View Full Version : Argh pill worries

19-07-07, 21:45
Okay erm when you're on the pill [microgynon 30 to be exact] does your period come on the exact same day each month? Because the first 2 months it came on the Thursday after starting my weeks break on Monday.
But it hasn't come yet today, this month and I'm worried.
I took it every day at the right time apart from once when it was 2 hours late and I did go on my holidays to Spain where the the timezone is one hour ahead but I just took my pill at 10.20pm spanish time which would be 9.20pm enlgish time right? Im pretty sure that meant I'm still protected, so I'm not worried about pregnancy really. Well maybe a little bit.
It sort of feels like it's about to happen, like you know that draggy kind of feeling you get? But I've had hardly any PMS this month so maybe it just means my body's got used to the hormones and it's going to be a super light/short period?
Someone please put my mind at rest. :(

19-07-07, 21:55
It could be your body getting used to it until it settles down completely and becomes very regular.

Is there a chance you could be pregnant - i.e. you had an upset stomach at all so the effects of the pill were reduced?

It is very unlikely so try not to worry ok and I am sure things will happen in the next day or so.

19-07-07, 21:59
Nope I'm pretty sure I didn't, I had a slight tummy ache but it wasn't really an upset tummy, (that would be actual diarrohea wouldnt it?) at the start of my holiday but you only need to use additonal contraception for the next 7 days and my holiday was 10 days long so, all should be okay.

Oh god I hope it comes tonight or tomorrow :X

P.S. btw I am DEFINITELY using condoms all the damn time after this month.

19-07-07, 22:10
Yes I did mean that did you have diarrohea so if you didn't you will be fine.

If it helps I am on the mini pill and my periods stopped for about 4 months. I went to doc and he said "it was normal and happens".

Sure enough it all started again and back to normal.

How old are you may I ask?

19-07-07, 22:14
I'm 16, almost 17. I know I should use condoms as well if I'm going to worry this much and I always swore I would but sometimes passion gets the better of me :X

I just thought, you know a woman can tell she's ovulated because you get a pain and your discharge changes? Well I used to get that every month and I haven't since taking the Pill, and I know I haven't this month definitely so I guess that means no egg right?

19-07-07, 22:18
LOL that is understandable.

I can never tell when I am due on - I get no PMS or anything - I am quite lucky in that respect. All I get is a bit more bloated but I am bloated anyway so hard to notice that as well.

Your periods will be lighter whilst on the pill as well so it has its benefits.

Just be reassured that us women do miss periods sometimes and it doesn't mean anything bad or that we are pregnant at all - just that our bodies are re-adjusting.

I am sure it will all be fine ok so just wait and see what happens and don't worry cos that will make you worse!

19-07-07, 22:23
Okayokay thanks! I am trying to relax and forget about it. I talked to my boyfriend about it and he said he'll come to the doctors with me if I need to go which is sweet of him.

I havent had PMS major this month, I got angry but not as much as normal and my boobs hurt and I'm super bloated lmao But I usually get really sharp pains right before and I havent yet. Something else to worry about!

19-07-07, 22:31
Don't forget that the pill is given to many women to reduce the PMS symptoms and the pain of periods etc so it is natural that you are feeling generally better anyway.

This is a good thing to many and a great side-effect of the pill - contraception and less pain each month.

I wouldn't run to the doc yet ok - give it a few more days and don't worry about it - be reassured that it is normal and can happen ok?

19-07-07, 22:34
Okay I will. :) We weren't going to go until Monday anyway because that would be when I start next month's pack of pills.

19-07-07, 22:55
All he will do is reassure you and offer you a pregnancy test.

So maybe that is what you need to reassure you - good luck!

19-07-07, 23:04

19-07-07, 23:35
I used to have wierd periods on the pill... sometimes I didn't bleed at all, sometimes I didn't bleed until I started back on the pill after the break and sometimes I bled during the break and after it! Argh Nightmare!

It's perfectly normal :) If not blooming annoying :lac:

19-07-07, 23:40
Thanks! I'm starting to calm down now, I am only in my third month I've got to get used to it. I've gone through every possibility that something could have gone wrong somewhere and nothing did. I definitely took all my pills in the right amount of time, I wasn't ill and I didn't take antibiotics. Therefore it's just my body being stupid haha

20-07-07, 19:28
Ah nothing to worry about, it appeared overnight haha

I think the good stuff about the pill [less pms, no pain etc] actually made me paranoid!

20-07-07, 20:15
There you go see - I did think you would lol!

20-07-07, 20:30
Ahaha I'm daft.