View Full Version : Health Anxiety Stomach Bug

09-05-18, 17:53
For the last 24 hours I have had a stomach bug which has caused me to have bad diarrhoea which is yellow in colour. I suffer with health anxiety and I made the mistake of googling yellow stools and all the links were about liver or pancreatic cancer. I am trying to not go down this rabbit hole and was wondering if this is common with a standard stomach bug.
I’m 37 years old

09-05-18, 18:13
I've had yellow stool so many times, due to either anxiety or stomach bugs/food intolerance. I have had blood work, abdominal ultrasound/abdominal x Ray. No cause was found. It's common with anxiety, as our bowels have a faster Transit time when you're anxious. I would just try and relax, the doctors always told me if it were cancer, you'd have other serious symptoms to accompany your yellow stools.

09-05-18, 18:35
Thanks for the reply , hope it resolves soon

09-05-18, 21:54
It is the norm with a stomach bug.

15-05-18, 17:07
paying £250 to see a private consultant tonight , my wife has hit the roof.
I have convinced myself it is something bad and the anxiety is making it worse..... arghhhh