View Full Version : HA taking over my life!

03-05-18, 22:34
Hi, I'm fairly new to health anxieties. Apologies for the long post - trying to get the full story in!

I'm now 25 y.o and had been totally care-free over the years, but over the past six months(ish) my anxieties have rocketed.

It began with testicular pain, which lasted a few months, and despite around three visits to GP, was never given an explanation which made my anxieties worse. I had a panic attack for the first time in my life, and went to A&E, which was a scary couple of hours!

The testicular pain was eventually sorted out, but at the end of this worry, I started to have headaches on a daily basis, which have now been going on for around a month and a half (six-weeks ish)

They're not constant and not usually severe, but come and go throughout the day. They can change in location around the head (across the top, back and forehead), and also in nature (sometimes dull pain, sometimes more like ice pick). They aren't enough to wake me up and not particularly worse in the mornings.

More recently, I've also had:
- neck pains / stiffness (which can change from side to side)
- Neck clicks which have become frequent
- Occasional Body twitches / jerks,
- What feels like slight weakness on my left side (what should be my strongest side)
- Tenderness on scalp
- Nausea

I've had an eye test which came back good and GP immediately feels it's symptoms of HA. However, I've not been refereed to get a scan, such as MRI, of any kind and this has put a bit of doubt in my mind. Deep down, I know it's health anxiety. But I can't shake the feeling of what if it's something worse (a brain tumour)

I have periods where I feet very down and one in particular time which put a strain on my relationship with my girlfriend (who has been extremely supportive throughout)

I've been lucky enough to have a fantastic support network in work, who have recently put me in touch with a psychologist.

I've got two really exciting holidays coming up over the next three weeks, but I feel that the excitement of these ironically make my anxieties worse. I've got a feeling like something will stop me from going.

My biggest worries are these headaches and the fact I've not received any further tests.

Are there any known techniques for distracting yourself and to help deal with these symptoms, for example, when chilling around the house?

Thank you

03-05-18, 23:16
I'm sorry you have developed HA. All of your symptoms sound "normal" for anxiety.
I think my HA is a littlebetter than when it first started because I KNOW it's HA now. The anxiety hasn't gone away but I am sometimes able to talk myself out of it, especially after seeing a therapist.

I haven't mastered distracting myself but anything that is engrossing like a book or movie can help. Also exercising (sounds corny but does improve my mood sometimes).

03-05-18, 23:22
I'm sorry you have developed HA. All of your symptoms sound "normal" for anxiety.
I think my HA is a littlebetter than when it first started because I KNOW it's HA now. The anxiety hasn't gone away but I am sometimes able to talk myself out of it, especially after seeing a therapist.

I haven't mastered distracting myself but anything that is engrossing like a book or movie can help. Also exercising (sounds corny but does improve my mood sometimes).

Thanks for your reply! As I said, deep down I know it is anxiety, but it's that's slight doubt that can be so crippling! However, therapist was encouraged by the fact that I can acknowledge the HA!

I definitely think I need to read more, and could be a better way of distracting me rather than film/TV, as my mind can wonder off! Thank you again!

04-05-18, 03:07
Also exercising (sounds corny but does improve my mood sometimes)

This isn't corny at all. In my experience with HA no single thing helps me better, whether in the moment or even as a preventative step, than regular exercise. It releases the right chemicals, works out and loosens up our muscles, etc.

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