View Full Version : Can anxiety cause fatigue?

07-05-18, 18:49
I'm so extremely tired.
I don't normally nap during the day and I used to be a night owl but I am so tired. I realise looking after a 2 year old is tiring... but can anxiety cause this much fatigue?

Feel like I could sleep all day.

07-05-18, 18:50
oh yes, it sure can. ive been exhausted for weeks now. just last week I went to the gym and could barely last on the treadmill for 20 minutes at a slow pace, yet the day before I was going at a fast pace just fine lol.

07-05-18, 19:47
Sure Can! (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/articles/symptoms#Chronic_Fatigue)

Positive thoughts

07-05-18, 19:53
And tired feeling muscles too?

07-05-18, 19:57
I've been wondering this too! I feel so tired all the time. I even get out of breath doing things I used to do without getting out of breath. I agree taking care of a toddler is exhausting, I have a 5 year old, but I feel more tired than usual a well!

07-05-18, 20:03
On yes it can!

07-05-18, 20:14
I wish it would be away :(
It's really hard to believe it's just anxiety.

07-05-18, 20:24
I'm not a sufferer but when my wife was in the hospital for two months, I can tell you first hand I had a laundry list of stress related symptoms. Twitches, loss of appetite, insomnia, fatigue, brain fog etc. It's amazing what it can do to you! Don't underestimate it!

Positive thoughts

07-05-18, 21:31
Thanks for your reply.
I can't seem to kick this anxiety in the butt this time.
It doesn't help I don't have the energy.
I feel so goddam depressed :(

07-05-18, 21:35
Yes, absolutely. When my anxiety gets bad I honestly think I have chronic fatigue syndrome because of how tired I am. I'm not talking just sleepy or a bit lethargic, I'm talking about complete and utter mental and physical exhaustion day in, day out. Aching muscles, foggy head, no energy, even a small movement can feel like the most massive effort, I honestly feel that i could just lie in bed for weeks. When my anxiety is under control, the symptoms of fatigue slowly but surely ease off. I know it seems hard to believe that anxiety can make you feel like you have the flu, but it honestly can.

07-05-18, 23:09
I'd sleep for at least 12 hours a night during my lowest points, it can absolutely wear you out.

08-05-18, 02:18
I'd sleep for at least 12 hours a night during my lowest points, it can absolutely wear you out.

I remember that phase too. I had days where I would sleep 16 hours and get up still wanting to go back to bed.

What I have found now is that it's better to get up in the sunlight as it seems to wake me up more. And I know from reading about sleep cycles how sunlight impacts on chemicals that wake you up out of mugginess.

Can anxiety make you tired? Absolutely. I used to walk miles daily and some days I would be walking back and just want to lie down on the pavement in the rain as I felt so tired. Earlier on at the worst of it it felt to tiring just to stand up or even sit up as opposed to lie down.

Look at depression, it's common to hear a sufferer spends weeks in bed.

Anxiety means we burn through our nutrients quicker as we are in fight or flight for too long which is a preparation to the body hence working harder. So, we can help ourselves by ensuring we have good nutrition and we may suffer vitamin/mineral deficits because those RDA's just don't count for us in my opinion.

08-05-18, 08:05
Thanks everyone for replying.
Just so scared I have M.E. because all this tiredness first started after a virus I got.
But then it's hard to tell because obviously my anxiety is bad and the more depressed I feel the more tired I feel...
How long did everyone feel exhausted for?
Any tips to feel better?

08-05-18, 11:54
Lasted months for me. I honestly really thought I had ME and was terrified, but I didn't.