View Full Version : How Many Nodes Can You Feel?

08-05-18, 15:10
Lymph nodes are a common concern it seems, and there is any excellent thread right here in the stickies about them, but I have a question:

How many lymph nodes can you feel?

Please do not go looking for them, especially not on my behalf, because I'm sure you'll find them. But if you have been checking for nodes = how many can you feel?

I'll get the ball rolling....

Currently, I can feel about 10 in my neck, all under 1cm and squishy/movable. But I can also feel another 10 in my groin region too.

I'm skinny in both regions, so they're probably easy for me to find, but it sounds like a LOT of nodes to be able to feel to me.

Hopefully this thread will hopefully bring some of my anxiety under control, and also help others in the future. :D

08-05-18, 15:13
I can't feel any, I've never gone looking and won't be doing so, I wouldn't know what I was feeling and if it was a node or not a node to be honest. I certainly couldn't be able to guestimate the size or know if it was right or wrong. I have felt them when I've had a couple up for infection reasons, but then they are painful. Maybe I have felt them and just don't know what they are? - ah who knows?

Why do you think this thread will bring your anxiety under control ? This is an honest question. We all have them all over our bodies, like 600 of them, maybe more or maybe less. So, how is knowing how many people can feel going to help ?

08-05-18, 15:22
I can't feel any, i probably could if i looked but wouldn't know what i was looking for and where.

08-05-18, 15:29
I don't know I can feel a lot bones in my legs and back of neck,

08-05-18, 15:40
I can feel one on the left side of my neck. It moves easy and its kinda squishy. I'm having it scanned in a few weeks as a follow up from January.

08-05-18, 16:20
I have one in my armpit that I can feel and have been able to feel for 5 years now. It was biopsied at one point, as well as imaged out the wazz, and it looked good then.

I get them pop up behind my right ear from time to time. I have one now. It has gone down some, but I can still feel it. I am thinking it will disappear entirely someday.

And, I have some weirdness in my throat right now. When I press on a spot, it is tender like a bruise, and I assume it is lymph nodes, but I don't actually feel the node. Whatever this is, I wish it would go away. I have been doing well at controlling HA lately, but this one is testing my strength!

08-05-18, 16:31
And, I have some weirdness in my throat right now. When I press on a spot, it is tender like a bruise, and I assume it is lymph nodes, but I don't actually feel the node. Whatever this is, I wish it would go away. I have been doing well at controlling HA lately, but this one is testing my strength!

I have that right now, too. Under my chin on the left side. Its been like that for about a month.

08-05-18, 16:39
Respectfully, this is not a good thread and I highly discourage people to poke and prod looking for nodes! This will only feed peoples anxiety :lac:

Positive thoughts

08-05-18, 16:52
Respectfully, this is not a good thread and I highly discourage people to poke and prod looking for nodes! This will only feed peoples anxiety :lac:

Positive thoughts


08-05-18, 17:13
I suspect the OP was hoping that people would come back and say 'I can feel 15 and they are large' or 'I can feel 10 and they are 1 cm and so on.....so they could make a comparison to their own lymph nodes. By doing so they could feel perhaps find some reassurance that they were 'same as other people'. This is a self-selecting group of people on the HA page, who check lymph nodes (that isn't normal in itself and in most case doctors do that when peple visit the surgery) and give the impression that its ok and fine to do so, and secondly no one situation or body is comparable to another at any given time. Also, feeling lymph nodes and noticing their size is somewhat subjective.

I don't think the OP intended for this thread to be a bad idea, but it is as it brings the focus back again to nodes for those who check them all the time. Some people, who have never checked might even start doing so. Don't guys - it will just be another thing to become obsessive about.

08-05-18, 19:44
I suspect the OP was hoping that people would come back and say 'I can feel 15 and they are large' or 'I can feel 10 and they are 1 cm and so on.....so they could make a comparison to their own lymph nodes. By doing so they could feel perhaps find some reassurance that they were 'same as other people'. This is a self-selecting group of people on the HA page, who check lymph nodes (that isn't normal in itself and in most case doctors do that when peple visit the surgery) and give the impression that its ok and fine to do so, and secondly no one situation or body is comparable to another at any given time. Also, feeling lymph nodes and noticing their size is somewhat subjective.

I don't think the OP intended for this thread to be a bad idea, but it is as it brings the focus back again to nodes for those who check them all the time. Some people, who have never checked might even start doing so. Don't guys - it will just be another thing to become obsessive about.

Thank you for understanding Carys :yesyes:

That was exactly what I was hoping, someone would say they could feel various nodes like I can. I'm worried sick right now because I'm finding them everywhere! That and all the physical symptoms I've been mentioning in my thread.

08-05-18, 20:06
"Yeah But" (used in a different context)...

What about someone who never did it, feels something, has no idea what it is and is triggered?! Self examination should not be encouraged :lac:

I can just see the boards exploding with more node posts now :doh:


08-05-18, 20:22
You are welcome throatgoat - but - I still didn't think it was a great idea as it'll set everyone off on lymph nodes......:roflmao:.

Some self examination is good FMP, you know, and awareness, but its taken to excess and obsessively that it becomes a problem.

Sorry you are feeling so rubbish at the moment Throatgoat (that's a strange name, where does that come from?) and hope you get to the bottom of whatever virus or infection is occurring.

08-05-18, 22:00
"Yeah But" (used in a different context)...

What about someone who never did it, feels something, has no idea what it is and is triggered?! Self examination should not be encouraged :lac:

I can just see the boards exploding with more node posts now :doh:

FMPI fully respect that FMP, just going insane with worry right now, feeling them everywhere, plus a whole bunch of symptoms, but then I am checking for them and I'm pretty skinny.

I should have titled the thread: "Have you ever felt multiple nodes before" or something less like a call to action to go checking for them.

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09-05-18, 12:42
ey......Id be more worried youve turned into a different person mid thread :winks:

09-05-18, 12:45
You are welcome throatgoat - but - I still didn't think it was a great idea as it'll set everyone off on lymph nodes......:roflmao:.

Some self examination is good FMP, you know, and awareness, but its taken to excess and obsessively that it becomes a problem.

Sorry you are feeling so rubbish at the moment Throatgoat (that's a strange name, where does that come from?) and hope you get to the bottom of whatever virus or infection is occurring.

Sorry about that! Seeing the doctor today, so hopefully I can get my concerns addressed and put to bed.

This is why I'm worrying and panicking (No more panic, please!)

Current Symptoms
• Still getting dry mouth, but mostly in the morning
• Bad breath that accompanies it
• Feel weak, and sometimes off balance, have had “brain zaps” a couple times too
• Constipation on occasion (Ativan side effect?)
• Urinating more frequently
• Night sweats
• Chills (I measured a temp of 35.5c at one point, again the thermo might not be very good)
• If not the chills, I feel too hot and my forehead tingles
• General feeling of anxiety, Ativan helps but I worry it’s a placebo/covering up my symptoms
• Feeling nodes everywhere
• Convinced my groin area is swollen too, but maybe it isn’t
• Still getting throat clearing problems
• Feels like my body is shutting down
• Moodiness/breaking down into crying
• Worrying about skin indentations
• Some minor weight loss too

I know it’s not strep (tested twice), mono (feels like it could be), or the flu.
I worry I haven’t been checked for my primary concern which is throat/oesophageal cancer. But according to AnxietyCenter.com all of my symptoms could be cause by anxiety, sadly I’m not convinced.

I need help, hopefully I'll get some today. :scared15:

09-05-18, 18:28
In the grand scheme of things it doesn't really matter how many lymph nodes one can feel as there are a lot of factors that need to be considered.

Many of the ones in my jaw and neck are permanently swollen due to either chicken pox as a child that primarily affected my head or from an ulcerative throat infection I had in my teens.

Don't put too much thought into lymph nodes, they're sensitive things and if there was anything seriously wrong you would know about it.

09-05-18, 18:55
In the grand scheme of things it doesn't really matter how many lymph nodes one can feel as there are a lot of factors that need to be considered.

Many of the ones in my jaw and neck are permanently swollen due to either chicken pox as a child that primarily affected my head or from an ulcerative throat infection I had in my teens.

Don't put too much thought into lymph nodes, they're sensitive things and if there was anything seriously wrong you would know about it.

Great point Mindprison, thanks for the comment! I've had 2 behind each of my ears that have been swollen/shotty for literally years and they've not killed me. (They're hard, painless and immovable).

I have an update too... (posted in my throat thread)

My blood has been tested for white/red count, platelets, kidney function, liver function, thyroid, and various other nutrients like b12 and potassium, and all of those are 100% fine. So It seems highly unlikely to be anything serious.

This is on top of knowing I haven't got Flu, Mono, or Strep. So a virus seems like the most likely candidate. Plus anxiety of course.

I now also have a referral to see a neurologist and an ENT, so hopefully those appointments go well, and I can finally put this horrible episode behind me. :D

09-05-18, 19:01
That's good news!

If it helps put things in perspective, my health anxiety started a year ago because of one swollen lymph node. It turned out it was from a virus that didn't even cause me any symotoms

09-05-18, 19:44
That's good news!

If it helps put things in perspective, my health anxiety started a year ago because of one swollen lymph node. It turned out it was from a virus that didn't even cause me any symotoms

Sure is! Hopefully they don't find anything sinister during those tests. I'm telling myself they won't... :yesyes:

Viruses suck! They still seem to think that is my cause, but I would've though a blood test would have shown something viral? Maybe not... I've had doctors check most of my nodes and they seem entirely unperturbed by them. I think they're swollen, but the doctors say they're not kinda thing. Just worrying that I can find lots of the little buggers. (All squishy, movable etc.)

My two biggest concerns - other than that - are the night sweats and chills/low body temp, but that could just be my body fighting of the virus I guess. Apparently anxiety can cause that too! Insane how symptoms I've been getting though, and they seem change by the week. :scared15: