View Full Version : Bad night.

19-07-07, 08:29

Well last night or should I say this morning I had a really bad night sleep, because I am worrying.

Yesterday my Gp left a message on my answerphone to give her a ring on Monday (she only works Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday). My anxiety and constant worrying is getting the better of me unfortunately wondering what my Gp wants etc, could it be serious, etc. Normally the Gp gets the receptionist to do the ringing etc. I am just so worried.

Also Tom(black cat) came to see me, he had his ear down and kept shaking it(I think he has been in a fight), I tried to look at his ear everytime I tried to touch his ear he sort of hissed at me. Poor tom, he kept on harrassing me this morning and wouldn't leave me alone, also do you want a cat sleeping next to you when you are so hot.

Sorry for all of that.



19-07-07, 10:29
Hiya hun
Sorry to hear your having a bad time of it.
If it was anything that needed ergent attention your doctor would make sure you were looked after so try not to worry about it. All will be reviled soon.
Poor old Tom. It does sound like hes been in a fight. Cant you take him to the vets to get him cheaked out?
When i cant sleep or have a bad night and get all hot i have a cool bath or shower, change my bedding for nice clean ones, make a cup of tea and try and have a snooze.
Take care