View Full Version : What does scar tissue feel like? A hard lump?

03-05-18, 09:53
Hi all,
I haven't posted in a few weeks, which is excellent for me, but my HA has crept back again. This time it's a lump i can feel in my lower abdomen. It's on the right hand side and I can feel other bumps in there too but this one is harder than the rest. I seem to have more lumps on the right than the left. I had a cesarean about 17 yrs ago and it's not very far above my scar i can feel this lump. Is it possible that cesareans can leave hardened scar tissue about an inch above the scar site? Can scar tissue even feel like a hard lump? Or am I way off in thinking it could be anything to do with my cesarean?
I'm trying not to sink here but I think I'm failing :weep:

03-05-18, 11:28
I don’t know how to specifically answer your question, but I had a csection 4 years ago and around the scar it’s hard and still a bit sensitive- I don’t really like touching it.

So it’s very likely, but as always - if you’re really worried, or experiencing any troubling symptoms then you should see your gp.

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