View Full Version : My introduction

19-07-07, 00:37
Hi everyone

My name is Martyn and I have been visiting the site occassionally for a couple of weeks. I am diagnosed with mild anxiety and depression and haven't worked for about 3 months. My doctor, who has been very understanding, has prescribed fluoxetine which has helped the anxiety and doesn't appear to have produced any side affects. I still don't seem to have a lot of motivation though. I am registered for a course of CBT which may start in August which I feel quite positive about. Does anyone have any positive reports of CBT? I had a similar spell of anxiety about eight years ago and came through that after about 5 months purely on medication which I eventually withdrew from. I recognise now though that I need to deal with the negative thinking which has been a pattern in my life for as long as I can remember.

19-07-07, 01:52
welcome marty,
sounds like you understand whats going on and hope your cbt goes well...wish ya the best.........Lindax

19-07-07, 07:26
Hi Martyn,

A big warm welcome to you. xx

19-07-07, 11:03

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends

Take care

Trac xxx

Fall Out Boy
19-07-07, 12:00
Sup Martyn, welcome to the forum!!

19-07-07, 12:28
Hello Martyn :welcome:to you!

Can't comment on the CBT I'm afraid as I took the Citalopram and Counselling route - which helped me greatly.

Good positive step dealing with the negative thinking - I'm still on that road!

Pleased to meet you - you'll get lots of help and support here!


19-07-07, 14:41
Hi Martyn -

CBT is a brilliant way of tacking the negative thoughts that can underlie anxiety/panic - it is well researched and there's loads of evidence on this. I've not done it myself but know quite few people who have and all have found it helpful. You sound as if you have a pretty good understanding of your thought processes and how they impact on your emotional wellbeing. Good luck -

19-07-07, 17:56
Hi Martyn

Welcome to NMP, its lovely to see you here, im sure you will get some great advice, support and make new friends too.:)


19-07-07, 18:07
Hey Martyn

A huge welcome to the site. Persoanally I think CBT is very effective. Ive done it in a one-to-basis and also in a group enviroment and both had their advantages and disadvantages. You seem to have a good understanding and once you start CBT you will begin to challenge the negative thinking pattern which of course makes our anxiety and panic worse.

Keep us posted with your progress.

Darkangel :flowers:

19-07-07, 18:55
Hi Martyn

Welcome aboard and lovely to see you here.

Have a read of this posts - loads of links to CBT therapy on there as well.


Hope we can be of some help to you?

19-07-07, 22:38
Hi everyone,

Thanks to all those who replied. I really do appreciate all your thoughts.

Martyn :)