View Full Version : Cholesterol

06-05-18, 19:29
Good Evening to all, I am a 26 year old man from the UK. I had my cholesterol tested 3 years ago and was told it was extremely high and this doctor prescribed me statins which I did not take after reading about them actually being dangerous and having terrible side effects. This doctor never rang me to check I took them and also never rang me to recheck my cholesterol.

I've had anxiety all my life, social anxiety but since last August I have developed terrible Health Anxiety after not feeling 100%, I started feeling dizzy, like I was on a rocking boat, and just not 100% in general, so I went to the doctors and again it was a doctor who I had never met before, had all blood tests done and he has assured me nothing is wrong with me, but he also told me that he does not check cholesterol until you are over 40 years of age, I told him that it was high in the past but he just said he only checks if you are over 40.

I went to hospital two weeks ago due to feeling extremely exhausted and weak just to get checked out (I couldn't personally wait for an appointment with the doctors as I really thought something was going to happen to me) Anyway, the doctor I see then done the usual blood pressure and pulsimeter to check my hearts oxygen and all was ok, it turned out I had sunstroke and upon checking my urine I was severely dehydrated. This doctor also completely assured me nothing is wrong with me and that feeling of being extremely weak disappeared just like that, as soon as he told me, even tho I was severely dehydrated.

So because of all this since last August I have become extremely anxious over my health, there is about 3 days per month I totally forget and don't worry. This is why I am so worried about my cholesterol test 3 years ago to this day, back then I was concerned but nowhere near as concerned as I am now typing this. What I can't stop worrying about is whether my arteries are clogging up :( I was drinking extreme amounts of 40% alcohol 3 years ago, up to 12 units every day, so this is one question I have is whether it was just alcohol making my cholesterol so high?

To this day I have completely changed my self and have grown up as to speak, starting to take a lot more care of my body, I exercise every day now and eating healthier, I also used to eat extreme amounts of chocolate and other sugary stuff, and I mean a lot.

So what I would please like to ask is do you think I should worry about my cholesterol, one doctor put me on statins and I never heard from him again, my latest doctor tells me he doesn't check cholesterol until I'm over 40 years of age, I know I must sound so stupid asking 3 years later but it is because I am so health anxious now and I am trying my best to be better than my past. I just can't get this scary image of my arteries clogging up out of my head, just be totally honest with me please, I have read that even very healthy people have high cholesterol due to genetics, and have also read people saying cholesterol is not as bad as it is made out to be and others saying it is, my head is just so confused.

Thank you ever so much for reading

06-05-18, 19:56
I have heart disease. I've had two heart attacks (first one at 47), triple bypass and stents. I also was lucky enough to inherit cholesterol issues. I take BP meds, statins, beta blockers and blood thinners (among other meds - cancer survivor too). That and proper nutrition and some exercise keeps things in check.

At 26, unless you eat totally like crap (which you don't), it's unlikely there's an issue but you won't know unless you get a full blood workup. Curious though... What were your readings back then?

Positive thoughts

06-05-18, 19:58
Gosh this is a tough one. I haven't been tested for cholesterol levels, but I probably should have as my mother has an issue and I am 50 years old. However, I know I wouldn't take statins (my mother was ill on them, and for the reasons you touched on yourself in your post) and so I kind of live in a state of blissful ignorance. I live a relatively healthy life-style and kinda hope nothing untoward is going on.

Your situation - firstly massive congratulations on making such huge changes in your life and adopting healthier regimes, you have really been proactive. That is a brilliant step to take and I truly applaud you for it. The high cholesterol; hmmmm it kind of depends if you think you can ever 'let it drop' or want closure on it. You have taken so many steps to address your health and lifestyle, which would positively impact on your cholesterol levels and hopefully control them I would presume - yet are still thinking about it 3 years later. I would think that maybe you might not that easily forget it.

I think, if it were me (and I can only give my perspective on this) I would want to know the state of cholesterol now. Hearing about the 'extremely high' reading would also stick in my mind. At the least I'd like to find out if my new lifestyle was having a positive impact. At 26 you can have high readings if you have the associated risk factors, with genetics being one of them as you said, so I think to say only testing over 40 seems a bit strange (but then what do I know LOL ?!)

I am presuming you mentioned to the doctor that you had a previous 'extremely high' reading ? If so, did they then refuse another test ?
If they did refuse, and I hesitate to say this for those who have HA, you can buy a home cholesterol test from major pharmascists. I don't know how accurate or good they are, but it is an option if you can't get the GP to do one. I think as you've already not taken statins, and if you did find out that cholesterol was still high, then at the least you could garner advice on other changes you could make to have an impact on cholesterol levels. You are young still, with all of life ahead, and it would be nice to know if there is anything else you can do to make yourself even healthier? You never know you might found out there is no problem at all anyway. :)

Maybe someone with more cholesterol knowledge will be along shortly with a more personal experience.

07-05-18, 13:55
Hi IWorry I too take statins and beta blockers have done over 5 years now as I had a stent fitted I have had no adverse effects on either meds so don't believe everything you read :) And yeah by just changing your lifestyle can make a huge difference in your cholesterol levels too ;) HTH ATB

07-05-18, 14:25
I take statins too. I have heart disease. At the moment my cholesterol is 5.1. I don't know what the level would be if I was not on the statins. I try to eat healthy too.
My bypass operation was 2001. Am on blood thinners too. Have had both of these medications since 1998. Also meds for HA.
IWorry you seem to be very young to take statins.
I have muscle pain with statins, but I put up with taking them.
I would recommend exercise. and healthy eating. No smoking.
I have smoked on and off, but not now, at all. alcohol is a no no for me
It all depends on the individual. A chap down the road had his operation the same time as me. He has never smoked.
All the best anyway.