View Full Version : Palpitations

08-05-18, 15:13
I have not posted on here for about 6 years, I have had good control over my health anxiety, until now. I really would like some support or answers. 6 days ago on a night time I randomly got fluttery chest and felt panicked my heart skips a beat and I feel like I'm shaking inside, the same happened the next night. I rang my doctors who took bloods and done an ecg all is fine, however last night this started again, also with stabbing headache, it woke me up at 5am. I've been back to my doctors who's checked me over, all is fine but has requested in the next week I have a heart monitor for 24 hours. I'm in such a panic now, I didn't think I had anything to be anxious or worried over and now it's consuming me. I keep thinking I've had such a good run and happy times lately that now this is here to spoil it. I'm so aware of my heartbeat and it's scaring me, then it just misses a beat. Sorry for the long post I jut know how helpful this site can be. I'm 34, casual smoker and tee total, I've cut out all caffeine the last few days. Tia xxx