View Full Version : Been Seeing Too Many Article About Cancer/Disease? You'll Love This!

04-05-18, 18:29
If like me, you've had some kind small of niggling symptom(s) that is annoying you, you then developed anxiety and now only have a few weeks left to live, then this image might make you feel better.

It certainly did me.

https://scontent-lga3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/31773215_749739638561712_1114752881866571776_n.jpg ?_nc_cat=0&oh=80bbb5d73b2777fc7cc1a601aa2576d1&oe=5B8B23CD

I'm not sure if I can post images/links, but we'll see what happens...

It worked! Anyway, hope you all enjoy it. :-D

04-05-18, 18:37
Thats GREAT ! I like it :D