View Full Version : I’m convinced im having MS ....Lost and 😞

03-05-18, 16:21
Hi Everyone I’m reading the forum very often and I find it, really helpful!!
Just to introduce my self ..Im 29 years old ,relative healthy . I’ve been suffering with Health Anxiety for years but this time im reaching my biggest LOW!!!!
So long story short few weeks ago I’ve got really drunk the night before and when I woke up on the next morning ,I’ve realized ive wet my bed.I was in a big shock ...never happened before!!!!My legs were very weak to the point where i felt that they gonna collapse.I had a slight back pain prior that.All the sudden ive remembered that there’s a condition called Cauda equina (when a herinated disc is pressing on your nerves in the spine) its a emergency 🚨 if not treated fast u can end up disabe for the rest of your life.Symptoms are bladder distinctions and going numb in your lower body!Scary isn’t it?On the next day I’ve started realizing that I’m not going to pee regulary or if i go I can’t empty my bladder completely.I left work and straight away i went to the ER.Blood,urine came back fine. I’ve lied to the doctors that I feel numb in my lower body so i can have a Mri in my lumbar region.Mri came back ok I’m not havin even a disk bulge.They said is just a strain in my back.I felt a bit better but I’ve started Googling again for the next week and I’ve realized that bladder propblems are MS related!! Booom!!!Thats it Peter u have MS mate!!!My left eye 👁 was feeling odd prior that like a eye pain,like can’t focusing and both eyes feels in the morning!Booom that’s optic neuritis! I went to the opticians ,had a test ...he said my eyes are fine. I’ve started obsessing over Ms and urine retention every day!!
Im having some buzzing in my leg and pains all over my body!!Typical Ms symptoms. Last weekend I went to the ER again cuz for the whole day I’ve peed only twice and just a little bit.They did ultrasound on my bladder to see if im retained urine but not my urine levels was normal.Bloid and urine both came back ok!!
My gp suggestion is anxiety!!!!!No way!
Any thoughts people? I don’t expect a diagnosis over the Internet just some opinions will be helpful...
Thanks in advance and sorry for the long pist!!

03-05-18, 16:35
It’s scary when something relatively normal can make you spiral isn’t it?

I used to have a lodger who wet the bed when really drunk. Everyone knows someone who knows someone who has!

Probably in your low hungover mood you started to think the worst & now, despite 3 tests telling you that you’re fine - you can’t focus on that fact.

You are fine. But you do need to do something about your anxiety. Have you tried anything before?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

03-05-18, 17:16
Thank u for the reply!!! I’ve been On citalopram before ...at the moment im not taking anything !!! I’ve been so obsessed with with MS recently im getting ready for the worst!!! I’m thinking of going back to my country and do Mri there ect...which i did 2 years before and everything came back fine!!Im feeling like im loosing everything...

---------- Post added at 17:16 ---------- Previous post was at 16:52 ----------

I can’t believe that this time it’s a anxiety last few weeks are been the worst in my life

04-05-18, 08:30
I’ve drank 1 litre of water before bed and in the morning I’ve only passed around 250 ml....I’m in panic mode again thinking to go to the ER again....

04-05-18, 08:39
There are plenty of reasons you can not pass all your water. Remember that your body uses water for all sorts of things, otherwise we wouldnt need to drink it. You can also retain water or it can take a little longer to pass through your system. Why dont you try and promise yourself you will wait just a few days distracting yourself as much as possible and then if you still feel no better go and see a new gp. They wont be able to help you much at the emergency room for some water retention. Take a little time to calm down and youll probably feel alot better. Good luck!

04-05-18, 09:11
Thanks u might be right. Is it possible that my mind and my obsession to make mi think that im having bladder issues?

04-05-18, 13:06
Buzzing in legs and pains all over definitely is not "typical" Ms symptoms. I don't know where you heard/read that.

---------- Post added at 13:06 ---------- Previous post was at 13:04 ----------

Thanks u might be right. Is it possible that my mind and my obsession to make mi think that im having bladder issues?

Yes 100%.

04-05-18, 13:56
I’ll try to distract myself.... and keep my mind occupied with positive thoughts

04-05-18, 14:06
I spent about 3 years down the MS rabbit hole. And it was not fun. It is truly terrifying. Please do yourself a favour and get out now. Stop googling and just live your life. Because before you know it you'll get sucked in and it'll make you SO depressed. I had SO many symptoms of MS and it wasn't until 2 brain scans and 3 neurologist appointments later I finally believed I was ok. And guess what, most of the symptoms went away.

My friend told me you would know about it if you had MS. So until your able to NOT function (which won't happen) then don't worry and just focus on the good things in life.

Please, if I could spare one person from the obsessing and anxiety of MS it would be a start.

Remember MS is one of those illnesses that can cause literally ANY symptom. You could type in anything to Google and it'll say MS. Which makes it so easy to attribute your symptoms too. It's quite rare and you know what isn't rare? Peeing the bed from being drunk!!!

04-05-18, 14:23
Thank u Alice x
I’ll try to enjoy the weather and the bank holiday!!!

04-05-18, 23:00
I just posted on the "its not Ms" thread but just read this thread and thought I would ask here in case Electric Alice is reading-- Alice what were your symptoms? Did they ever go away when you were in your "MS rabbit hole" or were they persistent? Did they automatically disappear once you received an "anxiety" diagnosis? Here's my story:

Like everyone on this thread I'm also convinced I have a serious MND like MS going on since I've had unrelenting persistent paresthesia for some time all over the body.. both hands, both feet.. there's very little let up (only in severity but never completely gone) I've had two rounds of MRI of full brain, spine-- nothing found and neurologist told me its not MS but anxiety. Second neurologist said "I don't know what it is, but it's not MS." So i thought I'd go with anxiety......since then I've tried CBT, and no relief. My mind won't believe its anxiety since its not intermittent. The only thing that makes me believe it may be anxiety related is that it started with a minor tingle in my right foot.. then I made the mistake of googling... and literally the same night my entire body started experiencing tingling. (Don't know though if that was just anxiety setting off a real neurological disease) and has not let up.

No matter how hard I try to relax the sx don't go away. I try meditating, distracting myself, etc... I'm at my wits end. Wondering if anyone has had success with having the symptoms disappear using anti-anxiety meds because now I'm reluctantly willing to try meds.

05-05-18, 02:26
MS is not a scary neurological disease if you were to have it which you don't... it's chronic but that's it - you just adjust. You don't have it. ;)

05-05-18, 04:54
Sorry if I sounded insensitive to any ms sufferers- by calling it a scary neuro disease. I’ve been reading too many things on google that I prob shouldn’t have. I don’t know what I have yet- so I’m just scared and a full on anxious. Don’t mean to hi jack the thread and make it about me either— just hoping to dialogue with some on here who are facing the same concerns

05-05-18, 09:33
I don't have MS but it wouldn't surprise me if I did. Every single symptom I have is MS related... twitching, bladder issues, bowel issues, migraines, dizziness, pins and needles, hyperventilation syndrome, IBS, so many more I can't remember of the top of my head and even really odd ones like Tonsil stones or wet feeling on skin, etc etc = All my symptoms are MS related but they are also ALL anxiety related and until proven otherwise I have anxiety. I've been to a neurologist to discuss my concerns and he was completely unconcerned, plus he said MS was easy - for some, a rare amount it's a huge challenge but for most you would have no idea that they had it - so I wouldn't worry too much. Occums Razor is my approach these days ... 'The simplest answer is normally correct.' - roughly translated. ;)

---------- Post added at 08:33 ---------- Previous post was at 08:29 ----------

Ps: By the way I getting buzzing too, like a cell phone, I get it mainly in my foot but 'Occam's razor' pinched nerve in the neck is most likely cause and I get terrible neck pain from staring at computer all day .. I'm very similar to you, I get lots of things checked, I'm onto urine retention and bladder pain now but again ... 'Occam's Razor' probably due to IBS flare up and irritable bladder .... follow the logic - we'll get there! ;)
And YES anxiety can cause bladder issues!

05-05-18, 11:17
Thanks 🙏 to everyone about the opinions.....im not sure yet....do i need to soend again a little fortune for Mris and other test...I’ve got the funny feeling that they wil come back clear....:scared15:

05-05-18, 19:26
Pep— i don’t know if it’s the right approach but I’ve heard that “when in doubt” check it out.” I know that’s prob what anxious people do but I think it can also give u a sense of assurance. They’ll prob give u an MRI of the brain/ spine depending on where your sx are coming from. Maybe an emg.

Tan—what tests have you done to rule out MS? What docs have u seen and what’s they say? How long have you been dealing with the symptoms?I know anxiety can cause almost anything- and people with heavy anxiety can develop a kind of conversion disorder/ somoatization. Have u tried anxiety meds?

I was trying to stay of meds but at this point I may have to go down that route. Does anyone know of anyone with Ms like symptoms that treated their anxiety and had the symptoms disappear?

06-05-18, 08:18
Joe read my post in the big MS thread.

I've also been down this rabbit hole for the better part of a year and I'm still getting symptoms like dizziness and stinging/burning parasthesias in my hands and feet.

I noticed after my MRI last Sept. my symptoms seemed to calm down quite a bit but every now and then they'll flare up hard core and I'll be a bit anxious again. It's a nasty cycle but I think with time it will improve.

My advice, BE PATIENT and distract yourself as best you can from your symptoms. See your doctor and go from there.