View Full Version : Really Desperate for Help

06-05-18, 04:14
Im kinda lost with this anxiety lately. I've had health anxiety for 8 years, but the last 6 weeks have been a new breed of awful. Im not sure if some of this is TMI or should be in the male health chat, admins can move it or delete that portion if its deemed to be too much.

I had a period of a little stress, I began having periods where I was shaky and feeling sick about 6 weeks ago with little adrenaline bursts or triggers. Good or bad. That saturday I had a massive panic attack, heavy breathing, tense, dizzy, shaky. That seemed to change everything. Over the last 5 weeks since then I've been panicky with little to no triggers, feeling very very sick a lot, feeling so weak. I had a few days where I thought it was easing up then I had to go to a store thursday and I just got an intense panic attack with almost no cause other than maybe because my foot felt tingly...Yesterday I was eating supper and felt weird and got really bad depersonalization and panic out of nowhere which scared me because I didnt know why it was happening.

I have been feeling so panicky, and so weak that I have no clue whats going on. This is so much worse than it was before just because of its consistent nature. Usually in the past..I'd panic about a symptom, it would go away, I'd feel sick for a little while and get better..this is just like a full on intensity and oversensitivity and panic over little to nothing. I feel like my blood pressure has been running low for me as well. 108/67 was the lowest I saw, but I used to take it years ago it never ran low..usually right at 120/80 but its consistently under that level now.

I went to the doctor last week, she listened to my breathing, pushed around on my stomach and gave me a blood test, which of course came back clear, so I truly have no explation for why I feel this bad and this sick, but its definitely scaring me.

----------------------The potential TMI part----------
This is the part connected to all this that I wasnt sure belonged here, but its connected to all this, and I feel like the other part doesnt belong in the mens health forum, and this part is caused by that..I'll be as least descriptive as I can. But certain sexual related activities that every guy does, (I've never had actual sex if that helps yall figure out what I mean) has been making me feel extremely sick, and I've basically had to entirely stop in the last 6 weeks, and doing it will make me feel extremely shaky, weak, and tense. I had an episode earlier where I did it and I thought I was gonna pass out, I got so shaky and felt so bad. I cant explain why that should make me feel so bad and can it really be connected to that anxiety?

06-05-18, 09:39

I just wrote you a long reply....and the whole lot just disappeared....so this will be the abridged version....

Its easy for everything to be put down to anxiety, but if you are feeling that these symptoms aren't following your usual anxiety pattern then it merits more checking. Of course it COULD be that you are just in a bad pattern and intense period at the moment, but if its something that feels really out of the ordinary and unexplainable to you then I think I'd be returning to the GP. I had a friend with a background of anxiety, they entered a terrible period and it became out of control 'anxiety' they were put on meds AND a few months later it was found there was a home Carbon Monoxide leak causing everything. I'm not saying this is what is happening in your case, just saying that sometimes GPs need to perhaps rule other things out before jumping to 'its anxiety'. Of course its different if you were to go in and say 'I have X cancer' when its obvious you don't, but in this case you feel you have symptoms that you can't account for and they are undiagnosed.

So, I'm not a medical person, but a few things they might be worth chasing up?

Checking oxygenation levels?
(Presumably anaemia has already been checked for in bloods taken)
Checking blood sugar levels? (diabetes)
Thyroid function?
Are you eating well?
Vitamin/mineral deficiencies?

There are probably many other things that a good doctor could think of that could results in the same symptoms as anxiety states cause, even things like glandular fever and stuff, but I would certainly hope that he/she could start thinking about why your normal blood pressure has become so much lower than is normal for you.

I think you should return to your doctor. I AM NOT saying to you that you should be terrified of some mystery sinister illness, there could be something simple and treatable that is making you feel so bad (e.g. having been anaemic myself many times I know how ill that can make you feel, but it is so easily treatedand reversible).I can't really comment on the male activity - BUT - I will say that it is exertion and emotional energy that is being used, so I guess if you are feeling weak and lacking energy and just feeling dreadful then it stands to reason that any 'activity' including that could make you feel worse.

Go back, go further with checks.Once everything else is ruled out then it becomes anxiety and you can deal with that as is necessary.

06-05-18, 10:43

I just wrote you a long reply....and the whole lot just disappeared....so this will be the abridged version....

Its easy for everything to be put down to anxiety, but if you are feeling that these symptoms aren't following your usual anxiety pattern then it merits more checking. Of course it COULD be that you are just in a bad pattern and intense period at the moment, but if its something that feels really out of the ordinary and unexplainable to you then I think I'd be returning to the GP. I had a friend with a background of anxiety, they entered a terrible period and it became out of control 'anxiety' they were put on meds AND a few months later it was found there was a home Carbon Monoxide leak causing everything. I'm not saying this is what is happening in your case, just saying that sometimes GPs need to perhaps rule other things out before jumping to 'its anxiety'. Of course its different if you were to go in and say 'I have X cancer' when its obvious you don't, but in this case you feel you have symptoms that you can't account for and they are undiagnosed.

So, I'm not a medical person, but a few things they might be worth chasing up?

Checking oxygenation levels?
(Presumably anaemia has already been checked for in bloods taken)
Checking blood sugar levels? (diabetes)
Thyroid function?
Are you eating well?
Vitamin/mineral deficiencies?

There are probably many other things that a good doctor could think of that could results in the same symptoms as anxiety states cause, even things like glandular fever and stuff, but I would certainly hope that he/she could start thinking about why your normal blood pressure has become so much lower than is normal for you.

I think you should return to your doctor. I AM NOT saying to you that you should be terrified of some mystery sinister illness, there could be something simple and treatable that is making you feel so bad (e.g. having been anaemic myself many times I know how ill that can make you feel, but it is so easily treatedand reversible).I can't really comment on the male activity - BUT - I will say that it is exertion and emotional energy that is being used, so I guess if you are feeling weak and lacking energy and just feeling dreadful then it stands to reason that any 'activity' including that could make you feel worse.

Go back, go further with checks.Once everything else is ruled out then it becomes anxiety and you can deal with that as is necessary.

I totally agree with that. I honestly would like to change doctors because I dont feel like mine currently is thorough enough, she's essentially told me I dont need to come back at all after the blood test result. All she really did was feel around, listen to my heart and lungs, and push on my stomach.

As far as the list of things there are some of those I can rule out. Theres nothing in my house that would produce carbon monoxide thankfully. My oxygen levels I tested regularly on a watch leading up to the doctors office and they checked it there and it was good. I'd hope anemia was in the bloods. Blood sugar I also test regularly because my dad has diabetes and I get some weird symptoms when I get hungry, but on every test at every time period I've ever done with blood sugar, my numbers have been excellent. Thyroid, im not sure if they were tested, I'd hope they were because this was supposed to be a fairly complete bloodwork. Dehydration is possible, though I do try to drink enough. my diet is pretty good, I am eating pretty well, the deficiencies I would also hope would have been picked up in this blood test. I have to get the actual paperwork to see exactly what was tested.

Its quite possible that I am overthinking the blood pressure, when I was at her office it was I think 118/74, and I dont think you're ever gonna hear a doctor say 118/74 is too low, thats just about where they want it. I didnt test it consistently, and it had been a long time (maybe even 3-4 years) between when I last used to test it, and when I Tested it on my own, so its possible for whatever reason in that time. I've only had a couple reading that would ever be considered too low. When I was really nervous earlier I took it and it was 125/81. So what I worry about is low, I think doctors would probably consider perfect. I did have it on my list of worries that I presented to her though.

07-05-18, 09:44
Today has been about the same as yesterday, just completely drained and exhausted way more than I should be.

08-05-18, 20:26
Its quite possible that I am overthinking the blood pressure, when I was at her office it was I think 118/74Yeah,that is possible, as thats an ok reading - infact thats right in the 'ideal' category. :winks: Don't think mine has ever been there! Those home blood pressure monitors aren't great either, you've only got to get an angle wrong, a level of the arm wrong, wrong position or cuff wrong and they can give odd readings.

09-05-18, 08:24
Yea..I know its good, I just thought it was low for me since mine always ran slightly high.

A couple days later im really not feeling any better, I've had a lot of nausea tonight, a lot of just no energy, not feeling interested in doing things I normally would..the not interested in doing stuff goes along with feeling sick, its like my mind just kinda shuts down, idk if thats an anxiety thing or what. I'm considering adrenal fatigue and stuff like that, but im just not sure. Im sure my body is completely exhausted from all this panic and anxiety, but I keep going back and forth as to whats causing what. Im hoping to call a new doctor tomorrow that I plan on making my new full-time doctor, and hopefully i can get in quick.