View Full Version : Dont think i can do it...

17-12-04, 20:07
Hi every1.. firstly happy christmas!!

Ive got a bit of a dilemma,
my panic attacks have taken over my life. ive stopped work and im so so anxious about everything. Have all the sypmtom every1 else has..
But in January a friend of mine has invited me to london 4hrs drive away to a movie premiere, red carpet and expensive dress, after show party and possibly celebs too!!
I struggle just going into town, but i really dont wanna pass up this oppertunity il never get again!
im 21 and feel like im missing out on so much... ive got 4weeks until the event i need some "quick fix" ideas to get me through and make it.. i dont want to miss out.
My friend knows all about my panic so thats reassuring but its all the travelling and being away from home thats going to be the problem.. as well as stressing about having a full blown panic attack on the red carpet!
Any suggestions about coping will be much apprieciated.
Thank you.
N x

17-12-04, 20:17
hi......im not sure there are any quick fixes i know if there was i would be trying them. its easy for people to say relax and just go with it but we on here know its not that easy look around the site there are loads of good advice that will maybe help make it a bit easier for you to be able to cope even if it just gets you through the short term

fan x

18-12-04, 00:09
That's right Fan, there are no quick fixes.

It's four weeks away though, so...

Have you tried CBT? (Cognitive behavioural therapy). Try visualising the event, what will happen, what it will look like. Now try to imagine what MIGHT happen (bad things, you know what I mean!) play out their full consequences.

Now imagine that that is playing out on a cinema screen, try to fast forward, rewind it. Visualise that you are in the cinema, watching it happen. See if you feel comfortable watching it. If not, try to visualise yourself watching yourself watching it play out. Keep going back until you do feel comfortable with it, then move forward into each 'view' until you can see yourself in the bad situation on the screen without feeling bad. What you are doing is trying to take away the fear of it. To view the worst case scenario.

Also, accept that you don't have to go, that you are not a failure if you don't, you're just not ready yet. It won't be a once in a lifetime opportunity, others will come, and you will enjoy them. Go if you are ready, ready to push yourself. Don't stay in your comfort zone, but don't try to do things you are not ready for, they won't help.

Finally, have you tried Bach's rescue remedy? you can get it from boots, it really calms you down without doping you up, maybe it's a placebo, I don't know, but it works for me, and everyone I know. You can stick a load of drops in some water, or just drop it on your tongue, use it, as much as you want to.

Maybe this will help, I don't know, I could suggest some specific things if you can tell me exactly what you are worried about...?

Good luck, life will come back to you, it's a strange thing, but an awful lot of people just plain get better, without doing anything. For them, the panic is part of them adjusting to their mortality, and where they fit in in the world, and they resolve that and move on, not overnight, but if you have faith and believe in yourself and the people you love.

Good luck.

Love Michael X.

You are not alone

18-12-04, 12:33
Thanks for your advice FAN and Micheal.
Im currently haveing CBT with a concellor but iv only been to 3 sessions so far,and wev not really got into it properly, but i will try the technique you suggested.
I take rescue remedy daily, and lots of homeopatihc remedies too... they take the edge off i suppose. my main fear is being so far from home and i cant change the venue so il have to cope with that if i make it!
the problem i have from being from home is that what if i get ill,its to far to travel to get back, what if i cant cope.. my family are 4 hours away... all these things go through my mind.

Really want to try, but i know i can't even get public transport to my town 4miles away so how am i going to manage to london for a whole weekend!!?!

18-12-04, 21:56

What I used to do was transfer my "safe" place from home to somewhere else.

Whilst I was getting between the 2 places it was so hard but once there I made it my new safe place so I could stay.

You may be able to do this too.

It would be a shame to miss this opportunity so I would grab it by the horns and go for it.

DON'T however beat yourself up if you can't do it - you will not have failed and it doesn't matter at the end of the day.

Start planning now what to wear, sort out the train times, where you are going to stay etc. Don't leave it all to the last minute and then panic !

I am sure you will have a fantastic time once you get there - the build up is always worse cos we keep thinking "what if ..."

Good luck!


23-12-04, 23:38
Hi bubblestar!

I am exactly the same as you, only my big event has just passed and i went to it! I can't go into town (about 2 miles away) and just about anywhere else.

About a month ao i had an invitation to a friend's black tie 21st birthday party, and immediatly replied 'yes-i'll be there'! then i realised what i had just done-what a nightmare-howon earth was i meant to go to this party when it was too hard for me to have a job?!?! Well i went to the the doc and she gave me propranolol-a beta blocker, it just slows down your heart a bit. I took one on a trip into my nearest big town about 9 miles away and it really worked. I am super nervous about taking tablets especially ones that control your heart but it worked like a dream.

I got ready for the party-all dressed up!-then took a tablet about 15 minutes before we left (about 40 miles away). My heart was beating normally, i had all the same thoughts of course (worried , anxious, really didn't want to go!) but i got there and i enjoyed it, i couldn't drink (coz of the tablet) but it was entertaining watching everyone else drink too much!

Your invitation sounds wonderful, i think it would be fabulous! I think you know you are going to go really, in your heart of hearts, it's an opportunity not to miss. I'm not saying 'oh just go, you'll be fine' but i am saying that if maybe you could get hold of some kind of beta blocker (to control what, for me, is the main symptom of my attacks) it would help you. They don't work alone, they just control your heart, only you can control your mind and your thoughts, but you can do it.

i love what nicola has just said, 'the build up is always worse cos we keep thinking "what if ..." '

Goodluck bubblestar
You can do it!!!!


29-12-04, 12:20
hmmm a simple quick fix cure that has worked treats 4 me in the past month or so is alcohol, and lots of it! lol! im not encouraging you to drink until ur lying unconscious on the red carpet, but a few drinks certainly work 4 me in easing the anxiety and wen im drunk i feel almost normal :-p. recently ive been drinkin wayyyyy 2 much and end up gettin heart palpitations/fluttering really badly the day afta but if u drink a sensible amount ull hav the confidence 2 go strut ur stuff and u shudnt get any effects the nxt day!
+ lucy-u can drink on beta blockers btw, well i was on them for 2 yrs (not anxiety related but 2 prevent migraines) and the drink neva did me any harm!

29-12-04, 14:09
Thanks, this_grey_dove, i didn't know you could drink on beta blockers, now i do!!
