View Full Version : I'm meant to be going on holiday but can't face the drive.

08-05-18, 11:53
For over a year now I've had anxiety and panic attacks when driving, I'm meant to be going on holiday next Monday with some friends but I haven't gone more than 10 minutes from my house since Christmas and I'm so scared that I'll panic on the journey and just want to come home.
I've had hypnotherapy from July last year to Christmas and now I'm having yoga therapy mixed with CBT. I've have been practing breathing and mindfulness but when I get in the car to go anywhere my head starts going and then it carries on into a panic attack. I just really feel like I'm letting my friends down and myself and I'm working myself up more about the holiday.
Is there any tips anyone has to help me with the car journey please?
I'm also worried about being away from home when I'm there but I'm hoping this goes away when I get there. At the minute the journey and the fear of panicking is making me now want to go.

10-05-18, 09:23
Sorry to hear this. What is it about driving you dislike? Is it possibly related to fear or crashing, or based on a traumatic event on the roads?

Perhaps changing your environment in small doses will help to reduce the anxiety down. Eg. could you be/ would you feel more comfortable as a passenger?

Maybe you could also do a couple more toilet stops/food and drink breaks on the way to your holiday. Is that a possibility? That way you are spending less time worrying in the car, and more downtime to chill out a bit more in between your trip.

As they say, when we let anxiety get in the way of the things we want to do or have planned, that's when it becomes a problem for us. If there's a way you can change the way you do your journey, maybe that will help a little.

Also, staying hydrated by drinking water, and lower caffeine intake weeks/days before your holiday may help it to be reduced slightly.