View Full Version : Tired heavy feeling when taking deep breaths?

Anxious Kitty
10-05-18, 16:14
I have no idea how else to describe this symptom. No one seems to know what I'm talking about when I describe it.

So you know when you're sick with a cold or just really tired or maybe just had a long work out or went swimming all day or whatever? And like you take a deep breath and your chest just feels kinda heavy, sore, tired?
Yeah, I'm having that feeling for nearly a week now. Except I'm not sick and haven't done anything physically strenuous.

To be clear, I am having no shortness of breath or any difficulty. I just have this very physically tired and fatigued feeling when I take a deep breath. I can feel it in my back as well, my ribs feel kinda sore as well...

To be honest, this isn't the first time I've had this feeling in the absence of any cold/illness or physical activity. It seems to come on, last a couple weeks, then stop and not come back for a long time. Its just been a while since I've had one of these phases.

I don't know what this is and it's upsetting that no one seems to know what I'm talking about or experience the same thing without being sick with a cold/flu/etc.

I don't know if I should be worried about this considering it's happened several times in the past years and always gets better on its own. I don't know if its just sore muscles or something is up with my lungs. I don't know. I'm fairly young and never smoked or even lived with smokers. I have no breathing issues, I just feel tired and sore when I breath deeply.

Could this just be fatigue? I noticed it started after I shifted my schedule from "night owl" to "early bird" (I'm disabled and don't work so my schedule is erratic at times, changing a lot). It's been a bit of an adjustment and I've been feeling generally tired lately.

If nothing else, I just wanna know someone at least knows what this feeling is that I'm describing.