View Full Version : A round dent on my back

04-05-18, 13:04
Hello. Okay so the other day I was doing a body check (WHY DID I HAVE TO DO THAT WHY) and by my spine, on my lower back perhaps like 15 cm beneath my bra strap, I found this... roundish dent. It's only visible (so far cos I don't want to jinx things) if I lean forward so the light hitting on this dent just right. The skin itself is like normal skin, and if I press my fingers on the area, I do feel there's a slight emptiness inside. Like there's ligaments (or something), then blank, then more ligaments beneath it.

I have Googled like MAD, but I can't really find anything about back dents. I found plenty about dents in thighs, but I could only find maybe one or two back dents and no real answers.

The thing is, I have no idea how long I've had this. I wish I could turn back time to a year ago and see if I've had it. It doesn't really cause me pain, unless if I press on it hard, like a muscular pain of sort, but I feel like I get a similar pain when I press on other places on my back too, so.

I had a dermatologist appointment the other day for another issue and I showed her the dent. - had to lean forward to show it. She agreed there was a slight depression and told me to just keep an eye on it. She didn't really know what that was.

This isn't the dimples of Venus, as much as I wish it was.

If any of you knows anything about this, please let me know :unsure: