View Full Version : Oh my god im sick of this. Is it HS. Anyone else have?

06-05-18, 13:35
I can't deal with my anxiety over health anymore.
I'm 21 years old.
Since I was 18, I started getting these dark spots on My inner thighs,I can't remember to much but eventually they went away,kinda looked like small bruise. I remember I'd always get a small surface boil a week before my period,and it'd go away when I got my period.
I always have either small what look like cysts,no pain,no redness,just pus,just a little ball under the skin that has pus. No pain or redness.
And blackheads also.and here and there I'll get a surface boil which I treat with topical ointment.
Ever since October last year every now and again I'll get a deep abcess that requires the dr to drain. I'm so self conscious,I don't even let My partner see my inner thighs.I'm so over this,I'm so over feeling disgusting and gross. I have scars from a few being drained.
I got on the depo provera birth control last October but drs say it's unusual for the depo to cause this. And I say to my dr well I have I got some sort of superbug,they laugh and say no no. It's probably folliculitis or hidrendis suprivita however you spell it,from memory when I was 14 my parents took me to the dr where me my mum and dad all had a swab under our arms and in our noses,to test for what I'm not assuming was mrsa (my parents didn't like to tell me much when I was young) both me and my father tested positive and had to put this ointment up our noses for a while. I just can't deal with this anymore,please someone tell me I'm not alone,I honestly sometimes hate even being in the world,because I feel ugly and disgusting all the time with these issues.

06-05-18, 18:42
It does sound a lot like HS. I suffer with this too! Unfortunately very little is known about it at the minute, but some people find that hormones can be a trigger...hence puberty, pregnancy, contraception and periods can cause outbreaks. Others find stress, heat or diet to be triggers. Mine is diet related...dairy specifically. I’ve heard a lot of people have found remission from HS by following an AIP diet but I haven’t tried this myself yet. Dep biding on the severity of your HS (it can be from stage 1 to stage 3 but not everyone’s progresses) a long term, low dose antibiotic might help. However, it could be worthwhile getting a swab taken next time you have a boil as it could be MRSA also...the symptoms of HS and MRSA can be very similar.
Once you know what it is, you can start to deal with it!