View Full Version : Migraines always around my left eye

10-05-18, 22:10
I'm starting to experience and increase in frequency of migraines or migraine like symptoms - pain around and behind my left eye and temple. Right eye is never affected. I've also got an on/off problem with my jaws where they hurt and ache. Could be related.
I tried not to but I googled and now have a fear of temporal arthritis and brain tumour.
Can anyone help?


10-05-18, 22:51
It's highly doubtful it's a brain tumor or temporal arthritis. It is common that migraines only affect one half of your head/face. Whenever i get one i'm exactly the same as you, it affects the left side and I lose my sight in my left eye (not totally everything becomes a blur) but my right side is always perfect. In relation to the jaw pain, that can also be related to the migrane like you said because although you probably don't realise, because you're in pain you could be clenching your jaw, causing pain.

Although, if the migranes are causing you so much discomfort I reccommend you to go and see your GP. Just to get some help, they can find out the cause and give you the right pain medication etc.

Hope this helps :)