View Full Version : My anxiety/fears ruin my life

02-05-18, 15:54
I have become so afraid - my anxiety is out of control..
I have over the last few years struggled to leave the house at times,not been/felt able to work ( I live alone due to unexpected divorce/couldnt have children - so just me ) ...Now I am terrified because I spend a lot of time on my laptop -looking at various things, watching films, reading stuff - just trying to keep my mind occupied etc ....I know this may sound naive of me ( I am of midlife age and female).. I always balance my laptop on the arm of the chair, and not really given it much thought - now I am scared/anxious re exposure to radiation.. I never used to think/be conscious of such things - but the anx is destroying me/my life ..

02-05-18, 16:24
This is a kin to the cell phone use fear and no, it's not rational at all.

Hope you find a way forward.

Positive thoughts

02-05-18, 17:00
I have become so afraid - my anxiety is out of control..
I have over the last few years struggled to leave the house at times,not been/felt able to work ( I live alone due to unexpected divorce/couldnt have children - so just me ) ...Now I am terrified because I spend a lot of time on my laptop -looking at various things, watching films, reading stuff - just trying to keep my mind occupied etc ....I know this may sound naive of me ( I am of midlife age and female).. I always balance my laptop on the arm of the chair, and not really given it much thought - now I am scared/anxious re exposure to radiation.. I never used to think/be conscious of such things - but the anx is destroying me/my life ..

The path forward here is professional help, and to let your provider know of your fears.

02-05-18, 18:17
This has happened to me lots of times, where I have done something for years without a second thought then seemingly out of nowhere it becomes a fear. I remember going through a time when I thought I had given myself ovarian cancer by balancing my laptop on my lap. I think HA is hard for anyone but being on your own without distraction makes it harder. Do you have friends who you can talk with and spend time with? Have you spoken to anyone about how you feel?

02-05-18, 21:06
I have spoken to a couple of friends - they tell me not to worry, as many people use laptops and if they were that dangerous they wouldnt be sold?? and many young children/adults have used them on their laps etc - still does not alleviate my fears ..I just feel such a fool for not thinking and just using technology

02-05-18, 21:16
I have spoken to a couple of friends - they tell me not to worry, as many people use laptops and if they were that dangerous they wouldnt be sold!! and many young children/adults have used them on their laps etc

There, fixed that for you ;)

Positive thoughts