View Full Version : Writing to you in tears terrified black mark under toe nail

02-05-18, 19:56
Hey guys I have been petrified of melanoma since visiting a doctor a week ago. She said I had two spots that she wanted looked at by a derm. The issue is she said it would be months since I saw one... wtf if she’s concerned why will this take months? I feel like I’m being given a death sentence. To make matters worse I went to yoga today and noticed these little black marks under my toe nail... which could also be melanoma... I have read some other posts on here that have been reassuring but I can’t shake the thought that melanoma is travelling all over my body and it’s too late... what should I do??? I have an appointment to see another doctor tomorrow...

I want to attach a pic but it won’t work. Ps the spot doesn’t begin at the cuticle and isn’t linear. I guess this is an ok sign?

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Similar looking to this photo but black so I pray this is what it is

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It looks like a splinter hemorage to me... but idn forsure

02-05-18, 20:33
Checking out your post history, it seems you had a break for a few years. What was it that you did during that time to help yourself and control your anxiety and what was it that triggered you back into a spiral?

Positive thoughts

02-05-18, 20:43
I can't open the picture I'm afraid - but anyway - the matter in hand; You haven't been referred quickly because presumably the doctor isn't that concerned and doesn't think its anything approaching an emergency or serious. What did she actually say about these two spots ?

02-05-18, 20:48
Checking out your post history, it seems you had a break for a few years. What was it that you did during that time to help yourself and control your anxiety and what was it that triggered you back into a spiral?

Positive thoughts

Hi Pa,

I was amazing for a few years.. you are so right.. I believed the doctors and forced myself not to worry.. I guess what has triggered this spiral is that I have been avoiding the doctor and I have allot of irregular moles. Now I'm learning that I shouldn't have left them go... I should have gotten them checked right away.. :weep:

Now I feel like new terrifying things just keep arising

---------- Post added at 19:48 ---------- Previous post was at 19:44 ----------

I can't open the picture I'm afraid - but anyway - the matter in hand; You haven't been referred quickly because presumably the doctor isn't that concerned and doesn't think its anything approaching an emergency or serious. What did she actually say about these two spots ?


I spoke to a derm assistant today and she said that my area is greatly under serviced and there is a month wait for anyone in the area.. :( I also can't pay to see a derm privately as it is illegal. I would have to try to get referred to someone in a big city near me.. which I will try to do..as I'm worried.

she just said the moles on my back are dark and irregular and look different than the other moles on my body. I am also concerned about one on my face but she claimed it was a skin tag.. although I don't think it meets the qualities of that..
im so lost. I wish I just had one little mole to worry about.. not a million.

02-05-18, 20:55

I spoke to a derm assistant today and she said that my area is greatly under serviced and there is a month wait for anyone in the area.. :( I also can't pay to see a derm privately as it is illegal. I would have to try to get referred to someone in a big city near me.. which I will try to do..as I'm worried.

she just said the moles on my back are dark and irregular and look different than the other moles on my body. I am also concerned about one on my face but she claimed it was a skin tag.. although I don't think it meets the qualities of that..
im so lost. I wish I just had one little mole to worry about.. not a million. __________________

Hi again,

That's tough! I can see why its set you off on a fearful path. You've obviously done so well over the last couple of years, and sometimes a genuinely needed medical check can certainly set off a major HA mindset. I don't know anything about the medical system in Canada (was it Canadian flag I saw ?), so you could try and get another referral to a different location?

Now, you need to try not to start seeing every mark and blemish as connected in some way to the moles that are going to be looked at. If there was cancer spreading round your body as you are imagining, you'd have lots more symptoms than a couple of spots on a nail. As I say, I can't see the image, but if you think it looks very like a splinter haemmorhage, then you are probably absolutely correct.

03-05-18, 15:02
I just wanted to let you know that I saw the doctor today regarding my toenail and he said that he doesn't know what is up with the dot but it isn't cancer... I'm going to tell my health anxiety that this answer should be enough for me. Even if he doesn't know the cause.. I hope that doctors are taught skin cancer/nail cancer warning signs. I also showed him the moles on my back to find out if I should be concerned in pushing my appointment forward and he said they don't look worrisome just make sure they don't change or grow. They are small and not discoloured.
I guess a more reassuring appointment today. I am going to tell my health anxiety that I need to trust my doctors..and wait whatever months to see a derm

03-05-18, 15:21
Good move :yesyes:

14-05-18, 16:32
NOTE TO EVERYONE READING THIS.. it grew off haha.. always trust your doctors.

much love xx

14-05-18, 16:40
Thought it might. :yesyes: