View Full Version : Anxiety caused by feeling "behind" in life?

08-05-18, 10:41
Hey all :)

I've lurked for a while on these forums and have found it very helpful. (I apologise in advance for such a long post!).

To summarise, I had agoraphobia after leaving school due to bullying (age 16) and spent many years hiding away, avoiding social situations, self-harming and having depression/panic attacks. I'm in my late 20's now, and have reached a point where I am able to go out, socialise,etc. and still do suffer from horrid anxiety - but I have learned to manage it thankfully albeit not perfectly yet. I still struggle to hold down a job, but it's getting there!

Since I have spent many years simply trying to deal with the anxiety itself, rather than having a life (e.g. going to university, travelling, holding down a job, buying their own homes, even starting a family), I really feel so so so behind and I am sure that this is something that many others can relate to also.

I see other women who have done all of the things in life that I have dreamed about, such as going to university, getting a good job, etc, and are much younger than me. I know that it is really unhealthy to compare yourself to others, however it is truly difficult! My boyfriend and I moved to London two years ago, and this place has been both hell and helpful for my anxiety. It's allowed for me to face my anxiety head-on, but has also exposed me a much higher amount of successful people who have done everything that I wanted in life. I also hate that I cannot contribute as much as I'd like to towards our relationship... I imagine how much nicer our life would be if I was like a normal woman my age, who'd worked/studied, can pay towards living costs, and it leaves me feeling completely deflated.

There's also so many things in life that others know and that I do not (the type of things that you learn through life experiences). It's hugely embarrassing to talk with other people about certain things, that anybody should know, and I have no clue what they're talking about! Also, when people ask me what I do in life, I often have to lie or build on the truth a bit, because it just opens up a whole can of worms.

Another factor, is that as a kid/teen, I was a high achiever with good grades, was super creative/social and was always told "you'll do great in life kid" by some family members. It makes me cry just thinking about it, to be honest.

I know that the obvious answer is to not compare yourself to others or dwell on the past, and I'm trying not to do this! I am studying part-time to get back in to education, so I'm being productive about it and all, but when I think about "what could have been" if I didn't have the anxiety, I become so depressed that it honestly makes me want to do absolutely nothing. I feel ashamed, embarrassed, and almost as though I don't want to exist because I feel so inadequate.

I wondered how others dealt with these feelings and how you learned to brush them off? What methods do you use? I want to keep going forward and to get on track, so any advice would be hugely appreciated :) thanks.

10-05-18, 01:10
Yes, definitely. Maybe not about the same exact things as you (I have a job, but no boyfriend, etc,) but I definitely fixate a lot on feeling "behind" my peers. A lot of it was caused because of social anxiety or just general anxiety keeping me from pursuing opportunties. It has intensified lately since my birthday is coming up and I'm almost 30, and feel like I'm not where I should be at this age. I always think about alternate paths my life should have taken, and like you I was an overachiever as a kid but now don't achieve much of anything. I think you're taking a great step studying part time! I don't know how to brush this off but I hope we can figure it out.