View Full Version : CFS/ME is my new fear :( ...

04-05-18, 15:32
I got a weird dizzy/nausea/fatigue thing last September that lasted 6 weeks. It finally went away only to come back again in February for 6 weeks.

Now it returned but slightly different with cold/flu symptoms (No fever) and I've been exhausted again for the last 12 days. I went to the Drs and she said my lymph nodes are up as well. They tested me for mono and another stomach bug which I haven't got the results back yet for.

It's flared my anxiety so badly and I'm terrified I have CFS and it started in September and that's what's been happening. Does CFS have this pattern?
I keep thinking I'm feeling better but when I think about it I could definitely just lie down and sleep all day.

I don't know if I'm being ridiculous or not.

I can't stop googling and obsessing about this. I've been trying to exercise to 'test my strength and everything.
I'm aware my health anxiety has a new illness to focus on. After I got over the MS one.
But I just need some reassurance about this before I can move on. And support.

I thank you HUGELY in advance if you reply.

---------- Post added at 15:32 ---------- Previous post was at 13:54 ----------

Anyone? :(

04-05-18, 15:39
CFS/ME is my new fear :( ...

That's just it. A "New Fear". It's no different that the dozens of "fears" you had over the years. It's not a real illness nor anything else. Just a "fear" and like all the other "fears" you've had, it won't amount to anything but that :shrug:

You're doing all the things you shouldn't be doing too and feeding the dragon! You know the deal and what you need to do to stop it. It's up to you. As the Nike ad says... Just Do It!

Positive thoughts

04-05-18, 15:45
Thanks for your reply.
It's so frustrating because when I feel healthy I don't have any anxieties. And it's so strange that I get these long lasting virus type things for 6 weeks.

If it was clear what was going on, like obvious flu or cold symptoms I wouldn't worry. But it's been 3 bouts of the same thing, dizziness, nausea, fatigue and mild cold symptoms and swollen lymph nodes.

That's what makes me worry. That it comes back and that it's such strange symptoms.

I can be super anxious for ages and then BAM out of no where I get weeks and weeks of feeling unwell.
Not sure if CFS comes and goes or not but my symptoms seem to fit it :(

04-05-18, 15:48
I've felt like this for weeks. And have done occasionally over the years. For me it's stress causing it and will continue to until I drag myself out of this slump and get on with life. The technical term is totally knackered :wacko:

04-05-18, 15:51
I've felt like this for weeks. And have done occasionally over the years. For me it's stress causing it and will continue to until I drag myself out of this slump and get on with life. The technical term is totally knackered :wacko:

Thanks for replying. Do you get any other symptoms with the fatigue? And how long does it usually last?

04-05-18, 21:11
I got a weird dizzy/nausea/fatigue thing last September that lasted 6 weeks. It finally went away only to come back again in February for 6 weeks.

Now it returned but slightly different with cold/flu symptoms (No fever) and I've been exhausted again for the last 12 days. I went to the Drs and she said my lymph nodes are up as well. They tested me for mono and another stomach bug which I haven't got the results back yet for.

It's flared my anxiety so badly and I'm terrified I have CFS and it started in September and that's what's been happening. Does CFS have this pattern?

I keep thinking I'm feeling better but when I think about it I could definitely just lie down and sleep all day.

I don't know if I'm being ridiculous or not.

I can't stop googling and obsessing about this. I've been trying to exercise to 'test my strength and everything.

I'm aware my health anxiety has a new illness to focus on. After I got over the MS one.

But I just need some reassurance about this before I can move on. And support.

I thank you HUGELY in advance if you reply.

---------- Post added at 15:32 ---------- Previous post was at 13:54 ----------

Anyone? :(

Im having the same issue. I got flu last December and felt very weak and fatigue for 6 weeks. Then my health anxiety starts till now. I diagnosed myself with MS, CFS, Fibromyalgia, and lately cancer. I'm now aware even of slight pain in my body which makes things worse,, but I think it is all anxiety. The mind became tired then it sends signals for the body to be tired too.

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05-05-18, 09:34
ME is a long standing fear of mine. Pretty much every time I get a virus I worry that I've got ME. Over Christmas I had flu and had horrible fatigue for six weeks afterwards. One thing I've found over the years is that anxiety fatigue is really crippling. The more I worry about it the longer it seems to last. I've been through months of it at a time but it always lifts in the end.