View Full Version : Scared I will get thyroid cancer because of throat x ray as a child...

07-05-18, 18:29
Anyone else have an under active thyroid? I have been on thyroxine for it for many years and it has never been an issue until I had a recent panic about the number of x rays I’ve had in my lifetime. One thought led to another and now I’m really concerned that the throat x ray I had as a child (probably 45 years ago) has caused damage to my thyroid and hence it is now under active. I am really scared this might lead to thyroid cancer. What makes me worse is that I had x rays at the dentist last week (last ones there were 5 years ago) and now I’m beating myself up about having them and that I should have said no as it’s more radiation in an area close to the thyroid - had a mammogram last year too! Feel I have given myself a death sentence and can’t let it go. Apparently children are more sensitive to radiation and the thyroid is a sensitive gland too! Past x rays include chest x Ray, kidney x Ray, barium meal, 2 mammograms and previous regular dental x rays spread out over my life, I’m now 55. Never had any CT scans though.

07-05-18, 18:34
I had a number of xrats dental over the years, some were needed to check if I had decay, and some were for removeable braces but metal plates things were place in my mouth to take the xrays,
I do get check for thyroid problems because of me having nf either by my urine or bloods no idea I don't ask as I have bad health anxiety

07-05-18, 19:25
How is the therapy going, Jane?

07-05-18, 20:37
Hi Pulisa, only had an assessment session so far last week, next session on Friday. Hope she can start to help me! Quite upset that despite 8 months with the NHS psychological services I’m still having to go back privately but she did say that sometimes it can take a few attempts to crack HA. Am trying to use techniques previously given me but sometimes it sooooo hard to cope and it gets the better of me, that’s when I post on here. Xx