View Full Version : Stomach cramps and ovarian cancer fears

08-05-18, 00:58
I was traveling outside the country at the end of April. On the way home last weekend I started getting strong stomach cramps ... not in my abdomen but in my stomach, right under my ribs. The cramps have continued since then. They come intermittently and they're STRONG ... they almost make me double over. Going on my second week with this. I don't feel sick or nauseous, just these strong, random stomach cramps. I'm terrified I have ovarian cancer. I have a friend with it and stomach discomfort was her only symptom.

I'm starting to seriously panic. I've never had anything like this before and the longer it lasts, the more terrified I get.

14-05-18, 04:26
I’m an OC survivor of 18 years and my pain was MUCH lower (adjacent to pelvic bone) and lasted less 2 days before I was nearly passing out and in the ER. There was nothing intermittent or random about it, it was constant.