View Full Version : Anxiety has been going back and forth- worrying about my hair and my mental health

10-05-18, 08:54
First of all, It's been a while since I last spoke on this forum; I'm a hell of a lot better than I was a year ago, physically and mentally (As far as I know). I'm not quite sure if this is the correct forum to start this thread. It's been difficult trying to get over my fear of schizophrenia, but it comes and goes. I know how my obsessions work and how my behaviors exacerbate them. It's difficult to control at times, but I feel my conscience is strong enough to keep me in a good place. I really appreciate the people here; even though this forum has put me through hell and high water before due to incessant googling, I still have to say that this is such an amiable place, and there are such friendly people frequenting these forums, especially those who study in the psychological fields and take time out of their day to come here and help people with their anxieties. People like MyNameIsTerry and Fishmanpa are really lovable folks, and I can't bring to mind anyone who frequents any forum that's more virtuous than them.

Anyways, back to the point. Some minor fears. This doesn't seem to be a common fear on the forum, as I can imagine there are things more troubling to men on this forum than losing their hair, but as I am a young man, I have some concerns about my hair. I am absolutely obsessed with the recession that's happened to my hairline over the past couple of years, and it's been making my compulsive behaviors go haywire. It started a couple of years ago with my friends pointing out that I was "balding" even though I had fine hair (which I do; I get it from my grandma) Last year, my friend pointed out that my hairline had receded slightly, and since then, I've just been worried to death that I'm going bald. I have a high hairline and I've never grown my hair out to such a length in my life. To top it off, nobody in my family is bald. My dad's going strong in his 40's with minor recession. His dad had some recession throughout his life, but he never went bald, although it's not clear to me as to whether or not I'm following the same pattern, so it has me worried. My grandfather has a bald spot but he's in his early 60's. My family history is so confusing in regards to hair loss, and I'm just worried to death that I've lost the genetic lottery. I'm only 22 and I would look absolutely horrid without my hair. I'm more of a fashionable guy and I'm not into the masculine look at all. I went on a hair loss forum, and those jerks all told me that I was in the early stages of male pattern baldness. I've been thinking about taking propecia, but I'm concerned about any side effects the medication may have; I know that prostate shrinking/hair loss medication is a hell of a lot different from antidepressants, but I did not respond very well to elavil. My mental state was in an absolute catastrophe. It's made me worry about taking any medication since then, and that's partly due to my fears of psychosis/schizophrenia. The most commonly reported side effects are sexual in nature; generally things I wouldn't really mind or care about in particular. However, I've heard stories about propecia/finasteride having significant effects on depression and anxiety, possibly permanent, although I have also heard that such effects could be entirely psychosomatic.

Otherwise, thank you for your time. I really appreciate the helpful people here. If anybody has experience with hair loss medications, I would appreciate your input.