View Full Version : Lump near eye/nose

02-05-18, 15:55
Hi everyone :)

I've been driving myself absolutely crazy with worry the past week or so because of a little lump thing I've noticed by my eye. Today I worked up the courage to book a doctors appointment about it but it's over a week away so I was wondering if anybody had any insights or advice that might help relieve some of the obsessive worry until then.

About a week ago, I had quite a large acne cyst on the bridge of my nose, where it joins the eyebrow. When it swelled up, I noticed that there also seemed to be a sort of lump in the area between the bridge of my nose and the eye. Thinking it was just swelling from the acne, I didn't think much of it.

But now the acne cyst has gone down, this weird lump is persisting and causing me an insane amount of panic and worry (not ideal as I have exams at the moment). I keep thinking it could be some sort of tumour or that my sinuses are blocked or something way more serious and it's driving me mad. I haven't been sleeping well since noticing it because it keep sending me into awful anxiety attacks.

The best way I can describe it is being a hard lump, that forms a line between the corner of my eye and goes up to my brow bone? It's not really visible, but you can feel it if you touch it. There's no redness or anything and it only hurts if you poke it hard. Of course, I've been looking it up on Google which is making me worry more, especially because it doesn't seem to move with my skin, which is making me think even more that it's cancerous or killing me in some way.

If anybody has any idea what on earth it could be I would really appreciate it because it is really triggering my anxiety and I'm absolutely terrified :(

02-05-18, 16:15
I wouldn't worry about it to be honest, its most likely a spot under the skin :)

02-05-18, 18:55
I wouldn't worry - it's funny because I noticed the same thing earlier today by sheer coincidence when I was rubbing around my eyes. To me it feels like an underlying hard piece of muscle which joins somewhere between your nose, the rim of your eye socket and your brow (at least that's what mine feels like).