View Full Version : What would you do?

05-05-18, 02:15
So many years ago now - about 4 I got a kidney ultra sound as I was having pain when urinating but no UTI.
The sonographer said he saw Kidney Reflux, but when I went to the hospital for the specialist to read the results to me he didn't say anything about it, he said everything looked fine and if I was still having issues to come back. Issues resolved.
I"m just thinking now - should i have just assumed that the sonographer didn't see what he thought he saw? Surely the specalist would have mentioned it right if it were an issue?
the reason I ask is I'm getting the same burning and need to pee, I even got an ultrasound done last year and the sonographer said everything looked fine, so I should TRUST that I DON'T have kidney reflux, not that I can really find anything about it online as apparently only kids get it.
Logic would dictate I should leave this alone right..... ;)

I should point out I have IBS and bladder and IBS issues are like two peas in a pod!

05-05-18, 02:30
So here you are again with another thread seeking reassurance. That’s all this thread is. When are you going to take steps to overcome your anxiety? Are you seeing a therapist? Even if you are you still need to help yourself. Continually researching health conditions on the Internet is not helping yourself. You do this and then come here and expect people to make you feel better. How many more years of your life are you going to waste being ill?

05-05-18, 02:52
I'm not sure ... but when I figure it out I"ll get back to you .... :)

06-05-18, 02:19
No don’t bother. I really don’t care.

06-05-18, 02:44
Wow didn't realize that rudeness was allowed, anyway I am sure you are fine if the scans say so.��

06-05-18, 07:04
I eventually got mad at myself for having irrational thoughts. Any time I would doubt the professionals I would shut it down. You should try doing this. Tell yourself that you are fine and go about your day. I recently had a scare about my heart, but it was my cardiologist just making sure I was ok. I handled it well. I was kinda worried, but there is nothing that I could do about it and worrying about would only makes me experience it twice lol. I work out 6 days a week run and eat healthy if something was wrong then there was nothing that I could do, but thank God it wasn't lol. You need to chill out man and let your body and mind relax. Shut down the irrational thoughts and get 8+ hours of sleep, exercise, and eat healthy. Someone once told me anxiety is like having your fist stuck in a tree knot and the only way to get rid of it is to let it go. Avoid the "but what if"s

06-05-18, 07:54
Swajj it's one thing to challenge people about their anxiety but I don't know why you feel the need to be quite so unkind to someone who is clearly suffering.
Tan, I'm sure you don't have kidney reflux, nivek's advice is helpful. Try to distract yourself from this if you can, since the longer you try to solve it, the longer you will get caught up in the cycle of your thoughts.

06-05-18, 14:10
This exact scenario is exactly why (even though as a fellow HA worrier, it drives me crazy, as i want to know right now) the TECH is not supposed to say anything about what they are seeing. Unless they are a trained doctor (more specifically, a radiologist is better), they don't know enough to make an accurate diagnosis. They do have general guidelines of what to look for, what to measures, and things that may warrant further investigation (like density changes, or specific blood flows), but at the end of the day, they are just not trained (In the US, the average training time for a general sonographer is 1.5 tears.. compare that to the training of an MD.....)

If a knowledgeable doctor gave you the clear.. then that is the result you should be listening to.

06-05-18, 16:45
The title of this thread is: What would you do?

The simple answer at this point is get real life professional help if you're not doing so already. If you've done so in the past, I would suggest doing so again. You've been challenged recently by a few members regarding your reassurance seeking. You recently posted a thread about being "On a mission to cure my HA - just a few questions for fellow HA's" (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=216197) which essentially was a convoluted reassurance seeking thread. You were called out about it on that thread:

Tan, your still seeking reassurance, from what I've learned here, that's one of the hallmark symptoms of HA.

Granted, your asking in an uncommon way but your still seeking reassurance.

Is that truly helping you overcome HA?

Swajj called you out on this thread:

So here you are again with another thread seeking reassurance. That’s all this thread is. When are you going to take steps to overcome your anxiety? Are you seeing a therapist? Even if you are you still need to help yourself. Continually researching health conditions on the Internet is not helping yourself. You do this and then come here and expect people to make you feel better. How many more years of your life are you going to waste being ill?

To which you replied with what I interpreted as snarky:

I'm not sure ... but when I figure it out I"ll get back to you .... :)

Your post history is extensive. It goes back to 2010 with a break until 2013 and has been steady since. That's five years of worries and anxiety and reassurance seeking. Something has to change or you'll be here 5 more years and quite possibly longer.

Your reply prompted this reaction:

No don’t bother. I really don’t care.

Frankly I don't blame her. I've replied to many of your threads. I've offered advice and reassurance but your reply to Swajj spoke volumes to me as well. Sadly, there are some people that will never take the steps to heal. During your ALS scare, you spoke about going to the doctor to ask about meds. From August 2017:

I need to start doing something more wholistic, the neurologist said anti depressants - so I guess that's my next step and mindfulness

Did you ever do that?

So to those that feel that Swajj's reply was a bit blunt. I do agree it could have been worded in a gentler way but I would have reacted the same way had that been the response to one of my no nonsense challenge the dragon replies.

Like many others here, there comes a time when sadly, you recognize you're banging your head against the wall :weep: