View Full Version : Tired short breath weak

02-05-18, 17:04
I know anxiety causes many odd symptoms but I am getting the above constantly it has got so bad today it has not let up I do not feel as if I have the energy to take one step I am so scared by it had a lot of bloods taken recently just before this started and all was clear I do have bad health anxiety and have had attacks like this but not constantly I feel like my breath is sticking just below sternum where ribs meet I have been under constant stress for about 5 years now and it takes its toll. I feel like I cannot get a good breath. My heart races was on a steroid nasal spray for about a week and stopped it a week ago as I wondered if that makes it worse also take inhaled steroids for asthma. The tiredness is extreme

Please if anyone has this help me

03-05-18, 00:28
Hey Maria, I’ll try to help if I can.

First thing, have you been getting enough sleep? You sound very stressed and panicked and if anything like me, not only do I not get enough sleep, but the anxiety itself can make me very exhausted.

As for the breathing, I’m getting that a little myself today after having a bad panic attack yesterday and it’s leftovers today. I focus too much on it, then get a little nervous thinking I’m not taking in breaths correctly, so I panick a little more- vicious cycle.

My only advice is to try and calm yourself as best you can to see if that helps. Take real good deep breaths and hold it if you can. Does it hurt to breathe? Are you light headed? If not, it might just be the fixation of your anxiety. I try to play a video game that will keep me engaged or watch a really funny movie or comedian (I will suggest Brian Reagan if you’ve never seen him, hilarious without profanity!) or even put my headhones on, turn on some music and dance. Anything to get my mind off my body for a bit.

Health anxiety sucks. Stress sucks. We just have to stay positive! :hugs:

03-05-18, 11:38
Thank you so much

03-05-18, 17:43
Of course. Sometimes I just need to know someone is listening too...

I hope you’re doing better today.