View Full Version : Adenoid Cystic carcinoma

03-05-18, 19:09
Admins: please don't remove this post, I understand I have previous posts but this one sums up everything going on with me, and is not cluttered. Please delete my past posts and use this one. Thank you.

Hi everyone.. I've been worried about all sorts of cancers in this past year. My WORST fear is this one. It scares me because it's a slow cancer that is almost always a death sentence. That just scares me so bad and I can't stop thinking about this. I keep fearing that I have it because I have all sorts of weird things in my mouth and neck..

Here is a list of symptoms:
- Weird long tendon under tongue in back of mouth, kind of tender.
- Swollen salivary glands and lumps.
- Small raised lesion on my hard palate.
- Dry spot in my cheek.
- Rock hard lymph node under my ear.
- Parotid gland seems harder than my left one, dull pain occasionally.
- Swollen collarbone lymph node (popped up yesterday).

I am extremely scared that I have a form of oral cancer that has spread to my lymph nodes. The worry is killing me. I had an ultra sound of the lymph node which was normal even though its rock hard and makes a weird clicking sound when I move it a certain way..

Something that I hope this is, is Eagle's Syndrome. I read somewhere that a person had eagle's syndrome and it was pushing his lymph nodes under his ear out which calcified them, completely benign. I am HOPING this is what it is, but with my lymph nodes I really am having a hard time believing that this is harmless.

Does anyone know anything about eagle's syndrome so I can ask some questions about it? Also, if this WAS cancer, would my lymph nodes become enlarged before I get any huge masses in my mouth? Or do the lymph nodes come first?

03-05-18, 20:15
Admins: please don't remove this post, I understand I have previous posts but this one sums up everything going on with me, and is not cluttered. Please delete my past posts and use this one. Thank you.

We don't delete previous posts.

Have you seen a doctor about this?

03-05-18, 21:34
I have only for the lymph node. They said it wasn't enlarged which is weird because the doctor said he felt a fullness and it was hard. But that's what leads me to believe there's just a bone pushing on the lymph node under my ear causing the calcification . It can also explain that long tendon structure in my mouth. But these symptoms are so similar to cancer. Anyone with anything similar? Please reply if you do.

04-05-18, 20:36
The fact that no one responded to this scares me even more

04-05-18, 23:01
It is because no-one knows anything about the illness you think you have to be honest and nothing personal.

04-05-18, 23:03
Could it because you've been going on about this for three months and you're not sick with the cancer you fear? Could it be that the 5 pages of reassurance and fact from the previous thread (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=216339) was not enough?

Just a reminder from that thread...

Welp, went to the doctor. She said she couldn't feel the nodes ...she proceeded to tell me I need anxiety meds.

If you're so convinced, ask your doctor for a referral to a Certified Cancer Center and find out once and for all. That's IF she'll even refer you. Otherwise you'll spend lot of $$$ chasing a diagnosis. Frankly, I think that $$$ would be better spent on real life help with your anxiety.

Sorry to be blunt but as a survivor, it amazes me the lengths HA suffers go to prove their worst fear true! Especially one I lived through and wouldn't wish on anyone.

Positive thoughts

06-05-18, 01:34
Could it because you've been going on about this for three months and you're not sick with the cancer you fear? Could it be that the 5 pages of reassurance and fact from the previous thread (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=216339) was not enough?

Just a reminder from that thread...

If you're so convinced, ask your doctor for a referral to a Certified Cancer Center and find out once and for all. That's IF she'll even refer you. Otherwise you'll spend lot of $$$ chasing a diagnosis. Frankly, I think that $$$ would be better spent on real life help with your anxiety.

Sorry to be blunt but as a survivor, it amazes me the lengths HA suffers go to prove their worst fear true! Especially one I lived through and wouldn't wish on anyone.

Positive thoughts

Thanks Fishmanpa. The part of my anxiety that is the worst is the fear to go to the doctor too. I know that if I have something bad it's better to get it NOW than later. But I just can't bring myself to go check it out.

I know it's been a few months, but this cancer grows slowly within years. I see no reason why I should have a brick hard lump under my ear and weird things all over my mouth, weird but small things that I have no idea if they're getting bigger. The worry is constant and I am constantly checking if they get bigger.

07-05-18, 02:58
Anyone else have a weird lump near the end of your roof of mouth near the soft palate? It's not a perfect round shape like a cyst would be. It's wide but short. Scaring me because it looks like a rare cancer called adenoid custom carcinoma

07-05-18, 04:15
Scaring me because it looks like a rare cancer called adenoid custom carcinoma

Now, how would you know that?

07-05-18, 05:58
Now, how would you know that?

The pictures I've seen. And 60% of cancers in minor salivary glands are adenoid cystic carcinoma. It's scaring me constantly.

08-05-18, 20:18
Here's a picture of what I see. It's near the back and I feel it with my tongue. Please tell me other people have this.. same side as my hard lymph node.


09-05-18, 17:19
Does nobody actually have this??!

09-05-18, 18:31
A Mouth? :huh: I have one as does every member here. Great pic of z_seroz caverns btw!

Positive thoughts

09-05-18, 18:38
A Mouth? :huh: I have one as does every member here. Great pic of z_seroz caverns btw!

Positive thoughts
That little lump in the hard palate at the end of the hard palate near the soft palate. I feel it and it bugs me everyday. Feels like it shouldn't be there.

09-05-18, 18:42
I'm sorry... I don't see anything out of the ordinary and that pic is big enough to see the taste buds on your tongue!:scared15:

Here's the deal... this is an anxiety forum. If you're that concerned, see your doctor.


09-05-18, 19:28
And about your Health Anxiety too :) That's what's driving your mind atm ATB

11-05-18, 11:05
This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.
