View Full Version : Numb Chin - not cancer???

08-05-18, 03:41
Hi everyone,
I joined this site to discuss numb chin & to hopefully bring some personal stories to light (not only to ease my own fears, but for others in my shoes who are frantically searching the Internet for positive stories). Everything on the internet points to aggressive terminal cancer. I did find one lady who has had it off an on for years with no explanation - so there's hope! Let's find more. Apparently dental problems or neurological problems can also cause this condition.

Here are my questions to those who have experience numb chin:

1) Did youever find the reason for your numb chin. If so, what?
2) How long did it take for you to get a diagnoses?
3) What tests were done?
4) Did the numbness/tingling come & go or was it constant?
5) How long have you had this condition?

If there is anything else you feel should be included, please share!
Thank you!

08-05-18, 09:24
This sounds like something circulatory or autoimmune, not cancer. What did your Dr say?

08-05-18, 22:36
It can happen when cancer metastasizes and spreads to the mandible bones. There are other reasons, too, and my doctors still can't figure it out.

Do you (or does anyone here) know if a blood test can come back normal even if there's cancer in the body?

My blood work, MRI, and dental x-rays all came back normal.