View Full Version : Hi to all.

07-05-18, 22:47
I am new and just wanted to give the obligatory hello.
Like most of us I could write a book about this damn problem. but I'll just give the cliff notes.
55 and I think I've had anxiety/panic all my life. First obvious was at 19. Back then they really had no idea about Panic attacks. Lost everything.
Well fast forward today, I seem to be in a bad way. Panic/depression seem to completely control me. I have tried everything over the years and have zero support or understanding for those around me. Hell I don't except it from me either.
Just one thing I'd like to add is it seems I don't panic like I use to. No heart racing, fight or flight, the classical stuff. Now I just get extremely helpless, so hard to explain but like a child alone. Horrible fear, as if I need someone to save me but no one can help. Wish I could better explain. Usually in the morning straight from a dream.
Like I said I could write a book, so I'll just stop now. Hope to find a spark of hope here because I am out of ideas. I'd like the last years of my life to be decent.

07-05-18, 22:53
Hiya Enough! and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

07-05-18, 23:12
Hi there,

I'm currently feeling really anxious. Don't want to go to bed :( as that's where all my problems are. Hope you're well :)

10-05-18, 15:19
hi! Welcome to the forum

12-05-18, 11:21
Hey and welcome! I'm new too!