View Full Version : Reposting about undiagnosed chest pain

10-05-18, 19:05
I tend to ramble so I'll try to summarize as best as I can. I'll start with some info about me. I'm a 29 y/o white male, 204lbs, blood pressure varies 120/70 to hypertension numbers. Though I've only been checked in DRs offices and I'm prone to bad anxiety so I don't know if that's "whitecoat syndrome". Heart rate is usually 50-70. My LDL cholesterol is high for my age. I come from an athletic background and have been back in the gym now days.

Onto the problem. The pain is on the left side of my chest near the sternum around the second or third rib area probably. It's kind of a sharp pain. Not enough to stop me from doing any activities. The pain doesn't increase with work or in the gym. It's not more prevalent after the gym or after an increased workload. It's constant basically throughout the day consistently for the past few months as stated. I mainly notice it when taking a deep breath. More so on exhaling. I don't know if that because I'm at the end range of breathing in. Sometimes when exercising or working I don't even notice it.

I was on board with thinking that it could be intercostal muscles. But recently when I woke up one night to use the restroom I noticed the pain was along with my heartbeat and didn't know what to think of it.

I've had around three ekgs. I had a stress test doing about four years ago due to my Dr thinking he heard a heart murmur. Everything came back normal.

I'm desperate at this point to looking for answers. Let me know if there are any other questions that I may need to address that would help out with possible answers.

Catherine S
10-05-18, 20:18
Hi, I think at least one of the doctors would have sent you for further tests if they suspected anything not right. Sometimes pain is just pain, whether it's muscles or nerves involved. Why do some people get bad headaches while others don't for example?

There is a musco-skeletal condition called costochondritis that can be quite painful and affect the chest wall muscles which lie behind the breast bone and ribs. It can last some months at a time and there is often no reason for it. It's not serious, just painful. Perhaps this might be a consideration for your pain.

Cath ☺