View Full Version : really anxious about going on holiday

19-07-07, 09:42
Going on holiday with my husband and 4 close friends in a weeks time, and I'm beginning to get really anxious about it. Can anyone help with some techniques i can use to help me through it?


19-07-07, 10:31
Im sure once you get into the swing of things you will be fine and have a really great time. Try and think about it with a possitive attitude. "i will have a good time and feel really good about myself".
Take care

19-07-07, 18:25
Im not long back from 2 weeks in Bulgaria and yes, I was bit apprehensive too.

How I coped - prior to going on holiday, I changed my anxious "what if" thoughts into more positive ones. I would say " Im so excited about flying and going to a foreign country and so looking forward to a new expereince."

The more we see a situation in a more positive manner then the less anxious and panicky we will become.

Hope this has helped and Enjoy your trip and have lots of fun

Luv Darkangel x

19-07-07, 19:05

Scroll down to the bottom of the screen and read the similar threads or use the search facility and enter "holiday how to cope".

There are loads of previous posts about it with some great tips.

Have a fab time!

19-07-07, 20:29
I always get anxious about going on holiday, try accepting that at times u may feel a little anxious but not all the time, dont fight ur feelings and force urself to be happy and relaxed, just embrace ur feelings u may find they will get better. Have u tried talking to ur husband and ur friends?