybe it could be something like an ulcer? I was really panicky last night thinking my other symptoms and low temperature could be pneumonia (my temperature has gone back up today to 97. roughly).

I'm also having a throbbing pain in my left hand, on the upside of my palm, a nagging pain/throbbing. Mild shortness of breath, not all the time, come and goes also. I'm still having body aches and pains, so don't know what may be causing the stinging pain in stomach and the body aches?

Everything can feel like a terrible struggle, and worrying about what is going on, I don't know, this is very stressful.

19-06-18, 02:25
My temperature has gone down to 96.5 again, what is going on? I'm starting to get really scared.

I'm not sleeping, I have deep aching pains in parts of my body (hand, feet, calves, arms, back, shoulder blade), I get these moments where I'm relaxed, then all of a sudden I can't seem to swallow, even though I'm not eating, just choking on air, stinging pains in my stomach, sometimes upper, sometimes side, sometimes lower tummy. Then sometimes I get a shudder that feels like my heart is going to stop or something, very scary.

I am tired throughout the day, even though I'm not panicking, but it's starting to wane on me. Now this low temperature? It was normal temp earlier today, but tonight it has gone down again, why?!?

19-06-18, 12:54
Why don't you print off all these symptoms and show them to your doctor?

19-06-18, 14:04
I actually wrote a little list of my physical symptoms when I last saw a doctor. She actually snatched it out of my hand and said I don't have time to go through all these!. Very caring especially as one of them was left arm and leg weakness :( .
Anyway, I digress lol. Mischamoonlight a lot of your symptoms I would put down to having a lot of time to think and get stuck in your head. You work from home?, do you get out to meet people much? And you walk your dogs but do you do any other kind of exercise?
You're stuck in a loop and need to find a way out of it.
And put the thermometer away :)

19-06-18, 15:33
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19-06-18, 15:33
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