View Full Version : Two tiny non specific white spots on brain mri

03-05-18, 10:31
Doctor doesn't think it's MS but is sending me to a neurologist just to be sure.
I'm so terrified. I'm only 25 and have enough health issues and symptoms to deal with, I can't imagine dealing with this too.
Has anyone else had white spots found on their brain and it ended up being nothing serious?

03-05-18, 13:58
Hi So what are yo doing about your HA? None specific means it's not serious so your dr is just doing his job by sending you to a neurologist you will be fine :) ATB

05-05-18, 09:24
My aunty has, they found white lesions or spots on her brain and they thought MS but she turned out to have Meniere's disease of the inner ear, the white spots were incidental and nothing was done about them - Neurologist said they seem them a lot and there was nothing else to signify anything and she didn't need a follow up.