View Full Version : Oral Cancer/Mouth Cancer fears? Read this

08-05-18, 19:34
I've seen a lot of people talking about this fear recently- from first hand experience from watching my sister deal with a unknown illness for years.

I won't go into exactly details because people will just look for it but when my sister was 18 our dentist noticed a change in her mouth right away. She sent the next five year's going in and out of Doctors because they didn't know what it was, cancer or another serious illness but the point is. She's fine now. Perfectly healthy again. The important thing to remeneber is when I was younger I had the fear of getting the same thing but our dentist told me. That he works out as a professor of dentistry and a office dentist. That he has been working in the field for over 35 years! So imaged how many people he would see. He said that my sister was the first and only person he ever saw with it. Like he had learned about it in college but there had only been a handful of cases ever record.

I guess my main point is, even if you're worried about something. Your dentist will spot it right away. Of course! Get it checked out if you're worried but take their word for it. They know what their talking about. Like my sister hadn't even noticed it at the time being the very careful person she is.

08-05-18, 20:11
Louise thank you so much for sharing this. I live in constant fear of this disease and this is incredibly reassuring.