View Full Version : summer holiday IDEAS please

20-07-07, 12:31
Its my childrens last day at school today, so thought it would be nice to share any entertaining ideas :blush: .

whwen I am having a bad day i cant leave the house , so what can we all do ?

I let them play out side on their scooters.
Ive got them a pool , but need good weather.
Hoping to do some crafts , but my sons not interested.
walking to the local park.
Local Library.
Going to my friends house who has kids.
sending them to my parents for a few weekends.

its tall the arguing i cant stand :weep:

As a family we actually have 2 weekends away.

20-07-07, 13:27

We got an old tractor tyre and filled it with sand for a cheap sand pit.
Making dens with sheets etc inside and outside.
painting on big paper outside
water painting on the walls and fences etc
putting different things in paddling pool, bubbles, food colouring, cooked spaghetti, etc etc.......


20-07-07, 14:00
Hi Mirry, how old are your kids???

20-07-07, 15:17
I let them play out side on their scooters.

Aww that really made me smile, not just cos I remember the simple fun of it when I was little but cos it was something my kids really loved being allowed to do. It's just a lovely part of growing up for every generation isn't it - simple pleasures and all that.

Apart from the ones you've mentioned we used to

1. Collect pine cones (thousands of them) towards the end of the holidays so I don't know when they start falling off.

2. Collect blackberries.

3. Obviously the beach (when I was ok).

4. Making dens in the gardens and I used let all the kids from our road play in our garden.

5. Sleepovers.

6. Cinema.

7. Little evening walks (oh don't I just love my evening walks lol).

8. Little nature trails with each Piglet having their own little backpack for their treasures.

9. Ice skating which I was exceptional at - NOT!!!!

10. A pretend cinema at home with their mates, or without - shutting the curtains and making it all cinema like and charging them for refreshments at half time, well a mothers got make some money somewhere!!!:yesyes:

11. Marking out hopscotch with chalk on the drive.

12. Teaching them how to play two balls against the wall of our house.

Shall I go on .....lol..... now the little gits are all off doin their own thing.

No problem though I shall just dig out a scooter and go and play outside my house myself!!

Love Piglet :flowers:

20-07-07, 22:38
Ok maybe it's just me but I remember when I was young - many MANY moons ago - and basically it was - eat breakfast, go out and play.
come in to eat lunch, go out and play.
called in for dinner and then bath, a little TV, and bedtime.

Why is it that we have to entertain our kids so much anymore or they cry about how bored they are?????????
I don't ever remember being bored and I had 3 TV stations, no handheld games, and 2 Barbie dolls - ok YES I played with Barbies but only as a LAST resort - LOL
Mine are the same way - I sometimes feel like I have to dance a jig just to keep them entertained - I know THAT isn't a pretty picture!!!

20-07-07, 22:47
It would be great if all the kids could ditch their playstations and have a healthier life, getting a lot of exercise and learning about danger by being outside.

I can't say this as a parent cos I'm not, but that is how I'd encourage my children to grow up.

There is so much fun kids can make themselves at little cost. Just looking at Piglet's list backs this up. This also goes for anybody wanting a day out who isn't agoraphobic - a day in the city doesn't have to cost a fortune.

Mirry, will the thought of your kids having a great time encourage you to get out and therefore be able to go to places like the pool.

Try and give it a go!

21-07-07, 11:39
Hi Mirrry

Just an idea but the museum at Pompey is good and its free:yesyes:

Dont know how old your kids are tho!!!

Luv Kaz x x x:hugs:

21-07-07, 14:04
We always loved the model village at Wimborne - my parents even took me and my sister when we were little and on holiday in the area too.:yesyes:

Now cos I am quite tall the whole world is like a model village to me lol!!:lisa:

Love Piglet :flowers:

09-07-08, 09:43
i feel really bad for my kids all six of them when all there friends are going out for the day i cant take them anywhere not even the park so on top of my own anxiety i have guilt as well!!i just want to be better!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cathy V
09-07-08, 11:21
Hi there, i know how hard it can be trying to keep kids entertained all summer, and thats without the anx and PAs! In the past, alot of schools had a playscheme throughout the summer, where the kids can go mornings or afternoons, and do lots of activities. They have mixed ages too. Not sure if they charge anything tho, or if its free. Might be worth checking out the education dept. of the local council, they usually have details of these playshemes etc.

Cathy xxx

Piglet, can i come to your house please :)

09-07-08, 11:59
wot eeyourlover is true i know i used to keep myself entertained me and my brother making dens, playing outside etc but these days kids including mine get bored and 6 weeks is so long for them really. if its nice we go for lots of picnics at the park, its free and we can take our own food, ball, rackets, scooters etc plus they have the swings. if its wet i encourage them to make dens or arts and crafts etc. but i do try to get out even just walking and even if its raining, mayb in town or library, museam etc