View Full Version : Ratcheting and tremors

08-05-18, 15:09
Hi i wonder if anyone here gets tremors? Ive noticed the last two weeks my muscles have been visibly trembling and not only that but when i make slow movements i get this kind of ratcheting , juddering feeling. Its very noticable like my muscles cant move smoothly. I feel it in my legs as i am walking down the stairs, in my elbows and wrists, shoulders and my neck when i look down and even my spine when straightening up. The only thing i can find from all my googling is parkisons and ms! Its really starting to frighten me. Also my muscles seem to get tired very easy too, just after a few minutes of running they start to ache and burn. Anyone out there have these symptoms?

08-05-18, 16:09
id like to hear others views on this too as I get the same thing. I think the thing to look for is consistency. With me its not consistent. I can walk fine in the morning, then in the afternoon I shake like crazy, then in the evening I walk fine.

08-05-18, 21:00
Well mine is all day but its only a recent symptom although my muscles twitch randomly ive had that for years, i also get internal tremors which come and go but this juddering,stuttering feeling of my muscles is quite scary and it is all of my muscles which are affected. My anxiety has been pretty high since i started to suffer from vertigo and a constant feeling of motion 2 years ago and Ever since i seem to get a new symptom every month!

13-05-18, 22:31
Anyone? Having a real bad time at the moment with these constant tremors/ratcheting.

14-05-18, 17:30
I do, I feel them in my arm and my fingers, I'm so scared, I can't sleep, and I have more symptoms I I'm so paranoid I can't even write them

14-05-18, 18:24
I get tremors as a start up on my medication and if I go up a dose.....a side effect. Have you just recently started a new med or changed dosage?

14-05-18, 19:01
I took B12 vitamins, I maybe abused it, but this is it

14-05-18, 20:20
Well even taking too much vitamins and minerals can have an adverse effect, I am not saying this is causing the tremors/ratcheting.

14-05-18, 22:57
Thanks, I'm really anxious,
Hope we're All well,

15-05-18, 11:03
Well i went to the doctors about it and she said she can feel the juddering in my muscles too. Well u can see it really clearly when i move. Shes made a referral to a neurologist and they are checking my bloods too, not sure what they are looking for though. I feel quite weak recently too like when im walking my legs feel as if they are going to give way and i find it hard to walk as if i cant put my feet down but i somehow manage to get to my destination!

14-04-19, 16:53
I have these exact symptoms.. what did you find out?

18-04-19, 11:08
Hi I’m the same at the moment. Been about 5/6 days. I did make a post last night under falling sensation/twitching. But I’m experiencing sounds very similar, did you get any further ? As I see few people have said they have same must be anxiety related ?