View Full Version : Help! I'm gonna commit suicide! I'm gonna kill myself!

04-05-18, 12:37
Hello guys. I need help urgently. I can't think or reason anymore. My head is just blank. I don't understand anything. I don't know what I'm doing. I don't feel anything, I don't think anything. All cognitive skills (thinking, reasoning, understanding) are all gone. My life is a waste. I think suicide is the only way :weep:

04-05-18, 12:38
Hello guys. I need help urgently. I can't think or reason anymore. My head is just blank. I don't understand anything. I don't know what I'm doing. I don't feel anything, I don't think anything. All cognitive skills (thinking, reasoning, understanding) are all gone. My life is a waste. I think suicide is the only way :weep:

04-05-18, 12:40
Hello guys. I need help urgently. I can't think or reason anymore. My head is just blank. I don't understand anything. I don't know what I'm doing. I don't feel anything, I don't think anything. All cognitive skills (thinking, reasoning, understanding) are all gone. My life is a waste. I think suicide is the only way :weep:

04-05-18, 12:49
Please call 999. we all care

04-05-18, 13:31
Have you been to a doctor? This might be a symptom of anxiety? Are you having panic attacks? I think you owe it to yourself to give the doctors a chance to find out what is wrong. Please call a help line and or the hospital ?

Private message me please


04-05-18, 13:38
Hi Have been there my self it's not the way to tackle the way you are currently feeling. Life does get better this was for me about 3 months ago, have you friends you can confide in or family? It will get better :) Also do you have access to Mental Health services in your area or at least go to your drs and talk to some one! ATB

04-05-18, 13:40
Hey Emmiejnr o/

Please don't. What's happening right now is just a moment. I have been going through something very similar on and off recently.

You will feel better :)

04-05-18, 13:43
Im not trying to diagnosis but this might be depersonalization.. I have had it and it is brutal but it goes away as the others have said. Life gets better even if things feel the lowest of the low. Life is a gift, although I know that life with mental illness can be debilitating. Think about what you love about life and try to pursue.

Also yes as the others have said.. please talk to someone.


04-05-18, 14:07
Please speak to someone! How are you feeling now?

04-05-18, 14:15
Praying for you right now!! *Hugs* please seek help! You can get through this.

04-05-18, 14:20
Thanks guys but it has not been easy. I don't know what to do next. I can't think of anything. I don't even understand what I'm reading. Normal cognitive skills like thinking, reasoning, understanding are all gone. I'm just blank. I don't feel anything or think anything. I've already visited some top hospitals and all they do is prescribe drugs. I've taking various drugs like Fluxotine, Olazanpine, Paroxetine, Risperidone. Still no effect

---------- Post added at 14:18 ---------- Previous post was at 14:15 ----------

Hi Have been there my self it's not the way to tackle the way you are currently feeling. Life does get better this was for me about 3 months ago, have you friends you can confide in or family? It will get better :) Also do you have access to Mental Health services in your area or at least go to your drs and talk to some one! ATB

Yes I've been to some and all they do is prescribe drugs. No other sort of therapy.

---------- Post added at 14:20 ---------- Previous post was at 14:18 ----------

Praying for you right now!! *Hugs* please seek help! You can get through this.

Thank you, I appreciate.

04-05-18, 14:46
Taking your life is NEVER the answer. There is ALWAYS help out there, and problems can always be fixed. Please, speak to somebody in person or on the phone, and don't do anything hasty.

There are people here, and all around, who no doubt have been, or are going through the kind of issues you may be facing. We are all happy to help, but you need to remember death is not the answer.

04-05-18, 15:40
Please call the Samaritans on 116 123

04-05-18, 15:58
Your spelling, grammar and sentence structure are fine, pointing towards your cognitive functioning being fine too.

What you're experiencing is common with anxiety and depression.

Try and ride it out, these things always pass.

The world needs more people who can spell correctly :yesyes:

04-05-18, 16:00
Thanks guys but it has not been easy. I don't know what to do next. I can't think of anything. I don't even understand what I'm reading. Normal cognitive skills like thinking, reasoning, understanding are all gone. I'm just blank. I don't feel anything or think anything. I've already visited some top hospitals and all they do is prescribe drugs. I've taking various drugs like Fluxotine, Olazanpine, Paroxetine, Risperidone. Still no effect

---------- Post added at 14:18 ---------- Previous post was at 14:15 ----------

Yes I've been to some and all they do is prescribe drugs. No other sort of therapy.

---------- Post added at 14:20 ---------- Previous post was at 14:18 ----------

Thank you, I appreciate. Iam sorry to hear this pumping you with drugs is NOT the answer do they not provide any therapy atall?? Do you have any MH Charities local to you that could provide therapy? I feel your pain right now. ATB

04-05-18, 16:42
The poster is in Nigeria so can't call the Samaritans.

I don't know what services are available locally, but I would suggest going to your local hospital if there is nobody else who can help you. Suicide is no answer.

04-05-18, 18:06
The poster is in Nigeria so can't call the Samaritans.

I don't know what services are available locally, but I would suggest going to your local hospital if there is nobody else who can help you. Suicide is no answer. They already have SE been to a few hospitals see here: www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=217143 all they have done is given him a cocktail of drugs hardly the answer and sent him on his way:huh: ATB

04-05-18, 23:09

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.

05-05-18, 01:50
Your spelling, grammar and sentence structure are fine, pointing towards your cognitive functioning being fine too.

What you're experiencing is common with anxiety and depression.

Try and ride it out, these things always pass.

The world needs more people who can spell correctly :yesyes:

I second what Joe says. If your cognitive skills were really not functioning you wouldn't be putting together such clear posts and responses. It's your perception of it.

You're also not the first to be saying this on here for the rest of us to be saying the complete opposite because we can see a poster being clear in their writing and understanding.

Cognition does suffer with mental health problems, certain neurotransmitters that are affected by anxiety/depression also work on cognition. Symptoms like brain fog, DP/DR, etc can all leave you feeling like this.

I think they need to look at your meds too because aside from them not helping they may also be making you feeling numb or blunted which you will likely perceive like this too.

Please seek help, many of us have felt like there is no way out and at the time it feels like that but it's a transient stage and as you exit it you look back and know you were wrong. It's just all the pain and needing an escape, you can get that escape through recovery. Recovery may take a long time, which is frustrating, but it can still happen.