View Full Version : Starburst shapes/quality in vision seems strange

02-05-18, 10:38
Hello again,

I have been noticing the quality of the starbursts I see from fairly distant lights seems quite strange. Instead of straight lines coming out from the light source in the center they must be bending and interfering with the other lines making it look like broken or dotted lines coming out from the light source.

Also, I notice that when the sun reflects off the roof of cars that the bright white line that should create a starburst creates lines that follow the shape of the original white light.

The same happens noticeably on the older yellow streetlights which I tried to draw (notice the lines following the shape of the light rather than creating the usual starburst) - https://imgur.com/ZB4cj49

My immediate conclusion I jumped to was cataracts. I'm 32 which seems a bit premature but perhaps it's some early sign of them? Or perhaps my astigmatism has shifted again and it's playing tricks on me?

Anyone else notice similar effects?

02-05-18, 10:58
How long have you been noticing this?

I'm assuming you have an optometrist you go to? Probably best to go in, as they are more likely to know whats up. Then at least you won't have to worry!

Gary A
02-05-18, 11:09
Hello again,

I have been noticing the quality of the starbursts I see from fairly distant lights seems quite strange. Instead of straight lines coming out from the light source in the center they must be bending and interfering with the other lines making it look like broken or dotted lines coming out from the light source.

Also, I notice that when the sun reflects off the roof of cars that the bright white line that should create a starburst creates lines that follow the shape of the original white light.

The same happens noticeably on the older yellow streetlights which I tried to draw (notice the lines following the shape of the light rather than creating the usual starburst) - https://imgur.com/ZB4cj49

My immediate conclusion I jumped to was cataracts. I'm 32 which seems a bit premature but perhaps it's some early sign of them? Or perhaps my astigmatism has shifted again and it's playing tricks on me?

Anyone else notice similar effects?

Could just be a natural part of your eyes getting a bit older. As we age, certain parts of the eye break down. The vitreous gel within your eye starts to stretch and break down. That’s where floaters and such come from.

This can and will cause minor vision changes. Most people wouldn’t really notice that type of thing, but an anxious mind has more of a tendency to focus in on things like that.

It may be worth a vision test at your local optometrist, but it’s not something that sounds overly concerning.

02-05-18, 18:57
Thanks everyone - I'm due an opticians appointment in a couple of months so I'll maybe just hold off until then.

I do think the vitreous gel explanation makes a lot of sense, I have a tendency to notice very minor changes in my vision, which isn't helped by the fact that I stare at screens all day, I don't blink enough and wake up each morning with extremely dry eyes.