View Full Version : The last hopefully of a long list of symptoms! Please help

08-05-18, 23:06
So here's the list of symptoms:

I've been having a lot of headache/pressure/tension. Like it isn't really all bad all the time but I've had it everyday for the past week and abit. It just moments of deep intense pressure and of course the more I worry about the worse it is! I also have a lot of pressure at the temple/between the temples like someone is grabbing my head and squeezing as hard as possible. I also get that same feeling behind both of ear and just above them a lot. It gets worse whenever I lean my head over my laptop or phone. I also get a lot of pressure along my teeth, behind the eyes and nose. I also find both of my temples get sudden sharp pains and are tender to touch. I've also been getting some funny pins and needles in my hands and feet as well as some weakness in my arms from time to time. Sometimes I find it hard to memory stuff. Like a read a post earlier about someone saying something about someone having been told they had like sinus issues but instead it turned out to be a far along cancer and it's freaked me of course. So here I'm worried about brain cancer/tumor or sinus cancer.

Of course, I have the fear like a lot of people. Lumps on my neck, collarbone. Or pain in the same area of my arm/shoulder/leg Etc for long periods of time, Thinking I have blood cancer or lymphoma or some type of tumor on the bone.

I was at the dentist back in like October and haven't been since so I had a x-ray. I noticed that when I open and close my mouth (so basically move my jaw the area of the jaw that up by the ear) my right side seems to have these like it hard to say just right what it is but like lump that move with it and kinda like "clicks" without making a click sound. My right ear been feeling kinda blocked and that whole area been a little swore and stiff since. I feel like I get pain as well from all along my jaw down to my chin both sides. There's like a pain along that whole area there now and it's tender to touch? So of course worried about tumors and all that tasty stuff.

I also try not looking into my mouth as to not start any fears with that whole place! I'm hoping it's just from my over-thinking it! Like you know when you become aware of something and you can't stop thinking about it or at it?

Basically I'm sick of seeing the doctor and I was there just about a week and half gone with worries over my collarbone before all this stuff started! I've had a total blood count in February and a lot of other tests (none on my head or head) but surely something would have shown up at this stage? Like I can't go crying to do my doctor about every little thing. I need to be a big girl now. I only have a part time job and I've spent all my money all medical stuff!

Thank you for reading!

P.s Even though I've got the all clear on my heart, it still feels all strange and funny whenever I try to sleep and that really puts me off the idea of sleeping.

09-05-18, 04:42
First-the headaches are probably from stress. The teeth and pain near your ears is most likely from stress-jaw clinching and grinding. I have both of those symptoms as well.

I have pain behind my eyes now and then sigh sinus pressure at the top sides of the bridge of my nose (inner eye corners) and under my eyes. I have bad allergies and live near tons of oak trees.

I worry about everything as well. It’s not been long that I’ve had these worries. I’m new to this for sure. Tingling is a physical anxiety symptom also. I remember the first time my left side of my face felt sort of numb. I thought I was having a stroke. It was anxiety! As soon as I stopped fixating on it, it went away.

I also had a physical in January-all great labs. I had them repeated in March when I feared heart issues, all great again. EKG, Echo, and Holter Monitor were all great as well.

We all have to give our body credit, it will tell us when we need to seek help. Do your once a month self exams and get what needs to be checked out, checked for sure, otherwise live life! I’m learning this too. It’s easier said than actually done. I know friend.

10-05-18, 19:30
First-the headaches are probably from stress. The teeth and pain near your ears is most likely from stress-jaw clinching and grinding. I have both of those symptoms as well.

I have pain behind my eyes now and then sigh sinus pressure at the top sides of the bridge of my nose (inner eye corners) and under my eyes. I have bad allergies and live near tons of oak trees.

I worry about everything as well. It’s not been long that I’ve had these worries. I’m new to this for sure. Tingling is a physical anxiety symptom also. I remember the first time my left side of my face felt sort of numb. I thought I was having a stroke. It was anxiety! As soon as I stopped fixating on it, it went away.

I also had a physical in January-all great labs. I had them repeated in March when I feared heart issues, all great again. EKG, Echo, and Holter Monitor were all great as well.

We all have to give our body credit, it will tell us when we need to seek help. Do your once a month self exams and get what needs to be checked out, checked for sure, otherwise live life! I’m learning this too. It’s easier said than actually done. I know friend.

Thank you so much for taking the time to reply! It means the world. You're right about a lot of thing's. Like I think that I've had issues going on for so long that hopefully they have noticed something at this stage! Like whenever I'm over one issue another seems to pop up! Like this all started last July and I thought I had like a brain tumor or sinus cancer but it turned out to be a mixture of small thing's (including anxiety of course). I moved away from all those worries and onto other ones! I seem to be back at those issues again! You're right. We've got to put some faith into our bodies! I send you many well wishes into your own difficults and happiness in life :hugs:

11-05-18, 18:09
I have had a lot of headaches/pressure, and pressure/pain that seems to go from my temples to neck/jaw and down to my shoulders. I think its all tension related from being so anxious much of the time.