View Full Version : DRs or not?!?!

05-05-18, 15:58
I have felt awful the last few months, nausea, acid reflux, left side back ache,fatigue, stabbing pains etc. I have put off going to the Drs to see if it would go but I am panicking thinking because I haven't been this time it will be something serious. I want to go to Drs but I don't because then all the tests start and it makes me worse waiting for results. I can't win, I worry if I don't and worry if I do.

05-05-18, 16:31
I’m in the same boat. I’ve been having GI issues for about a month and I don’t want to go down the exhaustive testing route as it’s intensely anxiety-provoking. I’ve had digestive issues for years, but of course now it seems different. It’s an awful conundrum to be in. Exhausting for sure.

05-05-18, 16:39
I will go to the GP you will only worry.