View Full Version : Muscle Weakness

08-05-18, 05:56
I’ve been having a really strange sensation in my left arm over the last few weeks. It is my strongest arm, yet gets period of feeling very fatigued, sore and weakened.

The feeling tends to come and go throughout the day, everyday and I find it feels slightly worse in the morning (although i don’t sleep on it)

Other symptoms i’ve had are neck tension and headaches (particularly on left side, although headaches also on the right) while my legs feel stiff for no particular reason.

I had a panic attack three months ago, which caused my arm to feel extremely tight, but nothing else apart from that. Didn’t feel the effect of it after a few days, then the weakness returned around a month later.

Anyone have any ideas on this one?

08-05-18, 20:55
I have the same issue. Muscle pain is so popular with anxiety, what helps me is massages with hot baths.

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09-05-18, 13:19
I have the same issue. Muscle pain is so popular with anxiety, what helps me is massages with hot baths.

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Thank you Mahran.

I've been having a really hard time with my anxieties over the past two months as I can't shake the feeling that this is something worse, for example convincing myself I've got brain tumour. I think what makes it worse is that I've only had an eye test and blood test (which came back clear), rather than a CT Scan or MRI.

Deep down I'm aware that this is almost certainly stress+anxiety-related and find it stupid that I can't shake the feeling that it's BT.

The combination of headaches, neck pain and left arm weakness has made my anxieties soar that this *could* be something such as a tumor.

The headaches have been everyday (off and on) for two months. They change in nature and position (for example, sometimes at the forehead, sometimes across the top and more recently under the eyes/behind the cheek) They can be dull ache or more of a sharp sting. It's only reached bad severity once or twice during that time.

The muscle weakness doesn't stop me from doing anything, except it feels tired when carrying stuff like a small tray of takeout coffee, for example. It just feels very fatigued and aching at times.

I've had groin/testicle pains in the past which the doctors were confident it wasn't anything serious, but had no specific diagnosis. That has made me worried that it's something serious that has spread.

As I said, it's so frustrating because there are period in days where i feel extremely down and have that feeling of impending doom. Just want to get this over and done with! :weep:

09-05-18, 13:30
Migraines maybe?

09-05-18, 13:39
Migraines maybe?

Never had headaches in the past until this round started (hardly ever when hungover, even)

Could anxiety trigger a bout of migranes starting for the first time?

They're hardly ever severe, mostly mild and come in short bursts each time rather than being constant for a period of time.

Of course something like this is more logical explanation, but so tough to get that inch of doubt out of my mind :weep:

09-05-18, 13:55
People tend to think of migraines as being really painful headaches, having to lay down in a darkened room etc. Some are but there are many different symptoms, neck pain being one of them. I sometimes have left arm and leg weakness with mine as part of the aura.
But also the symptoms you are having can all be caused by anxiety too :)

09-05-18, 17:06
People tend to think of migraines as being really painful headaches, having to lay down in a darkened room etc. Some are but there are many different symptoms, neck pain being one of them. I sometimes have left arm and leg weakness with mine as part of the aura.
But also the symptoms you are having can all be caused by anxiety too :)

Thank you for your time! I've decided to try Syndol to see how they work. Have another GP appointment next week so will see what they say then! Need to think more positive!!

09-05-18, 17:39
Positive thinking is good :).

10-05-18, 17:33
Thank you Mahran.

I've been having a really hard time with my anxieties over the past two months as I can't shake the feeling that this is something worse, for example convincing myself I've got brain tumour. I think what makes it worse is that I've only had an eye test and blood test (which came back clear), rather than a CT Scan or MRI.

Deep down I'm aware that this is almost certainly stress+anxiety-related and find it stupid that I can't shake the feeling that it's BT.

The combination of headaches, neck pain and left arm weakness has made my anxieties soar that this *could* be something such as a tumor.

The headaches have been everyday (off and on) for two months. They change in nature and position (for example, sometimes at the forehead, sometimes across the top and more recently under the eyes/behind the cheek) They can be dull ache or more of a sharp sting. It's only reached bad severity once or twice during that time.

The muscle weakness doesn't stop me from doing anything, except it feels tired when carrying stuff like a small tray of takeout coffee, for example. It just feels very fatigued and aching at times.

I've had groin/testicle pains in the past which the doctors were confident it wasn't anything serious, but had no specific diagnosis. That has made me worried that it's something serious that has spread.

As I said, it's so frustrating because there are period in days where i feel extremely down and have that feeling of impending doom. Just want to get this over and done with! :weep:

Just as I was starting to feel better, I've have now developed a sore, tight ache in my left thigh for the last two days, which worries me as it's the same side as the arm. I hadn't done any physical activity to trigger it, but a jog made the pain sharper before it cooled down again.

My leg feels as if it gets pins and needles easier than usual as well (just by sitting down for example) and feels fatigued.

Of course the pain happening on one side worries me again about BT, and also concerned about DVT/blood clot even though there is no swelling or redness.

I'm currently away on holiday and this is really spoiling my time here :shrug: :emot-crying:

10-05-18, 18:13
If you've been suffering with anxiety lately, your muscles are likely 'working' even if you're perfectly still. They'll be tense under anxiety, and maybe you move them through irritability without noticing.

Aches and pain through anxiety are definitely a problem for me. When I'm starting to wind own from the anxiety, the random aches and pains make it flare up again.