View Full Version : i have started my ebay store =)

20-07-07, 15:01
I was wondering would it be ok to mention it here? This is one of the main two online communities I am part of and it would be cool to let people know, be assured of some support when it gets fully up and running (at the moment I have some trial stock (which people can still buy of course) on there before I put the full range or more of it up)

The plan is to develop it online and through leaflets etc, then soon turn it into a real stall business with friends, travel around to festivals maybe, have a base in one town (we are thinking faversham or canterbury at the moment) so it could be a really cool thing :)

anyway, let me know and if there is a better place to do it I can do that :)


Hoppi! :flowers:

20-07-07, 15:03
I'm sure I read a post just recently were Nic said this was fine but just wait for her to give you the green light hun incase my memory is not all it could be lol!!

What sorta thing will you be selling mate??

Love Piglet :flowers:

20-07-07, 16:05

20-07-07, 16:09
hiya piglet!

well, at the moment I am trialling it with a range of eco gadgets and outdoor things from a uk-based company, which is so i don't have to make any investments for stock etc, and I can test the water so to speak! :)

In the long run, I hopefully will be selling organic hemp clothing and accessories, fair trade clothes and trainers, CND merchandise, poi, candles, hopefully herbs, things like that!

That's why I would love for people to favourite it or subscribe to the newsletter now, so when it grows I will have a cool lil customer base! That would be fantastic :)

20-07-07, 16:13

oh well hurrah! hehe :D

ok! Browsers at the ready! The link iiiis...

The Sombrero Stall
http://i8.ebayimg.com/05/s/000/77/46/2870_11.JPG (http://stores.ebay.co.uk/The-Sombrero-Stall)

yippee! :D

20-07-07, 16:15

This would be a good place to have a stall for your sort of stuff - it's well attended and is 100% eco. http://kingstongreenfair.org.uk/

Kingston isn't too far is it and it is on next May so you have time to organise!

20-07-07, 16:37
I love fair trade clothes mate so I will certainly be taking a look.

Piglet :flowers:

21-07-07, 01:10
heehee yay!

and yeah cool idea clickaway, i'm definitely going to have to look out for things like that if i want to do it as a travelling thing :)

i am struggling a little at the moment with the specifics of e-bay (there are some confusing aspects and quite significant hidden charges and stuff) but i think it will be ok once i find a way to make it work. I'm quite hopeful :)

30-07-07, 16:21
sorry just one lil bump! hehe!

it's going alright actually, 4 sales so far but this is just trial stock as I said, plus I haven't started handing out leaflets or cards yet so that should make a big difference :)

Thank you for showing interest and things :)

31-07-07, 18:13
good luck with it all, I did my own stall and closed it down cos it got too busy for me and I panicked ,lol (cant take responsibilities).

02-08-07, 17:49
aww mirry, that's a shame, if you ever want to work together on anything you are very welcome, i need people. what kind of thing did you sell before?