View Full Version : My Fear of Getting Cellulitis Again Is Back

07-05-18, 02:03
Hi , all I was doing so well until today, The skin on the back of my knee split a bit, I usually get this sometimes in folds of skin due to sweat, I do shower every other day or try to, well when I was washing behind my knee I felt a sting and was like what the heck, I finish, get out pat dry and go have a look, split skin, I quickly put Neosporin on it and I keep checking and feeling for oozing liquid, now I am in a panic thinking I am going to get cellulitis again or some infection, I have washed it with soap and water four times, can't put bandaid on as it won't stay.

07-05-18, 02:24
I think rationally you know that skin splits all the time in millions of people every day and they don't get cellulitis. And how the human body, and it's immune system, copes with healing itself and fighting off infections we never even know about.

It's about your recent scare. A trigger. You can rationalise it but try your best not to react to it with fear as it will only keep the cycle going. Try to not let it stop you, go through your day as normal, try to do healthy stuff like exercise or activities you normally enjoy (they may not be as enjoyable but a distraction at least), no Googling and searching out scary stuff, etc.

07-05-18, 07:14
Thank you responding, I need to leave it alone and realize cuts scrapes and such will ooze a bit of fluid as its forming a natural bandage (scab or trying to heal), I'll try to do what you suggested

---------- Post added at 23:14 ---------- Previous post was at 19:49 ----------

Well my anxiety got the better of me and I broke down crying and set off my PTSD.

08-05-18, 20:35
I went and had my leg checked out, Dr have me some ointment and said to keep eye out for infection, was told it I was getting cellulitis again I would have already been having symptoms like the next day. So am feeling much better now

09-05-18, 02:08
Glad to hear you are feeling better.

Don't kick yourself about breaking down over it, it's hard to deal with triggering situations until you find your way in recovery. It's a learning experience, more evidence things aren't always as bad as anxiety likes to portray them.

09-05-18, 05:15
Thank yoy, Terry am actually having a good day.