View Full Version : How to approach a new doctor with a salad of symptoms and timelines?

05-05-18, 13:23

I've posted somewhere here about my issues that last for a long time with no solution, even though I've followed everything doctors told me to do.Complaining that 3 years have gone by with no change doesn't stir my psychiatrist from diagnosis or "solution" (medication).

I had to relocate to the other end of the country so I can't keep a good contact with him, besides, and talking with my new GP, we though it might be a good time to seek another opinion.

My problem is I've noticed I'm not really helpful when laying down my issues. Main one, or the one that hinders my life the most, is a really strong freezing reaction while driving, which stopped me from doing so. There's a lack of social interest, lack of concentration or engagement etc and I think everything was there before but got a lot worst with 1)time and lost autonomy; 2) initial medications that threw me into a tailspin.

I also strongly feel that I have two main issues and that something physical is at least fueling the psychological stuff. I do have an exame result that points to some vestibular issue connected with the utricle + saccule. But in my experience as soon as I talk about the driving issue, I get slapped with an anxiety/panic disorder/depression/GAD diagnosis, get a prescription for antidepressants and anxiolytics, the advice to do CBT with driving exposure (which I'm doing for a long time)and that's that.

I've tried making lists, I've tried going simple but I always feel I don't have my doubts addressed and that room for such doubts gets sealed on 1st appointment. I should add that I was a mental health professional until a year ago, so that makes the whole issue much more visible to me and there's nothing I can do about it.

I do realize much of this issue had to do with the time and effort the doctor is willing to invest but I'm now living in an area that is really badly served, I have to maximize my chances with this one.

Thanks in advance!